Romanian version [...]
Facility for micro-nanostructuring of devices and sytems
- Facility for micro-nanostructuring of devices and sytems contain the equipments listed as follows:
- Equipment for: Micro Lithography and custom configurations; Nanolitographiy; Special deposition technique; Physical deposition method (from solid pahse); Dry etching; Chemistry and Mask shop.
- Laser lithography system - DWL 66 fs (Heidelberg Instruments Mikrotechnik, Germany), equipment that use laser direct writing process on resist for geometries transfer form computer to crom masks. The dimentions of masks produced by DWL equipment can be in rage of 4” – 6” and mimim resolution of line is 0,6 microns.
- Electron Beam Lithography and nanoengineering workstation - e_Line-Raith GmbH, Germany; resolution line 10nm;
- Double Side Mask Aligner - MA6/BA6-Suss MicroTec, Germany, resolution line 0.6 microns;
- Electron Beam Evaporation - TEMESCAL FC-2000 (Temescal, USA), metalic thin laers deposition for transfering the mask geometris on substrate followed by lift-off.
- Deep Reactive Ion Etching System (DRIE) , plasma ething equipment for silicon, SiO2, Si3N4.
- Reactive Ion Eatching (RIE), plasma ething equipment for polisilicon, resist.
- Main categories of servicies offered: technological services for micro-nano devices and systems: micro and nano-litography, 3D micro and nano-structuring in semiconductor materials; metalic layers for lift-off; plasma etching; custom masks design and realization.
- Access mode: direct access or access through services for local (Romanian) and foreign users.
- Quality certification of services: starting with June 2011 IMT-MINAFAB infrastructure which include Facility for micro-nanostructuration of devices and sytems is SR EN ISO 9001:2015 certified by TÜV Thüringen e.V. Germany.
- Contact: Dr. Adrian Dinescu, email:; Phone: +40212690770
Generalities [...]
Time reference [...]
About IMT [...]
Mission statement [...]
Details of the types of services provided by the centre [...]
How IMT-MINAFAB is operating? [...]
IMT policy related to MINAFAB [...]
Description of the main equipments [...]
How to access IMT-MINAFAB? [...]
Interested in cooperation with IMT in general? [...]
Generalities. IMT-MINAFAB is an interface created by IMT - Bucharest in order to fully exploit its tangible and intangible assets in micro- and nanotechnologies (clean-room facility, equipments, human resources, partners and clients). The so-called “fabrication centre” is in fact a complex technological platform including also CAD tools, characterization equipments, a mask shop, a reliability lab. The fabrication itself, whenever necessary, is accompanied by specific testing and design, as shown in the following examples:
(i) the COVENTOR software package for modeling and simulation of microsystems provides design verification, as well as the direct input data for mask fabrication;
(ii) the on-wafer RF testing allows immediate testing of experimental RF components;
(iii) the nano-plotter and microarray scanner (NanoBioLab, in a clean room area) allows on-chip controlled deposition of biological molecules etc.
Time reference. The present clean-room environment (including class 1000 spaces) is operational since September 2008. Most of the equipments in this area are new. The facility was publicly launched on 9th of April 2009. Another clean room (basically devoted to CVD of thin layers and thermal processes) is expected to be completed in 2009.
About IMT. The full name of IMT is the National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (, a unit supervised by the National Authority for Scientific Research (Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, Romania).
The main competences of IMT are in micro-nanosystems and nanobiotechnology. An interdisciplinary group of laboratories and their top-level equipments, is called “Centre of Nanotechnologies”, and works under the aegis of the Romanian Academy (of Sciences). Another pair of labs - specialized in microwave and photonics - is grouped as theMIMOMEMS proposal achieved financing by the EC through the REGPOT programme (2008-2011). IMT led and partnered in more than 20 European projects since 2003 (FP6 and FP7 calls).
The role of IMT's R&D laboratories in MINAFAB is twofold. First, they operate the characterization and design tools, and secondly, they provide multivalent research expertise, from quantum dots to microarrays and from novel CNT applications to micro- and nanofluidics.
Mission statement.
The micro- and nanofabrication centre from IMT-Bucharest will provide a platform of interaction devoted to multidisciplinary research and education-by-research, as well as to innovation and knowledge transfer to industry. As far as innovation is concerned, IMT-MINAFAB allows development of experimental models and prototypes, but also can support small scale production.
Although at the moment all resources are provided by IMT, MINAFAB plans to become a platform for sharing resources with partners, as well as the central place of a national network for knowledge and technology transfer in micro- and nanotechnologies.