Title: Secured high volume free space optical communications based on computer generated holograms.
Autoritatea contractanta: Unitatea Executiva pentru Finantarea Invatamantului Superior a Cercetarii Dezvoltarii si Inovarii - UEFISCDI
Contract No: 203 din 20/07/2012; (PN-II-PT-PCCA-2011-3.2-0862)
This project aims to validate a novel concept into a potential free space optical communication (FSOC) technology that allows to dramatically increase the volume of the transmitted information over a free space link by modulating a particular class of laser beam configurations called optical vortices (OV).
These appear as a result of reshaping a laser Gaussian beam by a computer generated hologram and they carry orbital angular momentum an additional photon's degree of freedom used for data encoding. Besides the high volume of information, this concept provides an intrinsic secure character of the free space optical link without relying to the mathematical encryption of data.
For accomplishing this goal a consortium formed by National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (coordinator), SC Optoelectronica SA and Politehnica University Bucharest will build and test a functional model of an optical vortices FSOC system, addressing the specific topics realated to its realization: design and fabrication of efficient computer generated holograms, innovative optical design and high performance electronic modules.
The possible use of this potential FSOC technology are in terrestrial and space applications requiring high volume data transmissions.
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