SCIENTIFIC EVENTS organized by IMT Bucharest
- VISITS (visits of foreign officials, visit of Romanian officials, visits of companies, Project meetings)
- PRESS (articles in magazines, presentation movies)
Future Events
International Conference „50 Years of Scientific Research & Applications on Nanotechnologies”, May 27th, 2024, “I. H. Rădulescu” Hall, Library of Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.
Event description and Program |
CAS 2024, 47th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 09 - 11 October 2024, Sinaia, Romania. |
Past Events
MMS 2023, the 26th World Micromachine Summit 2023, May 22- 24, 2023, Bucharest, Romania |
CAS2023, 46th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 11 - 13 October 2023, Sinaia, Romania. |
CAS2022, 45th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 12 - 14 October 2022, Poiana Brasov, Romania. |
13th International Conference on Physics of Advanced Materials (ICPAM-13),Sant Feliu de Guixols, Costa Brava, Spain, September 24 – 30, 2021 |
The 3rd International Workshop Advances on Photocatalysis including Environmental and Energy Applications AdvPhotoCat-EE 2021, online event, on June 28-29, 2021 |
CAS2021, 44th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 6-8 October 2021, Virtual event, Romania. |
CAS2020, 43rd Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 7-9 October 2020, Sinaia, Romania. |
EURONANOFORUM 2019 - Nanotechnology and Advanced Materials Progress under Horizon 2020 and beyond, 12-14 June 2019, Bucharest, Romania- organized by IMT Bucharest. |
European Excellence in Nanotechnology (EXCELNANO)-a combined event organized by the Romanian Academy in partnership with IMT Bucharest, 6-7 November 2018, Romanian Academy, Bucharest:
- Forum Romanians in Micro- and Nanoelectronics (Forum I, Forum II)
- The 17th Edition of the National Seminar on Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (SNN 2018), 7 November 2018
SOVAREX Workshop: “Internet of Things”, 1 November 2018, IMT Bucharest (in Romanian)
CAS 2018, 41st Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 10-12 October 2018, Sinaia, Romania.
After the event:
- Best paper awards [...]
- Photo gallery [...]
EXMATC 2018- Expert evaluation and Control of Compounds of Semiconductor Materials and Technologies, Bucharest, Romania, 16-18 May 2018 |
WOCSDICE 2018-Workshop on Compound Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits held in Europe, Bucharest, Romania, 14-16 May 2018 |
2nd RRI Workshop (Responsible Research and Innovation)
On July 11, 2016, at Hotel International Bucharest is held the 2nd Workshop RRI co-organized by IMT-Bucharest and Chamber of Commerce and Industry Rousse, Bulgaria (agenda). IMT-Bucharest is associated partner. The workshop is dedicated to training the experts on tools developed within the project FP7-"Responsible Research and Innovation" (leaflet).
The event is part of the 2016 series of the RRI-Tools events. More information about the project can be found at the address: |
16th Edition of National Seminar for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 6 June 2017, Romanian Academy Library. Event details (in Romanian) |
CAS 2016- 39th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 10-12 October 2016, Sinaia, Romania. |
MEMSWAVE 2016- 17th edition of the International Symposium on RF-MEMS and RF-MICROSYSTEMS, 4-6 July 2016, Bucharest, Romania.
Photo gallery |
15th Edition of National Seminar for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 15 June 2016, Romanian Academy Library. Event details (in Romanian) |
CAS 2015- 38th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 12-14 October 2015, Sinaia, Romania.
14th Edition of National Seminar for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 26 March 2015, Romanian Academy Library. Event details (in Romanian); Photo gallery |
CAS 2014- 37th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 13-15 October 2014, Sinaia, Romania.
Programme |
13th Edition of National Seminar for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology- "From scientific excellence to industrial competitivity: Key Enabling Technologies (KET)", 15 May 2014, Aula of the Romanian Academy . Event details (in Romanian); |
CAS 2013- 36th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 14-16 October, Sinaia, Romania;
The 36th edition of the International Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2013) was organized by IMT Bucharest between 14 and 16 of October, 2013 at Sinaia, Romania.
CAS 2013 presented this year a total number of 71 papers: 60 regular and 11 invited (Austria, France, Greece, Germany, Hungary, Romania and Sweden). The authors were from 20 countries on 2 continents (16 countries from Europe).
The event was attended by 117 participants.
This year the most popular section was “The Student Papers”. The best paper award was accorded to Mr. Andrea De Luca, University of Cambridge, UK, for the paper “A THERMOPILE BASED SOI CMOS MEMS WALL SHEAR STRESS SENSOR”.
CAS 2013 was sponsored by IEEE Electron Devices Society, Ministry of National Education, EV Group Europe&Asia Pacific GmbH, Raith GmbH, Carl Zeiss Instruments, SC New Style Trans Prest SRL and Emfutur Technologies. The Conference is also held under the aegis of the Romania Academy and Electrochemical Society Inc.
Further information
International Semiconductor Conference, an annual event, is taking place in Romania since 1978. The National Institute for Research and Development in Microtehnologies – IMT Bucharest is the traditional organizer of CAS. The Conference was opened to foreign participants since 1991, becoming an international conference. CAS Conference is underlying the development in micro-and nanotechnologies, still maintaining the “traditional” connection with semiconductor electronics.

European Framework Programme for Research and Innovation "Horizon 2020" was launched in Bucharest on 4th of October 2013 by European Commissioner for Research, Innovation and Science, Máire Geoghegan-Quinn.
European Framework programme "Horizon 2020" has a budget of 70 billion euro and aim to finance the projects that target the technic, scientific, educational, and social objectives assumed trough "Europe 2020" Strategy. The programme addresses to researchers and applicants from European Union states.
The National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnology - IMT Bucharest participated to the exposition, organized by this launching event, with information about its research activities in FP7 European projects, including ENIAC and national projects in micro nanotechnologies domain.
On this occasion, IMT Bucharest presented detailed scientific results related to its participation in FP7 IP projects, national projects PN II and in ENIAC project MotorBrain - Nanoelectronics for Electric Vehicle Intelligent Failsafe PowerTrain, coordinated by INFINEON Technologies Germany, where the institute is partner.

ESSDERC/ESSCIRC Conference in Bucharest, September, 16 - 20, 2013
From September 16 until September 20, 2013, Bucharest was the host of the most important and successful conferences on microelectronics in Europe: ESSDERC (43rd European Solid-State Devices Research Conference) and ESSCIRC (39th European Solid-State Circuits Conference).
IMT Bucharest was one of the Conference co-organizers, with 6 scientific researchers members of the Technical Programme Committee (TPC) for ESSDERC, including the TPC chair (Prof. Dan Dascalu) and 3 conference session chairs. Link:
22 researchers from IMT attended the tutorials, conference and workshops and 3 regular papers with the first author from IMT were presented during ESSDERC:
- On-Wafer Graphene Diodes for High-Frequency Applications, 1Mircea Dragoman, 1Adrian Dinescu, 2Daniela Dragoman; 1IMT Bucharest and 2University of Bucharest, Romania
- MEMS Sensors for High Voltage Lines, Victor Moagar-Poladian, Gabriel Moagar-Poladian, IMT Bucharest, Romania
- Reliability Tests for Discriminating Between Technological Variants of QFN Packaging Packaging Marius Bâzu2, Virgil Emil Ilian2, Dragos Vârsescu2, Lucian Galateanu2, Vili Sikiö3, Meelis Reimets3, Volker Uhl1, Manuel Weiss1, 1Austrian Research Institute for Chemistry and Technology, Austria; 2IMT Bucharest, Romania; 3 Pera Technology, Estonia
The institute promoted the latest results and projects at the ESSDERC/ESSCIRC exhibition.

Le troisième colloque francophone - PLUMEE 2013
Le troisième colloque francophone PLUridisciplinaire sur les Matériaux, l’Environnement et l’Electronique (PLUMEE 2013,) a eu lieu á L’Université "Vasile Alecsandri", Bacau, Roumanie, du 22 Mai au 25 Mai 2013.
Le colloque a ètè coordonnèe par Prof. George Culea - L’Université "Vasile Alecsandri", Bacau, Roumanie, Dr. Cornel Anton – IMT Bucarest, Roumanie, Dr. Delia Arnaud - Université de Limoges/ENSIL – Xlim/OSA, France, Prof. Patrick Leprat - Université de Limoges/ENSIL – GRESE, France. |
The 12th Edition of National Seminar for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 16 May 2013, Romanian Academy Library |
CAS 2012- 35th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, IEEE event, 15-17 October, Sinaia, Romania; Call for papers 2012. (Previous editions).
IMT is
organizing annually in Romania the CAS conference (micro- and nanotechnologies), an international
IEEE event, and is publishing CAS Proceedings (an IEEE publication). Both the conference itself and the satellite events organized
almost every year (e.g. European projects meetings) are promoting the international cooperation of the
Romanian researchers. (Previous editions) |
Satellite event at CAS 2012: “Smart Sensing on Smart SOI” Workshop
Representatives from the SOI-HITS project (Microsemi,
Honeywell Romania, Univ. of Cambridge, Univ. of Warwick, Universite
catholique de Louvain, CISSOID, Cambridge CMOS Sensors, IREC) will be
holding its first project workshop at the IEEE International
Semiconductor Conference. SOI-HITS (Smart Silicon-on-Insulator Sensing
Systems Operating at High Temperature) is a €4M collaborative EU FP7
project developing sensor systems with built in electronic interfaces
designed to work in harsh high temperature environments (225o. C ambient). Sunday, 14th of October, at 2PM, at New
Montana Hotel in Sinaia.
More details about the project can be found here:
The event is open, free of charge, for all CAS participants. |
Exploratory Workshop “Micro-nanoelectronics, micro-nanosystems”, 26-27 September 2012, Location IMT-Bucharest. Presentations and Photo Gallery |
The 11th Edition of National Seminar for Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology, 27 March 2012
IMT is organizing (through the Centre for Nanotechnologies from IMT,
working under the aegis of the Romanian Academy) a one-day National Seminar for Nanoscience and
Nanotechnology (each year), in 2012 at the 11th Edition. The best papers are published in a volume (in
English), in a series for “Micro- and nanoengineering”, edited by the Publishing House of the Romanian
Academy. IMT has a crucial role in the publication not only of the above series, but also of the ISI rated
ROMJIST (Romanian Journal for Information Science and Technology) edited by the Romanian
Academy. ROMJIST is publishing a number of issues in micro- and nanotechnologies. |
Le deuxième colloque francophone PLUridisciplinaire sur les Matériaux, l’Environnement et l’Electronique (PLUMEE 2011), Limoges, France, 30 Mai - 1 Juin 2011.
Ce colloque est organisé par: L’ENSIL (Ecole Nationale Supérieure d’Ingénieurs de Limoges), Université de Limoges en collaboration avec : |
“Development and manufacturing of Application Specific of MEMS” presentation of Dr. V. Stavrov, AMC Technology Ltd, Bulgaria, 15 November 2012 |
Course “MEMS Design and prototyping” at IMT Bucharest, May 7-11, 2012.
This course is organized by STIMESI project “Stimulation Action on MEMS” in cooperation with Europractice. Details: |
"Experimental studies on the symmetry of the order parameter in Sr1-xLaxCuO2 superconducting compounds", Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Dr. Victor Leca, 21 March 2012 |
“Dip-pen nanolithography – instruments, methodologies, applications”, Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Dr. Octavian Ligor, 12 March 2012 |
“Direct Formic Acid Fuel Cell
for Portable Applications”,
Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Dr. eng. Coca Iordache, CEO, SARA Pharm Solutions, Bucharest, 21 February 2012 |
"THz waves luminescence and emission of nanostructured materials based on III-V semiconductor compounds”, Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Lilian Sirbu, “D. Ghitu” Institute of Electronic Engineering and Nanotechnologies, Academy of Sciences of Moldova, 6 September 2011 |
"A3D Smith chart based on inversive geometry on the Riemann sphere for active and passive microwave circuits”, Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Eng. Andrei Muller, 5 July 2011 |
“Technological processes for welding, deposition and etching”, Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Phys. Andrei Avram, Eng. Catalin Balan, Dr. Ciprian Iliescu, 15 June 2011 |
“Study on the microfabrication dispersion for microfluidic components”, Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Mat. Irina Stanciu, 12 April 2011 |
"RF Micro and Nano System activities at CNR-IMM Rome", Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Invited speaker: Dr. Romolo Marcelli, Delegate director at CNR-IMM Rome, Italy, 5 April 2011 |
"Monitoring the plasmon resonance in gold nanoparticles for investigating catalysts in reactive atmosphere", Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Invited speaker: Yves Borensztein, Institut des NanoSciences de Paris (INSP), France, 18 October 2010 |
"Piezoelectric Applications for Electronic Device in KERI", Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Invited speaker: Dr. Insung Kim, KERI institute, Korea, 15 October 2010 |
"Polymeric/Carbon Nanocomposites - Promises, Facts and Challenges", Scientific seminar at IMT Bucharest, Dr. Lucia Monica Veca, 12 May 2010 |
"Nanostructural carbonaceous films for cold emitters", Seminar organized by MNT-ERA project, 5 May 2009, 10.00, IMT Bucharest |
"Sensors and Biosensors for molecule detection", Scientific Seminar at IMT Bucharest, Dr. Antonio Radoi, 5 March 2009. |
“Nanostructured Materials for ambiental comfort”, Workshop, 28 February 2009, IMT Bucharest |
Workshop "Ten years of nanoscience and nanotechnology: what next?”, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, 3 February 2010
Poster announcing the event; Programme and presentations; Press conference |
Events organized in the frame of the project „NANOPROSPECT – Nanotechnology in Romania: A prospective study”, October 2010 – May 2011 |
NanoElRei Summit: „NanoElectronics in Romania: Research-education-industry”, Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Bucharest, 20 April 2010
Programme and presentations; Participants list; Photo gallery; Press echoes of NanoElRei |
Center for Nanotechnologies Presentation at the “Day of open doors”, IMT-Bucharest, 16 December 2009 |
"From Research to Innovation: competitiveness trough new technolohies", Bucharest, 9-10 April 2009
- First day, 9 April 2009, " IMT-MINAFAB Launching (micro- and nanofabrication facility)", IMT Bucharest
- Second day, 10 April 2009," Innovative SMEs access to technology facilities and financing sources", CCIR/CCIB Bucharest
Organizers: Ministry of Education, Research and Innovation, National Authority for Scientific Research (ANCS), NIRD in Microtechnology (IMT Bucharest) and MINATECH-RO, in cooperation with (coorganizers): CCIR, CCIB, ADRBI, AMCSIT. Partner media: "Market Watch" magazine. |
TECHNICAL SEMINARIES- Hands on training |
NITECH Romania ( organized a demonstration regarding operating and performances of the AFM NTEGRA series, produced by NTMDT Russia, on 19 May 2009, at IMT Bucharest headquarter.
The demonstration was carried out by Eng. Ivan Bykov, services and installing engineering at NTMDT. Among the participants, researchers from Institute for Biology of the Romanian Academy, National Institute of Materials Physics, Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Romanian Academy attended the event
"Beckman Coulter Particle Characterization" - Seminar (presentation of Multisizer, LS, DelsaNano instruments).
Speaker: Ton Schoofs - Product Specialist, Particle Characterisation & Cellular Analysis. Organizers: SC. DEXTER COM SRL and NIRD in Microtechnology, IMT Bucharest, 16 April 2009, 10.00-12.00, IMT Bucharest. |
"XRD techniques and applications in micro and nanotechnologies domain”, seminar organized by IMT – Bucharest and CASON ROMANIA. During the meeting were discussed Solutions and Applications offered by XRD techniques especially for Rigaku SmartLab difractometer working on thin films, 20 January 2009, IMT Bucharest. |
"Info Day for the new FP7 REGPOT call", IMT-Bucharest, December 2008
- On December the 2nd, the National Authority for Scientific Research has organized an Info Day for the new FP7 REGPOT calls: FP7-REGPOT-2009-1 and FP7-REGPOT-2009-2. The special guest of this event was Jean David Malo, head of Unit B4, DG research of EC. Dr. A. Muller was invited, together with other coordinators of previous wining REGPOT projects from Romania, to give a presentation about the MIMOMEMS Project. |