Laboratory Head Dr. ing. Octavian BUIU, CSIII, head of the laboratory (Physics)

From the point of view of human resources, the L7 team is a multidisciplinary one, including seven specialists, from a variety of domains: micro- and nanoelectronics, chemistry, physics, management and engineering of technological systems, automation and computers.

  • Dr. ing. Octavian BUIU, CSIII, head of the laboratory (Physics)
  • Dr Ing. Cornel COBIANU, CSI (micro- and nanoelectronics)
  • Dr. Ing. Bogdan – Cătălin Şerban, CSIII (Chemistry)
  • Dr Ing. Octavian IONESCU, CS III (electronics, automation)
  • Ing. Niculae DUMBRAVESCU, CS III (microelectronics)
  • Ing. Roxana Marinescu, IDT (management and engineering of technological systems)
  • Ing. Dragoş Vârşescu, IDT III (electronics)


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Last update: January 17, 2012