Department for training and international cooperation
Centre for international cooperation

Mission: The mission of the International Cooperation Center is:

    • communication with partners;
    • dissemination of information about institute and institute partners;
    • research activities national and international projects;
    • to develop and maintain the internet “interface” regarding all activities carried on by the institute;
    • administration and maintenance of specially designed E-ROOM communication platform for networking;

The team is involved in organizing of the International conferences: CAS Conference (IEEE annual event) and other international events; National events: "National Seminar for Nanoscience and Nanotechnology (the 8th edition 27 aprilie 2009....) [...]

Also take part in activities of editing International publications in English:

  • Micro and Nanotechnologies (MNT) Bulletin; [...]
  • Romanian Journal for Information Science and Technology (Romanian Academy) [...]
  • Volume from "Series of Micro and Nanoengineering" (Romanian Academy). [...]

Micro and NanoTechnology Bulletin is published quarterly by IMT-Bucharest, Romania. This Bulletin, originally intended to publicize results of Romanian researchers in the micro and nanotechnology (MNT) field, extended its coverage since 2004 to Eastern Europe.

The purpose is to contribute to a better communication of MNT scientific communities from Eastern Europe to the rest of the world. All research organizations from Eastern and Western European Countries are invited to contribute (free of charge) with articles to our publication (contact:

MNT Bulletin is distributed free of charge to interested organisations and individuals.
Editor-in-Chief: Dan Dascalu (IMT-Bucharest). The Bulletin is also available on the web page:

Team expertise:

    • dissemination and communication activities;
    • organizing events (conference, workshops, seminaries);
    • web design:,,,,; design of dynamic web pages in PHP; database design using MySQl, PostgresSQL;
    • image creation and editing for web and publication (CorelDRAW, Adobe Photoshop);
    • editing publications QuarkXPress) (;
    • editing and printing: flyers, posters (A0-A4); etc

IT services:

• INTERNET & INTRANET applications design;
• Interactive database application design;
• Web sites design and maintenance;
• Soft and hard integration of designed system;
• IT maintenance, system development;
• Creation and maintenance of electronic databases;
• Consulting in IT problems and development;
• Equipment up-grade, maintenance and PC network internal organization;
• Administration of E-ROOM communication platform for networking (web-based application that allows gradual access to a virtual space, reducing costs for project management and enhancing transparency of communication. General functionalities: offers a user rights system and a file management policy and capabilities to describe projects by publishing web media content.)


- Phys. Elena Stanila- (
partners communication; internal activity advisor; responsible for editing and publishing activities; responsible with dissemination activities; web designer; administrator of web based application; data base application design;
- Eng. Dipl. Iorga Ionica- (
partners communication; internal activity advisor; responsible with dissemination activities; administrator of web based application; web designer;
- Eng. Dipl. Pompiliu Munteanu- (
network administrator; network maintenance; application programmer; database application design (database maintenance); web based applications programmer and maintenance;
- Eng. Dipl. Dragos Varsescu- (
web designer; applications programmer; 3D designer;

This Department also contains a Centre of training in Micro- and Nanotechnologies (cooperation with PUB).



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Last update: Mai 14, 2009