Invited Speakers CAS 2014
Marius Ioan Piso |
Luis Fonseca is senior researcher of the National Center of Microelectronics in Barcelona, Spain. He joined CNM-CSIC as a post-graduate student, working till 1992 on the growth and characterization of thin dielectric films for VLSI and ULSI applications. After this first research period he worked as a process engineer, leading the diffusion and deposition areas of CNM production facilities. In 2001 he joined CNM Microsystems group as a full time researcher. Since 2010 he is leader of the Microenergy sources and sensor integration group. In 2012 he was appointed deputy director of CNM. His current research interests are focused on technological developments for gas sensing, more specifically on optical gas sensing, and on the development of micro and nanotechnologies for thermoelectricity. He is the coordinator of the recently approved EU project SINERGY (Silicon friendly materials and devices for microenergy applications). |
Philippe Galy is Senior Expert in micro & nano-electronics at STMicrolectronics R&D Crolles France. He proposed a full CDM protection strategy validated by silicon proof. Moreover, its main R&D topics are on SCR, T2, BIMOS transistor, Beta-structure and other innovative devices. Moreover, he proposes several new ESD compact devices with associated trigger circuits for ESD network. He leads several groups in IP infrastructure team for R&D focused from transistor level to the SOC level. He is serving in TPC or reviewer for many symposiums as ESREF/ICICDT/ESSDERC and for TED/SSE. He has authored or coauthored several publications, books and patents. He holds a Ph.D. and H.D.R. |
Dr. Stefano Bellucci obtained in 1986 his Ph.D. in Physics of elementary particles at SISSA, Trieste. He worked as Research Associate at Brandeis Univ., Waltham, MA, USA (1983-1985); as visiting researcher at M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, USA (1985-1986), at Univ. of Maryland, USA (1986-1987), at Univ. of California at Davis, USA (1987-1988). He was appointed as a Tenured Researcher (Research Staff) at INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) in 1987. He was appointed as INFN First Researcher (Senior Research Staff) in 2005. He coordinates all LNF theoretical physics activities. His research interests include theoretical physics, condensed matter, nanoscience and nanotechnology, nanocarbon based composites, biomedical applications. His lab cultivated over 20 between PhD and master students in theoretical physics, condensed matter, nanoscience and nanotechnology. He published over 400 papers in peer-reviewed journals with h = 42, http://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=en&user=mOq8urEAAAAJ, and more than 10 invited book chapters. He is the Editor and/or co-author of 10 books with Springer. He appears in the list of Top Italian Scientists published by the VIA Academy.
He received the B.W. Lee Prize at Erice School of Subnuclear Physics (Erice, Italy) 1982. In 1980 he was selected as Summer student at CERN (Geneva).
He is Series Editor of Springer Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology, and biannual (2012-2014) Associate Editor of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. He is Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Nanomaterials and many other scientific journals.
He is Director of the NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division, SPS Programme project “Development of Biosensors using Carbon Nanotubes”. He is INFN scientist in charge of EU projects “NAmiceMC—Nano-thin and micro-sized carbons: Toward electromagnetic compatibility application”, and “FAEMCAR—Fundamental and Applied Electromagnetics of Nano-Carbons”, and Partner of “Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond, GRAPHENE Flagship”. He is LNF Spokesperson of GSS Supersymmetry project and INFN National Spokesperson of SEMS Condensed Matter Theory project. |
Martin Pfost received the Dipl.-Ing. and Dr.-Ing. degrees in electrical engineering from the Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany. In 1999, he joined Infineon Technologies, Munich, working on GaAs- and SiGe-HBTs. During 2004-2010 he was concerned with device characterization and electro-thermal simulations of power semiconductors, working from 2008-2010 in the Design Center Bucharest, Romania. Since 2010 he is Professor at Reutlingen University, Germany, where he joined the Robert Bosch Center for power electronics, a research and teaching network established in 2010 in which the Bosch Group, Reutlingen University, and the University of Stuttgart have joined forces. His current research interests focus on modeling and optimization of power semiconductors and power electronic systems. |
Academician Ninoslav D. Stojadinović (member of Serbian Academy of Sciences and Arts, and Academy of Engineering Sciences of Serbia) is professor at Department of Microelectronics, Faculty of Electronic Engineering, University of Niš, Serbia. He was Dean of Faculty of EE and Department head. His research iterest includes semiconductor device physics, device modeling and device reliability. He published 85 papers in refereed scientific journals (including 8 invited review papers), and presented 169 conferences papers (including 19 invited papers), and 4 chapters in outstanding international monographs, and was cited more than 450 times in reputable scientific journals and books. He is IEEE EDS Distinguished Lecturer (since 1997), IEEE Fellow (since 2003), Editor-in-Chief of Microelectronics Reliability, editor of Facta Universitatis, and Chairman of International Conference on Microelectronics - MIEL. |
Prof. Dan Neculoiu obtained a PhD in Electronics from the “Politehnica” University of Bucharest in 1997 and is currently a full professor at the same institution. He is a senior scientist at the National Institute of R&D in Microtechnologies IMT Bucharest. His current research interests include the design, modeling and characterization of microwave and millimeter-wave circuits and systems based on semiconductor micromachining technologies. He has authored or coauthored over 100 refereed and invited technical papers. |
Bogdan-Catalin Serban was born in Bucharest, Romania, in 1971. He received his B.Sc., M. Sc., and Ph.D. in Chemistry from University Politehnica of Bucharest in 1996, 1998, and 2005, respectively. He has been a Senior Research Scientist within Honeywell Romania - Sensors and Wireless Laboratory Bucharest (SWLB) since March 2004. He is co-author of 16 books and book chapters, more than 60 technical papers and more than 50 papers presented at national and international conferences. He holds 23 U.S granted patents, 2 European granted patents, 1 China granted patent and 15 U.S and European patent pending applications. His current research interests include design and synthesis of new materials for gas and relative humidity sensors and design of photovoltaic devices using quantum dots or dyes as sensitizers. Bogdan - Catalin Serban currently holds the following memberships: Associate Member of the American Nano Society, Member of the Romanian Society of Chemistry, Member of the Eurachem Romania and Member of the Romanian Society of Chemical Engineering. |
Dominique Planson, received the Dipl.-Ing. in electrical engineering in 1991 and the Ph.D degree from INSA de Lyon in 1994. In 1994, he joined the Centre de Genie Electrique de Lyon (CEGELY) as Assistant Professor, working on SiC power device design and electrical characterization. Since 2006, he is Professor and leader of the Power Electronics and Integration Team at Ampere Laboratory. His current research activities are focused on wide bandgap power devices, more specifically on high voltage devices, using TCAD simulation software and a specific optical method. He has authored or co-authored over 100 publications. |