Invited speakers CAS 2015
Ion Tiginyanu received his Ph.D. degree in Semiconductor Physics from Lebedev Institute of Physics, Moscow, in 1982, and became full professor in 1993 at the Technical University of Moldova. Starting from 2001, he serves as the founding Director of the National Center for Materials Study and Testing. In 2013 he was elected prime vice-president of the Academy of Sciences of Moldova. [...more]/[...hide]
Professor Tiginyanu’s research interests are related to nanotechnologies, 3D hybrid nanomaterials, ultrathin membranes, photonic crystals, random lasing, cost-effective solar cells and new sensor technologies. He has 300 journal publications and 52 technological patents. He is member of AAAS, OSA, SPIE, MRS, IEEE and Electrochemical Society. More information is available at http://asm.md/?go=detalii-membri&n=35&new_language=0 |
Dr. rer. nat. Dan Buca is group leader “Group IV Optoelectronics and Ion Implantation” at the Peter Gruenberg Institute 9 (PGI-9-IT) in Forschungszentrum Juelich. He received the MSc in Physics in 1996 at University of Bucharest and the Ph.D. degree from the University of Cologne, Germany in 2002. Within the frame of his thesis he investigated ultrafast Si(Ge) based metal-semiconductor-metal photodetectors using optical pump-probe Femtosecond spectroscopy. [...more]/[...hide]
His interests include the research of group IV materials and devices, various thin film growth methods and ion beam techniques. Specifically, SiGeSn materials and strain engineering methods and strained heterostructures for optical applications and novel transistors are under investigation.
Dr. Vinoth Sundaramoorthy is currently working as a Senior Scientist in ABB Switzerland Ltd. He completed his Master of Science in Telecommunication Electronics in 2003 from Oxford Brookes University, UK. He completed his PhD in Electrical Engineering at the University of Nottingham, UK in 2008. His PhD thesis was based on the design of group III-V heterojunction bipolar transistors for RF applications using wide band gap semiconductors. [...more]/[...hide]
He joined Power Semiconductors Research Group at the Corporate Research Center of ABB Switzerland in August 2008 as a Scientist. Since joining ABB, he has been working on the design and characterization of power semiconductor devices. His research topics include power device reliability and diagnostics, which involves simulation, characterization and analysis of power devices. He has also been working on the concepts of next generation semiconductors for power electronics application. He is a recipient of ‘Young Engineer Award’ at PCIM Conference 2014, Nuremberg (Germany). He has papers and patents in the field of power semiconductor research. |
Dr. Guillaume Tresset received his master in electrical engineering from the Ecole Superieure d'Electricite and obtained his PhD in physics at the Commissariat a l'Energie Atomique (CEA) in France. He worked at the University of Tokyo on microfluidic devices for handling biomolecular systems, then at the Institute of Bioengineering and Nanotechnology in Singapore on artificial viruses for gene delivery purpose. He is now research scientist at the Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS) in Orsay. [...more]/[...hide]
He is an expert in the physics of bio-inspired self-assembly and he develops microfluidics-based strategies for the controlled assembly of soft nanostructured particles. He is an author of about 80 journal articles and conference proceedings, and he filed 2 patents for nanobiotechnological applications.
Prof. Dr. Alexei Nikolaevich Nazarov
Head of department of Lashkaryov Institute of Semiconductor Physics, National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Kiev, Ukraine; Professor of department of General Physics and Solid State Physics; Physical and Mathematical Department, National Technical University of Ukraine (KPI), Kiev; Habilitated Doctor of Physical and Mathematical Sciences (DrSci) from 1993.
Scientific Interests are: physics of nanodevices and technology of electronic nanostructured materials, created on the base of Si and SiC; light-emitting nanocomposite carbon-based materials; graphene technology and electronic properties.
Honours, Awards, Fellowships, Membership of Professional Societies
State award of Ukraine in field of microelectronics for 2006 year.
Senior member of IEEE from 2004
Member of the Electrochemical Society (USA)
Number of papers in refereed journals: more than 200
Number patents on invensions: 12
Books including Editorship of Conference Proceedings: 9 |
Alexandru Müller received his PhD in Semiconductor Physics from the Bucharest University in 1990. His main area of expertise consists in: microwave and millimeter wave devices, micromachining of silicon and GaAs, manufacturing of membrane supported microwave and millimeter wave circuits based on silicon and GaAs micromachining, acoustic devices on III-Nitride semiconductors [...more]/[...hide] He is the head of the RF MEMS laboratory from IMT-Bucharest.
Dr Muller and his team was involved in European projects (in the programs FP4, FP6 and FP7) and has coordinated one of the first European projects in RF MEMS "MEMSWAVE" (1998-2001), nominated in 2002 between the 10 finalists for the Descartes Prize. He was the coordinator of the FP7 project No 202897 MIMOMEMS and he is involved in other FP7 Project, two ENIAC and a COST Projects. Now he is coordinator of the Romanian team in two FP7 Integrated Projects: NANOTEC (2011-2015) and SMARTPOWER (2011-1016). Dr Muller is author of more then 100 papers published in high ranked ISI Journals and Conference proceedings. |
Prof. habil. Stefano Bellucci obtained in 1986 his Ph.D. in Physics of elementary particles at SISSA, Trieste. He worked as Research Associate at Brandeis Univ., Waltham, MA, USA (1983-1985); as visiting researcher at M.I.T., Cambridge, MA, USA (1985-1986), at Univ. of Maryland, USA (1986-1987), at Univ. of California at Davis, USA (1987-1988). He was appointed as a Tenured Researcher (Research Staff) at INFN (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare) Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati (LNF) in 1987[...more]/[...hide]
He was appointed as INFN First Researcher (Senior Research Staff) in 2005. He received by Italy Ministry of University in 2103 the habilitation as Full Professor in Theoretical Physics of Fundamental Interactions and the habilitation as Full Professor in Theoretical Condensed Matter Physics. He coordinates all LNF theoretical physics activities. His research interests include theoretical physics, condensed matter, nanoscience and nanotechnology, nanocarbon based composites, biomedical applications. His lab cultivated over 20 between PhD and master students in theoretical physics, condensed matter, nanoscience and nanotechnology. He published over 500 papers in peer-reviewed journals with h = 44, and more than 10 invited book chapters. He is the Editor and/or co-author of 10 books with Springer. He appears in the list of Top Italian Scientists published by the VIA Academy. He received the B.W. Lee Prize at Erice School of Subnuclear Physics (Erice, Italy) 1982. In 1980 he was selected as Summer student at CERN (Geneva).<br>
He is Series Editor of Springer Lecture Notes in Nanoscale Science and Technology, and biannual (2012-2014) Associate Editor of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters. He is Editorial Board Member of the Journal of Nanomaterials and many other scientific journals.<br>
He is Director of the NATO Emerging Security Challenges Division, SPS Programme project “Development of Biosensors using Carbon Nanotubes”. He is INFN scientist in charge of EU projects “NAmiceMC—Nano-thin and micro-sized carbons: Toward electromagnetic compatibility application”, and “FAEMCAR—Fundamental and Applied Electromagnetics of Nano-Carbons”, Partner of “Graphene-Based Revolutions in ICT And Beyond, GRAPHENE Flagship”, and INFN scientist in charge of Italy Ministry of Health project “Delivery and imaging of miRNAs by multifunctional carbon nanotubes and circulating miRNAs as innovative therapeutic and diagnostic tools for pediatric pulmonary hypertension” and of Italy Spac Agency project “SHAPE- A New Theoretical Framework of the Microgravity-Cell Interaction”. He is LNF Spokesperson of GSS Supersymmetry project and INF.
Dr. ML Ciurea is leader of “Si- and Ge –based Nanomaterials and Nanostructures” Team at National Institute of Materials Physics, Magurele and PhD adviser at Doctoral School of Physics, University of Bucharest and also Corresponding Member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.
Her fields of interest include: nanostructured materials based on Si, Ge, GeSi, graphene- like nanostructures; quantum phenomena in nanostructures with Ge quantum dots in oxide matrix; NV memories based on Ge and GeSi nanocrystals; VIS and NIR detectors (environmental, security and biomedical applications) with Ge quantum dots in dielectrics; effect of strain at nanoscale.
She co-authored more than 115 publications (including patents) and 7 book chapters with Springer, IGI Global and Publishing House of the Romanian Academy. She is awarded the “Constantin Miculescu” prize of the Romanian Academy. Has been involved (mostly as a team leader) in more than 45 national and international projects.
Ciprian Iliescu received his BS PhD degree from School of Mechanical Engineering, Polytechnic University of Bucharest in 1999 respectively. He has more then 20 years of experience in microfabrication. While pursuing his PhD degree he worked at Baneasa S.A. where he was involved in the design and fabrication of pressure sensors. Between 2001 and 2003 he worked as postdoctoral fellow at NTU [...more]/[...hide]
Currently, he is Senior Research Scientist with IBN. His current research projects relate to drug testing on a chip, dielectrophoresis, electrical characterization of cells by impedance spectroscopy, and transdermal drug delivery using microneedles array. Dr. Iliescu is author and co-author of more then 200 papers published in journals and conferences proceedings and co-author of 3 book chapters. Dr. Iliescu is also member of the Academy of Romanian Scientists.