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O. Ionescu, B. Serban, V. Dumitru, M. Brezeanu, C. Cobianu, O. Buiu


Following an introduction regarding fundamentals on sensors (sensing materials, mechanisms and structures), a case study on gas sensors for environmental monitoring will be presented by means of theoretical and experimental considerations. The integration of sensors with associated electronics leading to smart sensing systems will be assessed. Wireless sensors employment from M2M (machine-to-machine) to global IoT (Internet of Things) will also be tackled.

Part 1: 90 minutes
Break: 20 minutes
Part 2: 90 minutes

Dr. Octavian Ionescu is Senior Research Scientist within Honeywell Romania SWLB since November 2015. He received his PhD in Technical Sciences and Automation in 2005 from Petroleum and Gas University in Ploiesti, where he currently holds a position of Associate Professor. He managed several significant large-scale projects, such as the AGS WBDL NATO Project, the commissioning of first Romanian Electric power plant based on biogas, the commissioning of largest Dry Mortars Plant in South East of Europe as well as several research projects. He published more than 10 papers in ISI Journals, 6 contributions in books, and over 20 papers in conference proceedings. He holds 2 Romanian granted patents.

Dr. Bogdan-Catalin Serban received his B. Sc., M. Sc., and Ph.D. in Chemistry from University Politehnica of Bucharest in 1996, 1998, and 2005, respectively. He has been a senior research scientist within Honeywell laboratories Romania since March 2004. He is co-author of 18 books and book chapters, more than 60 technical papers and more than 50 papers presented at national and international conferences. He holds 29 U.S granted patents, 12 European granted patents, 1 China granted patent and other 35 U.S and European patent pending applications. Bogdan is associate Member of the American Nano Society,Member of the American Chemical Society, Member of the Science Advisory Board, etc. A molecule which was first introduced in 2015 in RSC Advances bears his name (BCS-1).

Dr. Viorel Dumitru is Senior Research Scientist in Honeywell Romania SWLB since January 2005, working on different sensing and energy harvesting projects. He holds a PhD in GaN based laser diodes from Stuttgart University, Germany, an Ms.S in Semiconductor Physics and a Diploma in Physics from Bucharest University, Romania. He was involved in the FP7 NEMSIC and FP7 SOI-HITS projects, and in the RO-EU structural funds-funded VIPRES and NOVOCELL projects. Within SOI-HITS, he was part of the team designing, manufacturing and experimentally testing the O2 sensor.

Dr. Mihai Brezeanu is Senior Research Scientist in Honeywell Sensors and Wireless Laboratory Bucharest (SWLB) since September 2007. He holds a BA and Phil in microelectronics (University Politehnica Bucharest) and a PhD in power devices (University of Cambridge). His expertise includes sensing materials selection, optic gas sensors design and optimization, project management. Within the EU FP7 SOI-HITS (Smart Silicon-on-Insulator Sensing Systems Operating at High Temperature) project (won EU Innovation Award Competition for FP7 Participants), he was leader of the work package dedicated to sensors and sensing systems specifications and to applications. He published more than 40 journal and conference papers and holds 3 US granted patents.

Dr. Cornel Cobianu is Honeywell Fellow within Honeywell Romania - Sensors and Wireless Laboratory Bucharest (SWLB). He is full member of Academy of Romanian Scientists.  In the past he served as Full Professor of Electrical Engineering at “Valahia” University in Targoviste, Visiting Professor at University of Twente, The Netherlands, and Scientific Director of Institute of Microtechnology Bucharest. His main focus is on science and technology of sensors. He has published more than 60 papers in scientific journals, more than 70 papers at international conferences and a book on microelectronic thin films. Cornel holds 29 US patents and 2 EP patents. He was involved in several EU-funded projects, as a team leader in FP4 PORSIS, FP6 e-CUBES, FP7 NEMSIC, and team member and contributor in FP7 SOI-HITS. In SOI-HITS, Dr. Cobianu was part of the team performing novel sonochemical synthesis of SrTixFe1-xO3 powders for sensing layer meant for O2 detection.

Dr. Octavian Buiu is the Senior Technology Manager of SWLB within Honeywell Romania and joined Honeywell in 08/2007. He holds an MSc in Physics (University of Bucharest) and a PhD in Atomic and Molecular Physics (“Babes – Bolyai” University of Cluj). In the past, he was Scientific Director for the Institute of Microtechnology Bucharest (1993-1997), Research Fellow at the Emerging Technology Research Center (De Montfort University Leicester, United Kingdom) and Research Associate and Lecturer at University of Liverpool, United Kingdom. He was involved in various FP6, FP7 and EU-RO structural funds projects (RO-EU structural funds-funded NOVOCELL - project manager; FP7 SOI-HITS - exploitation manager; PullNano and SINANO – co-investigator;  FP4 PORSIS – co- investigator), as well as UK EPSRC and industrial funded grants. He published more than 65 papers in ISI Journals, 12 contributions in books, and over 80 papers in conference proceedings. He holds 3 US and 2 EU granted patents. Octavian is a Chartered Physicist (CPhys, IoP UK) and IEEE Member.

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