In ultimii ani Centrul de Nanotehnologie a colaborat cu urmatoarele institutii:
- Institute of Physics and Material Chemistry (IPCMS), Strasbourg, France
- NMRC-Cork, Ireland
- Institute for Micro techniques, IMM Mainz, Germany
- University of Southampton, UK
- University of Ottawa, Canada
- CNR, Institute for Microelectronics and Microsystems, Roma, Italy
- University of Trento, Italy
- Institute of Microelectronics - NCSR "Demokritos", Athens, Greece
- Fysisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet, Denmark
Mihaela Miu, EESSON, Grenoble, 2004
1. Teodora Ignat,tinar cercetator din grupul nostru bursa finatata de "Marie Curie Host Fellowships programme"; Proiect: Nanoelectrochemistry: from the synthesis of nanomaterials to functionality; subiect: Functionalization of silicon surfaces for bioelectronics; Laborator : PMC CNRS - Ecole Polytechnique France, 2005-2006.
2. Colaborari finantate de programul-"NATO Collaborative Linkage Grant" cu subiectul: 'Novel optical nanosensors on the basis of organic nanofibers', 2005 -2006, coordonat de Prof. .Dr. Horst-G�nter Rubahn de la Fysisk Institut, Syddansk Universitet, Odense, Denmark .
3. Doua proiecte bilaterale:
- "Drug delivery system based on microreservoirs array with porous silicon resorbable membrane caps", Cooperare Romano-Greaca , 2005-2007.
- "Nanostructured silicon for optical biosensors", Cooperare Romano -Italiana, 2006-2008.