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New materials, micro- and nanotechnologies
– Discover a reliable partner in Romania –
Venue: Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union
Rue Montoyer 12, Brussels 1000

Brussels, 8th of May 2009, 09.55 h – 12.30 h


About the event

During the last three years the RTDI system in Romania was in the position to benefit on various instruments that contributed to stimulate competitiveness. In addition, a dedicate programme was lunched to facilitate the access to the structural funds. One of the most dynamic domains concerns new materials, micro- and nanotechnologies identified in several EU programmes and initiatives. The target is the transformation of European industry into a knowledge-intensive one, in order to produce high added value products, which is crucial to create new industries, and meet customer requirements as well as growth, environmental, health and other societal expectations.

There are complementary actions managed by DG RTD and DG INFSO that bring together the most competitive players on the scene of research, technological development and innovation. Additionaly, now more than ever, the industrial properties rights are disputed by the end users of the RTD activity.

The National R&D Institute for Microtechnology (IMT – Bucharest) and the Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry "Petru Poni" of the Romanian Academy, Iasi together with some of their cooperating partners invite you to the seminar New materials, micro- and nanotechnologies– Discover a reliable partner in Romania, a challenge on the East border of the European Research Area (ERA). For sure you will get surprise on the new existing R&D infrastructure, human resources, technological services in place and other related facilities.

The seminar is organised by the Romanian Office for Science and Technology (ROST) in collaboration with IMT – Bucharest, under the aegis of the Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union.

You are welcome to confirm your participation with Mrs. Virginia Enache by phone at 02.505.3000 or by e-mail: and to visit the seminar’s web page

We look forward to meeting you soon.
Iulia Mihail