First name: Marius
Surname: Bazu
Date and place of birth:
October 12, 1948 / Ploiesti, Romania
Education: Electronics
Department of the University Politehnica Bucharest (1971), PhD from the University
Politehnica Bucharest (1994)
Professional experience:
Reliability of microelectronic devices, design and semiconductor physics of electronic
components. He developed in Romania the accelerated reliability tests and building-in
reliability & concurrent engineering approaches.
Present position:
Head of the Reliability Laboratory and Scientific Secretary of IMT-Bucharest.
Research interests:
Methods of reliability prediction, failure physics for microsystems & microelectronic
devices, synergetic approach of reliability assurance, use of computational intelligence
methods for reliability assessment of microsystems.
Past and current projects:
Leader of an european project Phare/TTQM (with partners from Romania and Greece) on a
building-in reliability technology (1997-1999).
Main scientific publications:
Titu I. Bajenescu, Marius B�zu - "Reliability of Electronic Components", Springer Verlag 1999, ISBN 3-540-65722-3, 550 pp.
M. B�zu, I. Bacivarof "On the validity of the Arrhenius model in the accelerated testing of semiconductor device reliability", Reliability Achievement, Elsevier Applied Science, pp. 151-155, 1989, 230 pp.
Papers in periodicals and contributions to conferences: Author or co-author of more than 120 scientific papers (IEEE Trans.on Reliability, Journal of Electrochem.Soc, Journal of the Institute of Environmental Sciences, Solid State Phenomena, etc) and contributions to conferences (Annual Reliability and Maintainability Symp. (USA, 1991), Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (USA, 1991), MESSCOMP (Germany, 1994), Scandinavian Reliability Engineers Symposium (Norway, 1989, Sweden, 1990), ESREL (France - 1994 and Germany -1999), etc.).
Some examples:
M. B�zu - "An attempt to use the physics of failure in reliability prediction procedures" , IEEE Trans. on Reliability, pp.307-311, June 1995.
M. B�zu - "Reliability assessment based on fuzzy logic", Conference on Computational Intelligence for Modelling, Control & Automation (CIMCA’99), Vienna (Austria), 17-19 February 1999.
M. B�zu, F. Gaiseanu, R. Plugaru "Ein System fur Zuverlassigkeitsaussage und Zeitraffungsprufung", MESSCOMP, Wiesbaden (Germany), Sept.1994.
T. Bajenescu, M. Bazu "Semiconductor device reliability: an overview", European Safety and Reliability Conference (ESREL’99), Munich (Germany), 13-17 Sept. 1999
M. B�zu, M. Tazlauanu - "Reliability testing of semiconductor devices in humid environment", Annual Reliability and Maintainability Syimposium (ARMS), Orlando, Florida (SUA), 29-31 Jan. 1991.
M. B�zu, I. Bacivarof " A method of reliability evaluation of accelerated aged electron components ", Probabilistic Safety Assessment and Management (PSAM), Beverly Hills, California (SUA), 4-7 Feb. 1991.
M. B�zu, V. Ilian " Accelerated Testing of IC's after a Long Term Storage", SRE Symposium, Nykoping (Suedia), Oct. 1990.
Member of professional
Member of the association International Electrical and Electronic Engineers (IEEE)
Referent of the journal IEEE Transactions on Reliability
Member of the Romanian Association for Reliability.
Additional information:
Chairman of some international conferences: CIMCA 1999 (Vienna, Austria), CAS 1991-2002 (Sinaia, Romania).
Technical Programme Vice-Chair of the International Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2000-2002)
Chief-editor of the publications: "Electronic Components" (1987-1989) and "Optimum Q" (1990-1991).
Deputy chief-editor of "Micro and Nanotechnologies Bulletin" (2002-2002)
2000 Prize of the General Association of the Engineers form Romania.
Foreign languages:
French, English
Contact information:
Tel: +40-21-490.84.12, fax: +40-21-490.82.38.