First name: Cristina
Surname: Buiculescu
Date and place of birth:
12.09.1948, Craiova, Romania
Education: M.Sc. in
Electronics, Politechnica University Bucharest, 1972.
Professional experience:
Micromachining of silicon and GaAs for microwave and millimeter wave circuits supported on thin dielectric membranes
Design, manufacturing and electrical characterization of silicon microwave diodes (pin, varactor, step recovery diodes and Schottky)
Design, manufacturing and electrical characterization of silicon microwave medium power transistors.
1972 - 1977 R & D Institute for Semiconductor Devices Bucharest; Engineer
1977 – 1982 R & D Institute for Semiconductor Devices; Research Engineer
1982 – 1996 R & D Institute for Semiconductor Devices, Senior Research Engineer
1996 - present National R&D Institute for Microtechnology - Senior Research Engineer
Stages abroad: Hungary, HAS
–MFA, dec. 2001
Present position: senior
research engineer III
Research interests:
Design, manufacturing and electrical characterization microwave pin, varactor, SRD and Schottky diodes
Design, manufacturing and electrical characterization of microwave medium power NPN transistors;
Contribution to the design and manufacturing of membrane supported millimeter wave filters, antennae and receiving modules on silicon substrate;
Contribution to the design and manufacturing of radio-astronomy receivers (1 - 2 GHz; 2.6 - 3.2 GHz);
Contribution to the design and manufacturing of microwave mobile communications (1.6 GHz band): up- and down-converters;
Contribution to microwave permittivity measurements of liquid substances;
Participation in the INCO-COPERNICUS Project 977131 - MEMSWAVE 1998-2001.-nominated between the first 10 European research projects at the 2002 call for the DESCARTES prize.
Past and current projects
INCO-COPERNICUS project No..977131 "Micromachined Circuits for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Applications - MEMSWAVE" 1998-2001 (IMT was co-ordinator, participants: Uppsala Univ., CNR Rome, Tor Vergata Univ. Rome, IRST Trento, MFA Budapest, FORTH Heraklion, ISP & Mikrosensor Ltd. Kiev) – participant from the Romanian group
"Technologies for processing microsystems for communication based on AiiiBv compound and new polyimidic materials", MATNANTECH project, 2001-2004, member of the research group.
"Millimeter wave receiving microsystems manufactured by silicon micromachining", MATNANTECH, 2002-2004, member of the research group.
"MEMS technologies, methods of design and modelling for circuits with applications in the centimetric, millimetreic and submillimetric wave range", Orizont 2000 project, 2000-2001, member of the research group;
"High frequency electromagnetic field detector with applications in medicine, biology and labour protection". Orizont 2000 project, 1996-1998, Project co-ordinator.
"Circuits for millimeter wave and pressure sensors manufactured on polyimidic membranes on silicon and GaAs substrate", Ministry of research Grant, 1999-2001, member of the research group
Main scientific publications:
Books (title, authors, publishing house, year, number of pages):
Papers in periodicals (usual reference data, a selection):
A.M�ller, D. Neculoiu, F. Giacomozzi, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, D. Vasilache,M. Dragoman, V. Avramescu, D. Dascalu, M. Zen "Silicon based micromachined receiving module for 38 GHz with bonded GaAs Schottky detector diode", in Micromachined Microwave Devices and Circuits, Series in Micro and Nanoengineering, Romanian Academy Press, 2002
A, Muller, C. Constantinidis, F. Giaccomozzi, M. Lagadas, G. Deligeorgis, S. Iordanescu, I. Petrini, D. Vasilache, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, D. Neculoiu, C. Buiculescu, P. Blondy, D. Dascalu. "Micromachined filters for 38 and 77 GHz supported on thin membranes", J. Micromech. Microeng. 11 (2001) pp1-5
Other contributions (usual reference data, a selection):
G. Konstantinidis, A. Muller, D. Vasilache, M. Lagadas, G. Deligeorgis, L. Bary, R. Plana, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, D. Neculoiu , "Recent Developments in mm-Wave Circuits Supported on Thin GaAs Membranes" accepted paper at 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications: circuits, systems, and measurement techniques, , Espoo, Finland, May21-23, 2003
D.Vasilache, M.Rusu, M.Dragoman, A.M�ller, M.Cherestes, C.Buiculescu, R.Enachescu, F.Vladoianu, I.Dragan, "Micromachined sensing structures based on tunnelling effect", Proc of MME 2002, pp. 225-227, sept. Sinaia, Romania, 2002
I.Petrini, F. Giacomozi, D. Neculoiu, D. Vasilache, C. Buiculescu, A. Muller, " Micromachined hybrid integrated receiver modules for 38GHz and 77 GHz, on silicon substrate: technology and manufacturing" Proceedings of CAS 2002, 25rd Edition of the International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, Romania, October,vol2, pp.29-32, 2002
A.M�ller, D. Neculoiu, F. Giacomozzi, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, D. Vasilache, M. Dragoman, V. Avramescu, D. Dascalu, M. Zen, "Silicon Based Micromachined Receiving Module For 38 Ghz With Bonded GaAs Schottky Detector Diode", in vol MICROMACHINED MICROWAVE DEVICES AND CIRCUITS, Editura Academiei , 2002
G. Constantinidis, A. Muller, D. Neculoiu, I. Petrini, D. Vasilache, M. Lagadas, C. Buiculescu, V. Avramescu, P. Blondy :"GaAs membrane supported millimeter wave filters", MEMS Components and Applications for Industry, Automobiles, Aerospaces and Communication, Proceeding of SPIE Vol. 4559, pp 157-161, 2001
A, Muller, D. Neculoiu, F. Giaccomozzi, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, D. Vasilache, V. Avramescu, D. Dascalu, M. Zen, "Silicon based micromachined receiving module for 38 GHz with bonded GaAs Schottky detector diode" Workshop Digest of MME'01 - Micromechanics Europe - Sept, Cork, Ireland, pp ,115-119, 139-143, 2001
D. Neculoiu, R. Plana, P. Pons, A. Muller, D. Vasilache, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, P. Blondy "Microwave Characterization of Membrane Supported Coplanar Waveguide Transmission Lines - Electromagnetic Simulation and Experimental Results" Proceedings of CAS 2001, 24rd Edition of the International Semiconductor Conference, Sinaia, Romania, October, pp.151-154, 2001
A. M�ller, F. Giacomozzi, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, D. Vasilache, M. Dragoman, V. Avramescu, D. Dascalu, M. Zen, "Micromachined millimeter wave receiving modules with bonded GaAss schottky diodes", The 3rd,"MEMSWAVE" Workshop , October 9, Sinaia, Romania, 2001.
C.Buiculescu, "2.45 GHz Electromagnetic Field Sensor Studies"- " Proceedings of CAS 1999, 22rd Edition of the International Semiconductor Conference pp291-295, oct 1999, Sinaia
V.Buiculescu, A.Oncica, C. Buiculescu, "Radio astronomy receivers for solar observations", Proc.of the 20-th International Semiconductor Conference, CAS-97, October 1997, Sinaia
V.Buiculescu, I.Marghescu, C. Buiculescu, "Local oscillator for propagation studies in mobile communications environment", Proc.of the 10-th Symp. of Microwave Theory and Techniques, November 1996, Bucharest
Member of professional
Additional information (expertise,
prizes, etc.):
Workshop manager of "Micromechanics Europe Workshop" MME 2002
Romanian organizer of the "Nanoforum Workshop 2003"
Foreign languages: English,
Contact information:,
Tel. +40-21-490.82.12, +40-21-490.85.81 fax. +40-21-490.82.38
Mailing address: 32B, Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, R-72296 , Bucharest, ROMANIA