Buton.jpg (695 bytes)   First name: Ileana Viorica

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Surname : Cernica

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Date and place of birth:Bucharest, January 04 1958

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)   Education:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Ph.D, University "POLITEHNICA" Bucharest, Major: Electronic and Telecommunication Engineering,Minor: Microelectronics
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Dissertation title: New Technological Solutions in CMOS Integrated Circuits, 1998.

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Professional experience :

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Research/development and technology transfer in CMOS technologies and Microsystems technologies

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Development of individual processes and technology design
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Sensors/detectors - radiation, PIN, Hamamatsu type, biochemical on silicon substrate fabrication
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Technological compatibility for microsiystems technologies
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Advanced MCM technologies,

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Processing and defect expertise for CMOS I.C. (development of QC techniques for I.C. dices, defect engineering and defect expertise, damage analysis and subsequent development/optimization of individual technological processes for yield improvement)

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Research in ion implantation and annealing processes (BF2, As on Si, Ge substrates) and thin ultraclean silicon dioxides (growing regimes in order to adapt their characteristics to the applications - MOS gate type dioxides, microsystems applications).

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)   Career:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  09/03/1981 – 09/15/1983 I.I.R.U.C. ( Computer Service Company ), Bucharest

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  09/03/1981 - March 1983 - Maintenance engineer
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  March 1982- 09/15/1983 - Innovative Group Head

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  09/15/1983 – 04/13/1993 Microelectronica, Bucharest, MOS I.C.Wafer Fab.Division

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  09/15/1983 – 12/01/1984 Process engineer (gate oxidation, ion implantation, chemical cleaning, thermal annealing aspects for I.C. MOS technologies)
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  12/01/1984 – March 1987 Senior process integration engineer for CMOS technology (supervise the CMOS I.C. fabrication : processes control, processes development, processes innovative, Q.C.)
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  March 1987 – 08/01/1989 Technologies development engineer (implementation of CMOS Si-gate technology, technological experiments for microstrip silicon nuclear radiation detectors)
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  08/01/1989 – 07/01/1991 Diffusion / Oxidation Div. Head
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  07/01/1991 – 04/13/1993 Principal process integration engineer for CMOS technologies

Auxiliary: (visual control and fail expertise for I.C. MOS and for exported CMOS dices)

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  04/13/1993 – 05/25/1999 National R&D Institute for Microtechnology, Bucharest

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  04/13/1993 – 10/01/1994 Principal process integration engineer for CMOS technologies
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  10/01/1994 – 05/25/1999 R&D Laboratory Head

Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes) Technological Transfer Lab. Head (February 1997 – 05/25/1999)
Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  Prototype & Technological Development Lab. Head (1995-1997)
(and associate head for Microfabrication Dept. – 1994-1997)
Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  Thermic Processes Lab. Head (1994 - 1995)

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  01/01/1995 ……… Senior R&D Engineer II level
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  project management.

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  05/25/1999 – 02/10/2000 Microelectronica S.A. Bucharest (member of experts group (4 persons) working on request)

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Senior R&D engineer II level (05/25/1999 – 02/10/2000)

Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  engineering management for CMOS I.C.
Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  quality engineering

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes) Q.A. Manager (working on ISO 9000 accreditation)( 05/25/1999 – 02/10/2000)
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Microelectronica project manager for NATO for Peace No 974054 project (July 1999- February 2000)
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Microelectronica project manager for a national R&D project - ORIZONT 2000 Programme (September 1999- February 2000)

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  02/10/2000 present National R&D Institute for Microtechnology, Bucharest

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  06/01/2002 Director of Technological Development Department
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Technological Transfer Lab. Head
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Senior R&D engineer II level
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Microtechnologies process development engineer (ion implantation, gate oxidation in MOS technologies, chemical cleaning, annealing, QC for CMOS technology, failure analysis and defects expertise)
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Technological compatibility in microsystems technologies engineer
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  R&D Project management

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Stages abroad: 1995 UETP - MEMS, Community programme for Education and Training in Technology (COMETT) Quality in Packaging , Neumunster, Germany

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Present position:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Director of Technological Development Department
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Technological Transfer Centre Head |
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Senior R&D engineer II level

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Research interests:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  research/development and technology transfer for microsystems technologies
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  development of individual processes and technology design in micro and nanotechnologies
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  sensors/detectors - radiation, PIN, Hamamatsu type, biochemical on silicon substrate fabrication
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  technological compatibility for microsiystems technologies
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  advanced MCM technologies
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  development of defect analysis and QA techniques for microstructures and Microsystems
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  research in ion implantation and annealing processes , laser processes, interfaces control and thin ultraclean silicon dioxides

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Past and current projects
(the most representative examples, indicating title/subject, source of founding, time interval, main results obtained/expected, role played in the project):

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Project manager for high speed photodetectors (1994-1996)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Project manager for Hammamatsu type photodetector (1996-1999)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Project manager for optimization CMOS technologies(1993-1999)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Microelectronica project manager for NATO for Peace No 974054 project (July 1999- February 2000)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Microelectronica project manager for a national R&D project - ORIZONT 2000 Programme (September 1999- February 2000)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Project manager for photodiodes micromatrix for optical fiber communications (project won at the National R&D Programs Contest – RELANSIN 2000 – September 2000- April 2003)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Project manager for "Comparative analysis of BF2 and B ion beam interactions with monocrystaline Ge and Si substrates. Applications in MOEMS" project (GRANT won at the National contest for GRANTS financial supported by The National Agency for Science Technology and Innovation – December 2000 – December 2002)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Project manager for " a and b g integrated on silicon sensors for environmental natural contamination (project won at the National R&D Programs Contest – MATNANTECH – October 2001- December 2004)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Project manager for for IMT as a partner in ROMES project " Microelectronics apllications for Laser ablation technologies" (project won at the National R&D Programs Contest – MATNANTECH –October 2001- October 2003)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Project manager for " Advanced MCM Technologies for RF Applications" (project won at the National R&D Programs Contest – MATNANTECH –November 2002- February 2005)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Project second manager for " Microstructures Matrix as Biological Cells support in tests, investigation and diagnosis applications" (project won at the National R&D Programs Contest – MATNANTECH –September 2002- April 2004)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Project second manager for "Strategy and implementation plans: new ways for reform the traditional microelectronics industry in the era of new economy based on knowledge"( (project won at the National R&D Programs Contest – RELANSIN – strategic programs –September 2002- February 2004)

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Main scientific publications:


wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Manufacturing technology for CMOS Integrated Circuits (Patent, 28.01.2000)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A Multiimplant Tuning Diode Technology (Patent, 1983)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Photoreader(Innovation,1983)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Phases generator for CE126 B (Innovation,1983)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Optimized manufacturing technique for MSI CMOS Integrated Circuits (Patent 2001)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Short Cycle Manufacturing Technology for Gate Arrays CMOS Integrated (Patent 2001)


wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  R.Marinescu, A.Silard, I.Cernica "A Simple Model for Dry Oxidation of Silicon Ion Implanted with High Doses of Arsenic", Journal of Materials Science Letters, 11(1992),p.756
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  R.Leancu, M.Avram, I.Cernica "Particle and Chemical Contamination of Si Wafers During Chemical Cleaning" International Conference for Semiconductors (IEEE co-sponsored), Sinaia, CAS 1992
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Cernica, Gh.Cimpoca "A Study of Leakage current Minimization for Silicon Sensors", MRS Conference, April 1993, San Francisco California, USA
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Gh.Cimpoca, I.Cernica, M. Lazarovici "Proposal for Double- Sided Silicon Microstrip Detector, IISSC, May 1993, San Francisco, California, USA
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Cernica, O.Buiu, "Optical Characterization of Thin SiO2 Films Grown in HCl Atmosphere" MRS Spring Meeting, April 1994, USA
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Cernica,B.Stefanescu, O.Buiu, D.Dascalu "A 2D Model For Thermal SiO2 Thin Films Grown in H2+O2+HCl Atmosphere", NASECODE XII, June 1994, Dublin , Ireland
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Vieru, I.Cernica, L.Kuliuk, O.Buiu "Radiation Deffects in Thin Thermal Silicon Dioxide Films, EURODIN X, August 1994, Lyon, France
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Kravetki....O.Buiu, I.Cernica "Reflected Optical Second Harmonic Generation for Characterization of Ion Implanted, Thermal Annealed Silicon Surfaces and Silicon-Insulator Interfaces", X International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, June 1994, Catania, Italy
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Kravetki, L.Kuliuc, I.Cernica, O.Buiu "In Situ Control of The Thermal Induced Processes at the Insulator/Si Interfaces by Reflected Optical SHG Method, ECASIA95 , October 1995, Montreux, France
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Cernica, I.Vieru, L.Kuliuk, A.Micu "Reflected optical SHG Study of Thermal and Laser Annealing on BF2 Ion Implanted Silicon", E-MRS 1996 Spring Meeting, June 1996, Strassbourg, France
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Cernica, C.Dunare, L. Bocioaca, O. Buiu, "Polysislicon Gate Dry Etching process Optimization in CMOS Technologies", 20th International Semiconductor Conference - CAS'97(IEEE co-sponsored), Sinaia, Romania, 1997
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  R.Vasilco, L.Hinescu, I.Cernica, C.Tabarasanu "Organometallic Phthalocyanine Derivatives as Sensing Element in a Metal Oxide Semiconductor (MOS) based ISFET", Word Congr. Med. Phys. & Biomed. Eng.,September 1997, Nice, France
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  C.Dunare, I.Cernica a.s.o " Plasma Etching Optimization for Thin Film Patterning in Micromachining", First Swiss- Romanian Workshop on Microfluidics, Lausanne,August 1998, Switzerland
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  C.Dunare, I.Cernica a.s.o " Polysilicon Plasma Etching for Micromachining", First Swiss- Romanian Workshop on Microfluidics, Lausanne, August 1998, Switzerland
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  C.Flueraru,M.Gartner, I.Cernica, R.Radoi, O.Buiu "Spectroellipsometric Investigation of Optical Properties of SiO2 grown by Wet Thermal Oxidation", IV C, 14th International Vacuum Congress (IVC14)/NANO 5/QSA - 10, Birmingham, September 1998, UK
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Cernica, C. Dunare, L.Bocioaca, "Some Particulary Aspects of Polysilicon Gate Plasma Etching Process in CMOS Technologies", Conference E-MRS Spring Meeting Conference, Strasbourg, France, 1998
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Cernica,C. Dunare, a.s.o."Conformity Optimization for Metal Interconections in MOS Technologies", International Semiconductor Conference (CAS '98)(IEEE co-sponsored), Sinaia, Romania, 1998
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  R.Divan, I.Cernica, N.Moldovan, E.Manea "Ion Implantation Induced Etch Stop in Germanium", XIIth International Conference on Ion Implantation Technology, June 1998, Kyoto, Japan
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  E. Manea, I.Cernica, R.Divan "Some particularity aspects of residual stress in thick membranes obtained by boron diffusion processes" MRS Fall Meeting, Boston, 1998,USAE.Manea, C.Gangu, I.Cernica, Fl.Craciunoiu, R.Divan "Optimized polysilicon CMOS technology for gate array applications" International Conference for Semiconductors (IEEE co-sponsored), Sinaia, CAS 1998, Romania
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  D.Cristea, I. Cernica , C.Dunare., R.Muller, "Hybridisation of LED's with silicon microsensors", Proc. EMRS’99 Spring Meeting, Symposium K, Strasbourg, France, June 1999 Published by European Material Research Society.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  E.Manea, R.Divan, I.Cernica "Evidence of Dislocations for the Control of the Roughness of Highly Thermal Boron- Doped Diffused Silicon Layers", SPIE Micromachining and Microfabrication Symposium, 1999, Santa Clara, USA
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  R.Chiurtu, M.Stanescu, I.Cernica, R.Vasilco, "Urea Biosensor Based on a Capacitive MOS Device", Southern Biomed. Eng. Conf.& 2 Int. Conf. Ethical Issues Biomed. Eng., Clemson University,S.C., 1999, USA
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Cernica, E.Manea a.s.o., "Surface Recrystalization Characterization Method for Annealed BF2 Ion Implantad Silicon", EMRS'99 Conference, Strassbourg, 1999, France
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  R.Divan, I.Cernica, E.Manea "Etch-Stop in Germanium induced by Ion Implantation for Bulk Micromachining Applications in IR Domain" SPIE Proceedings, vol.3874, p.403-411, Santa Clara 20-22 September 1999
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  E.Manea, R.Divan, I.Cernica "Evidence of Dislocations for The Control of Roughness of Highly Thermal Boron-Doped Diffused Silicon Layers" SPIE Proceedings, vol.3874, p.395-402, Santa Clara 20-22 September 1999
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Dana Cristea, F.Craciunoiu, M.Modreanu, M.Caldararu, I.Cernica " Photonic circuits integrated with CMOS compatible photodetectors",– Proc. of E-MRS Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, Franta, June 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I. Cernica, E. Manea, C. Dunare “Analysis of the Migration of the Defects Induced by High-Dose Ion Implantation of Arsenic in Silicon”, 23-th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, (IEEE co-sponsored), CAS Proceedings, vol.1,p.267-270, Sinaia, October 10-14, 2000.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  E. Manea, I. Cernica, V. Dolocan, R. M�ller "Residual Stress Analysis in Thin Membranes Obtained by Boron Diffusion Processes", 23-th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, (IEEE co-sponsored), CAS Proceedings, vol.2,p.471-474, Sinaia, October 10-14, 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  C. Dunare, I. Cernica, D. Popescu, D. Cristea, M. Modreanu, E. Manea "SOI Materials for MOEMS Obtained by Silicon Direct Bonding Technique", 23-th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, (IEEE co-sponsored), CAS Proceedings, vol.2,p.531-534, Sinaia, October 10-14, 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Gh.V.Cimpoca, I.Cernica, O.Bute, "Radiation damage effects on X-ray silicon detectors", The 3-rd International Balkan Workshop on Applied Physics, June-2002, T�rgoviste, Romania
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Cernica, E.Manea, A.Popescu, "A method for electrical yield improvement for high speed polysilicon CMOS processed wafers", 25-th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, (IEEE co-sponsored), CAS Proceedings, Sinaia, October 7-12, 2002

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Member of professional associations:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  IEEE member (from 1992-2000) member no.03194958
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Member in first NEXUSEAST MST Workshop organization committee (08/11/1995-08/14/1995, Sinaia, Romania)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Member in Scientific Board of National R&D Institute for Microtechnology (from 1998 to 2001)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Member of Executive Board of IMT from May 2002

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Additional information (expertise, prizes, etc.):


wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  08/01/ present Associated professor at the "POLITEHNICA" University, Bucharest

Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  Faculty of Electronics & Telecommunications, Department of Technology and Reliability (courses:Electronic materials and Electronic Technology)
Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  From 2001…. Disertation scientific co-ordinator for Mecatronics and Mechanic and Optic specialties in Faculty of Mechanics – "Politehnica" University, Bucharest

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  08/01/1995- 06/15/1996 Associated professor at the "POLITEHNICA" University, Bucharest

Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  Faculty of Mechanics (course: Microsystems Technologies for M.S. in mechatronics)

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  05/16/1996 – 05/20/1996

Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  Invited Speaker at The 2 NEXUSEAST Workshop on MST, Szczyrk, Poland
Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  Invited lecture: MST in Romania - The State of Art

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  June 1998

Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  Invited Speaker at Spanish - Romanian Summer School (organized by Romanian Academy, "Politehnica" University, Bucharest, Complutense University, Madrid, IMT Bucharest) "Defects in Materials"
Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  Invited lecture: Interconnection Failure Mechanisms in Hybrid Integrated Microsystems

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  July 2002

Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)   Invited speaker at Summer school "Thin Films for Bioactive and Biocompatible Materials" (organized by IMT and University of Bucharest)
Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)  Invited lecture: Compatible Microelectronics Technologies for Biomedical Applications





1991 Romanian Ministry of Industries Training in management
1994 "POLITEHNICA" University, Bucharest (Chemistry Engineering Faculty) Analitical Methods for Characterization of Surfaces , Interfaces and Thin Films
1995 UETP - MEMS, Community programme for Education and Training in Technology (COMETT) Neumunster, Germany Quality in Packaging
2001 AMCSIT, Bucharest C&D Project Manager Course
December 2002/may 2003 Academy of Economic Studies , Bucharest Management and international economic co-operation

(student up till now)


wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  1981 – Ist prize at "Politehnica" University Student Contest – Chapter Electronics Engineering (paper "Experiments of Ion Implantation Technique in Manufacturing n+pp+ Silicon Structures")
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  1985 – Ist prize at National Semiconductor Conference – Chapter Technology (paper – Some Aspects Regarding the Etch of PSG Silicon Oxides")
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  2000 – Diploma and medal of Distinction in Romanian Research (given by Romanian National Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation)

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Foreign languages:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  English (very good, oral, written)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  French (satisfying for understanding and reading)

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Contact information:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  E-mail: Address: Erou Iancu Nicolae,nr. 32B, 72996 Bucharest
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Tel. +40-12-490.84.12, +40-12-490.82.03, +40-12-490.85.84. Fax.+40-12-490.84.12, +40-12-490.46.61

wpe3.jpg (1942 bytes)