First name: Mihai
Surname (Family name)
Date and place of birth:
12.03.1967, Buzau, jud. Buzau
Education (B.Sc / M.Sc /
Ph.D; institution, specialization, year of graduation):
Fac. of Physics, Univ. Bucuresti (1990 Tehnological Physics), Electronic Materials;
Ph.D student, Univ. Bucuresti, Fac. of Physics, Solid State Physics (Condensed Matter Physics) (1.XI.2001), prof. I. Licea
IFIN-HH Diploma nr45/2477 26.06.1988
CNCAN : Level 2 Licence for working with Nuclear Radiations nr. 148/2000
Professional experience: Optoelectronics,
X-ray analysis methods
Profile analysis of X-ray spectra (polycrystals, bulk + thin films 10 �-0.1mm):
lattice parameters;
phase composition (qualitative and quantitative)
grain size (1-3� < Dhkl < 0.1mm);
structural changes (Dd/d >10-7);
texture (preffered nanocrystallite orientation)
crystalline fraction (for mixed amoprhous-crystalline phases).
Internall residual stress of first and second order;
Investigation of monocrystalline materials (including thin films):
elastic strain determination;
lattice misfit ant tetragonal distortion for heteroepitaxial layers;
monocrystalline wafer curvature determination;
layer thickness;
damage distributions in monocrystalline structures (used in pressure sensors, micro and nano electro-opto-mechanical systems);
determination of crystallographic orientation of monocrystals
Computer tehniques used for X-ray spectra corrections and data extraction: texture, crystallinity, grain size, residual stress, first and second order tensions
The Nuclear Unit of IMT had also a set of specific software developed at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (sent by the author Camden R. Hubbard from ORNL, leader of Diffraction and Thermophysical Properties Group): XRAYL (a program for producing idealized powder diffraction line profiles from overlapped powder profiles) and CRYSIZ (a programm for computing crystallite size from the broadening of powder diffraction lines). In IMT, the program CRYSIZ is used to perform the modern Waren Averbach method of X-ray analysis of computing size and strain distributions, especially for the nanostructured materials.
1991-1997 ICCE Optoelectronics LAB.
1997- present IMT , Head of the Nuclear Unit of IMT
Present position:
Researcher (CS), Head of the Nuclear Unit "Laboratory of X-ray difractometry"
Research interests:
X-rays analysis of processes and materials;
Thin films : transition from amorphous to nanocrystalline phase, grain size, second order stresses and misfit, thickness measurement with X-rays;
Structural quantitative characterisation and identification of nano-phases and crystalline materials by X-ray methods and tehniques;
Past and current projects:
Bipolar heterojunction InP/InGaAs transistors, head of the project, 1997-1999
High efificiency photovoltaic conversion elements, prototype solar cell head of the project, 1998
Advanced X-ray structural characterisation methods, head of the project, 1999-2000
C27/2001 "Masuratori de zgomot electronic �n nanomateriale: o noua metoda de investigare", M. Mihaila, MAZELTOV project, MATNANTECH Program.
C558 "Neuron optic reconfigurabil - cercetare, experimentare, demonstrator si evaluare parametrii functionali", G. Moagar-Poladian, MATNANTECH Program (2001-2004);
"Development of technologies for preparation and patterning of nanostructured AlN thin films, with piezoelectric properties", National Programm MATNANTECH (2002-2005);
MINAMAT-NET Chartacterization of Materials and Structures for Micro and Nanoengneering Research Laboratory Network (MINAMAT-NET)- National Project 2001-2004
Technologies for realization of Fabry-Perot micro-interferometers integrated on silicon - National Project 2001-2004
activities in the projects mentioned above:
X-ray analysis methods of crystalline samples, from mixed amorphous-crystalline phases to bulk monocrystalline ones (see above).
X-ray analysis of LPCVD polysilicon layers (texture calculation, grain size, effect of low low temperature annealing on cristallinity, texture and grain size);
Main scientific publications:
"Structural investigation of LPCVD poly-silicon layers used in surface micromachining", M. Danila, E. Manea, R. Muller, R. Gavrila, CAS 2002;
"Nonlinear Conduction in Platinum Nanoparticle Films", M.Mihaila, C.Grigoriu, M. Danila, F. Craciunoiu, R. Gavrila,D. Steriu, G. Stanciu, D. Ursutiu, G. Dragan and I. Dinoiu, Proc. IEEE Int. Semiconductor Conf., CAS'2002, Sinaia, Oct. 2002, pp. 115-118;
"Structural and Optoelectrical Investigation of Transparent and Conductive ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition", M. Purica, E. Budianu, E. Rusu ,M. Danila, R. Gavrila, Proceedings CAS'2000, pg.159., Best paper award;
"Design and OptimiZation of a MSM Photodetector based on poly-Si layer", E.Budianu, M.Purica, E.Manea, M. Danila, R.Gavrila, I.Oprea, CAS'2001, pg.181, Best paper award;
"Microphysical investigation of low temperature annealed LPCVD polysilicon films", C. Cobianu, M. Modreanu, M. Danila, M. Bercu, R. Gavrila, and M. Gartner, CAS'2001, pg.511;
"LIGA and alternative tehniques for microoptical components", N.Moldovan, M.Ilie, N.Dumbravescu, M. Danila, A.Vitriuc, P.Sindile, J.Mohr, Annual Conference for Semiconductors, Sinaia, Proceedings of CAS, 1997, p.149-152.
"Structural and morphological changes in low temperature annealed LPCVD Si layers", C. Cobianu, M. Modreanu, M. Bercu, M. Danila, R. Gavrila, and M. Gartner, Journal de Physique IV 2001 vol.11 Pr.3 315-324;
"Optical improved structure of polycristalline silicon based thin film solar cell", E. Budianu, M. Purica, E. Manea, E. Rusu, R. Gavrila, M. Danila, EMRS 2001, Strasbourg, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells;
"Optical and Structural Investigation of Transparent and Conductive ZnO Thin Films Prepared by Chemical Vapor Deposition", M. Purica, E. Budianu, E.Rusu, M. Danila, R.Gavrila, EMRS2001-Strasbourg, Thin Solid Films 2001;
"Microstructural information from optical properties of LPCVD silicon films annealed at low temperature", M. Gartner, M. Modreanu, C. Cobianu, R. Gavrila, M. Danila, Sensors&Actuators A 99 (2002), pg.160-164;
"Nonlinear Conduction in Platinum Nanoparticle Films", M.Mihaila, D.Ursutiu, C.Grigoriu, M.Danila, F.Craciunoiu, R.Gavrila, National Science Foundation (NSF) Workshop on "Communication and Integration in Nanomaterials", Brasov, 30 oct. -2 sept., 2002;
"NONLINEAR CONDUCTION IN PLATINUM NANOPARTICLE FILMS", M.Mihaila, C.Grigoriu, M. Danila, F. Craciunoiu, R. Gavrila,D. Steriu, D. URSUTIU, in Proceedings of The Romanian Academy, series A(Mathematics, Physics, Information Science), 2003(in press).
"Substrate-induced 1/f Noise in Platinum Nanoparticle Films", M.Mihaila, D.Ursutiu, C.Grigoriu, M. Danila, F. Craciunoiu, R. Gavrila, D. Steriu, accepted at the 17th International Conference on Noise and Fluctuations, August 2003, Prague.
Member of professional
associations: CNCAN authorised personal.
Additional information: X-
ray analysys methods , techniques and programming (software design).
Foreign languages: English,
French- very good, Itallian, spanish - good
Contact information:
Phone; +40 - 21-490.82.12, ext. 32; Fax: +40 - 21-490.82.38;
Normal mailing address: P.O.Box 38-160, Bucharest, Romania, 32B Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, Bucharest, Romania