First name: Mircea
Surname Dragoman
Date and place of birth:
6/05/1955,Bucharest, Romania
Education (B.Sc / M.Sc / Ph.D;
institution, specialization, year of graduation):
Degree: Dipl. Eng. in Electronics, Polytechnic Inst. of Bucharest. 01/06/1980
Degree: Ph.D. in Electronics, Polytechnical Inst. of Bucharest, 09/07/1991
Professional experience
design, modelling and charcterization of RF-MEMS, optoelectronic devices, nanodevices
Career (employers, jobs, time
periods; selection - mainly related to the present job):
1980-1984 Dipl. Eng., Design Eng. in Electronics, Automatition Componts Company
1984-1988 Researcher in applied science at Research Inst. of Electronic Components
1988-1995 Senior Researcher in applied sciences at Research Inst. of Electronic Components, Bucharest
August 1995- Senior Researcher I (position equivalent with a full professor) at IMT- Bucharest, Romania
Sept. 2001- Professor (associate ) at, University of Bucharest, Physics Faculty, Solid State Dept.
Stages abroad (country,
institution, period):
Oct. 1991 The recipient of Alex. von Humboldt fellowship, Visiting Senior Researcher, Duisburg Univ., Germany
Nov. 1992 The recipient of Alex. von Humboldt European fellowship, Visiting Senior Scientist at Solid State Electronic Inst., Rome, Italy
Sept. 1993 NATO Senior Researcher at Solid State Electronic Inst., Rome, Italy
May-Oct. 1994 Visiting Professor at C.N.R. and Univ. Tor Vergata, Rome, Italy
Nov. 1994-June 1995 The recipient of Alex. von Humboldt extension fellowship, Visiting Professor at Duisburg Univ., Germany
Feb.-April 1997 Visiting Professor at Univ. Saint-Etienne, France
Feb.1998 - June 1999 Visiting Professor, Univ. Mannheim, Dept. Optoelectronics Germany
June. –July 2000 Visiting Professor, Univ. Saint-Etienne, France.
September 2000- Visiting Professor, Univ. Tor Vergata, Roma, Italy.
Sept 2001-April 2002 Visiting professor Univ. Mannheim, Germany
Present position: Senior
Researcher I (position equivalent with a full professor)
Research interests:
nanodevices, MEMS and NEMS techniques applied at high frequencies,optoelectronic devices,
quantum devices, terahertz fields and applications.
Past and current projects (the
most representative examples, indicating title/subject, source of founding, time interval,
main results obtained/expected, role played in the project): I have participated at the
following projects:
International projects:
Nonlinear microwaves, NATO project 1993, in cooperation with CNRS-Rome Italy.
MEMSWAVES –(1998-2001) financed by EU in FP4 dediacted to RF-MEMS devices(capacitors, inductors, filters, antennas, receivers at 38GHz and 77GHz)
RF-MEMS switch –(2003-) financed by Samsung in the frame of joint scientific laboratory IMT-Samsung
National projects:
dedicatated to RF-MEMS:COMPOLYMEMS (2001-2004), SIRMEMS (2002-2005) both financed by the Ministery of Education and Research
Centre of excellence for microstructures for microwave, millimeterwaves and submillimeter waves(2002-2005).
Main scientific publications:
Books (title, authors, publishing house, year, number of pages):
M. Dragoman, R. Kremer, D. J�ger - Pulse generation and compression of a travelling wave MMIC Schottky diode array, in Ultra-wideband Short-Pulse Electromagnetics, H. Bertoni ed., pp.67-74, Plenum Press, New York, 1993
M. Dragoman, D. Dragoman - An overview of microwave and millimeter nonlinear wave propagation in magnetic, acoustic and electromagnetic distributed nonlinear physical systems, in Nonlinear Microwave Signal Processing: Towards a New Range of Devices, R. Marcelli and S. Nikitov eds., pp.13-43, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1996
R. Marcelli, P. de Gasperis, G. Bartolucci, F. Pinni, M. Dragoman - Design of nonlinear transmission lines: GaAs and Magnetic film devices in Nonlinear Microwave Signal Processing: Towards a New Range of Devices, R. Marcelli and S. Nikitov eds., pp.71-99, Kluwer Academic, Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 1996
R. Marcelli, P. de Gasperis, M. Dragoman, S.Jun-Bright surface wave solitons in magnetostatic wave delay lines in Advanced linear and Nonlinear Microwave Signal Processing by means of Magnetostatic Wave Devices, Research Signpost,Trivandrum , India, 1996
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Advanced Optoelectronic Devices, 421+xii Springer Verlag, 1999
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman-, Optical characterization of solids, Springer Verlag, Heidelberg, Germany, 2002, aprox. 450pp+xii.
Computer Aided Design of Micromachined Micowave Circuit D. Neculoiu, G. Bartolucci, G. Constantinidis, M. Dragoman, D. Vasilache, R. Marcelli, A. Muller in Micromachined microwave devices and circuits editors : H. Hartnagel, D. Dascalu, R. Plana, A. Muller ,Editura Academiei,2002
Silicon Based Micromachined Receiving Module For 38 Ghz With Bonded GaAs Schottky Detector Diode,A.M�ller, D.Neculoiu,F. Giacomozzi, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, D. Vasilache,M. Dragoman, V. Avramescu, D. Dascalu, M. Zen in Micromachined microwave devices and circuits editors : H. Hartnagel, D. Dascalu, R. Plana, A. Muller ,Editura Academiei,2002
Papers in periodicals (usual reference data, a selection 1995-2002):
G. Bartolucci, M. Dragoman, R. Marcelli, F. Pini - Design considerations for tunnel diode nonlinear transmission lines, International Journal of Infrared and Millimeter Waves, vol.16, pp.1718-1732, 1995
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Tunneling time calculation through type II resonant heterostructures, Phys.Lett. A, vol.210, pp.121-124, 1996
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Tunneling time asymmetry in resonant quantum structures, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol.32, pp.1150-1154, 1996
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Tunneling time properties in type II quantum resonant structures, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol.32, pp.1932-1936, 1996
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Integrated optic-devices characterization with the Wigner transform, IEEE J. Selected Topics Quantum Electron., vol.2, pp.181-186, 1996
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - The Wigner transform implementation in time-frequency domain, Appl. Opt., vol. 35, pp.7025-7030, 1996
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - The modeling of the quantum tunneling time through heterostructures using optical layered media, Opt. Commun., vol.133, pp.129-134, 1997
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Time-frequency characterization of the magnetostatic envelope soliton waves, Appl. Phys. Lett., vol.70, pp.714-716, 1997
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Optical modeling of quantum wire arrays, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., vol.33, pp.375-381, 1997
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Phase space characterization of solitons with the Wigner transform, Opt. Commun., vol.137, pp.437-444, 1997
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Near and far field optical beams characterization using fractional Fourier transform, Opt. Commun., vol.141, pp.5-9, 1997
D. Dragoman, J. P. Meunier, M. Dragoman - A new formulation of the beam propagation method based on the Wigner transform, Opt. Lett., vol.22, pp.1050-1052, 1997
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Time-frequency modeling of atomic force microscopy, Opt. Commun., vol. 140, pp.220-225, 1996
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman, J. P. Meunier - Recovery of the refractive index profile from the Wigner distribution of an optical waveguide, Appl. Opt., vol. 37, pp.2357-2360, 1998
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Temporal implementation of Fourier-related transforms, Opt. Commun., vol. 145, pp.33-37, 1998
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Optical modeling of quantum dots, Opt. Commun., vol. 150, pp.331-338, 1998
D. Dragoman, K.-H. Brenner, M. Dragoman, J. B� hr, U. Krackhardt - Hemispherical-rod microlens as a variant fractional Fourier transformer, Opt. Lett., vol. 23, pp.1499-1501, 1998
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Band-engineered semiconductor optical waveguides for integral transform implementation, J. Appl. Phys., vol.85, pp.3409-3412, 1999
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman, J. P. Meunier - Implementation of the spatial and temporal cross ambiguity function for waveguide fields and optical pulses, Appl. Opt., vol.38, pp.822-827, 1999
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Optical analogue structures to mesoscopic devices, Progress in Quantum Electronics, vol.23, pp.131-188, 1999
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman, K.-H. Brenner - Variant fractional Fourier transformer for optical pulses, Opt. Lett., vol.24, pp.933-935, 1999
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman, K.-H. Brenner - Experimental demonstration of a continuously variant fractional Fourier transformer, Appl. Opt., vol.38, pp.4985-4989, 1999
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman, J. B� hr, K.-H. Brenner - Phase space measurements of micro-optical objects, Appl. Opt., vol.38, pp.5019-5023, 1999
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Optical actuation of micromechanical tunneling structures with applications in spectrum analysing and optical computing, Appl. Opt. 38, pp.6773-6778, 1999
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman, A. R. Trasca – The Wigner transform of solitons solutions in c (2) media, Optik 111, pp.20-24, 2000.
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Optical realization of the ambiguity function of real two-dimensional light sources. Appl.Opt. 39, pp.2912-2917, 2000
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman – Single device for laser source measurement from UV to far IR Appl.Opt. 39, 4361-43.65, 2000
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman – Characterization of wavefront of light beams by use of tunnelling cantilevers, Appl. Opt. 40, 678-682, 2001
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Quantum coherent versus classical coherent light, Optical and Quantum Electronics 33, p.239-252, 2001.
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Terahertz field characterization using Fabry-Perot-like cantilevers, Appl. Phys. Lett. 79, pp.581-583., 2001.
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman – Micro/Nano-Optoeletromechanical systems, Progress in Quantum Electronics 25, 229-290, 2001
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman – On the similarities between the Wigner distribution function in classical and quantum optics, Optik 112, 497-501, 2002
M. Dragoman, G. Bartolucci, F. Pini, D. J�ger - Very high efficient frequency generation beyond 200 GHz using quantum nonlinear transmission lines Microwave and Optics Conf., Sindelfingen, Germany, pp.300-305,1995
G. Bartollucci, M. Dragoman, R. Marcelli, F. Pinni - On the design of tunnel diode nonlinear transmission lines for harmonic generation, 5th International Symposium on Recent Advances in Microwaves Technology, pp.354-357, Kiev, Ukraine,(1995)
R. Marcelli, P. de Gasperis, M. Dragoman, S. Jun - Microwave pulse compression and reshaping at low level input powers using bright surface wave solitons in YIG film delay lines, Proc.25th European Microwave Conf., pp.599- 604, 1995
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman - Tunneling time calculations in type I and II resonant quantum heterostructures ",18th International Annual Conf. of Semiconductors, pp.271-274, Sinaia, Romania,1995
G. Bartolucci, F. Pini, R. Marcelli, M. Dragoman, S. Simion - Second harmonic generation by means of a double tapered non-linear transmission line, GaAs Application Symposium, pp.4C7-4C10, Paris, France, 1996
G. Bartolucci, M. Dragoman, R. Marcelli, F.Pini - A double tapered non-linear transmission line harmonic generator, Proc. 26th European Microwave Conf., pp.310-313, Prague, Czech Rep., September 1996
M. Dragoman, D. Dragoman - Soliton waves propagation in high temperature superconductor nonlinear transmission lines, 4th International Workshop on Integrated Nonlinear Microwave and Millimeter Circuits, pp.133-138, Duisburg, Germany, October 1996
G. Bartolucci, R. Marcelli, M. Dragoman - Microwave and millimeter nonlinear transmission lines, 1996 Asia Pacific Microwave Conference, pp.1163-1166, New Delhi
G. Sajin, M. Dragoman, R. Marcelli, E. Matei - Microwave "dark" soliton effect: pulse compression of pulses and signal to noise enhancement, Proc.28th European Microwave Conference, pp.250-254, Amsterdam, 1998
D. Dragoman, K.-H. Brenner, M. Dragoman, J. B�hr, U. Krackhardt - Proposed variable fractional Fourier transformer using an H-rod microlens, DGaO (Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r angewandte Optik) Conf., p.110, Berlin, Germany, May 1999
D. Dragoman, M. Dragoman, J. B�hr, K.-H. Brenner - Experimental microoptical objects characterization in phase space, DGaO (Deutsche Gesellschaft f�r angewandte Optik) Conf., p.154, Berlin, Germany, May 1999
M. Dragoman, D. Dragoman - Optical actuation of micromechanical tunneling structures, 22th International Annual Conf. of Semiconductors, p.451-455,Sinaia, Romania, 1999
M. Dragoman, D. Dragoman – Optical field characterization using tunneling microstructures, 23th International Annual Conf. of Semiconductors, Sinaia, Romania, p.393-396,2000
A. Muller, D. Neculoiu, F. Giacomozzi, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, D. Vasilache, M. Dragoman, V. Avramescu, D. Dascalu, M. Zen – Silicon based micromachined receiving module for 38GHz with bonded GaAs Schottky detector diode, Micromechanics Europe (MME), Cork, Ireland, Sept. 2001
R. Marcelli, M. Dragoman, D. Neculoiu, F. Giacomozzi, A. Muller, N.Nitescu-38GHz antenna on micromachined silicon substrate, European Microwave Conf., London, 2001.
G. Bartolucci, M. Dragoman, D. Neculoiu, F. Giacomozzi, A. Muller, R. Marcelli A. Muller-Micromachined coplanar wave band –pass filters, European Microwave Conf., London, 2001
M. Dragoman, D.Dragoman " Tomographic characterization of micromachined vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers", p.221-224, MME Sinaia, 2002
D. Vasilache, M.Rusu, M.Dragoman, A. Muller, M. Cherestes, C. Buiculescu, R. Enachescu, F. Vladoianu, I. Dragan " Micromachined sensing structures based on tunneling effect", p. 225-228, MME Sinaia, 2002.
Member of professional
associations: IEEE, AvH network
Additional information (expertise,
prizes, etc.): 2001 with the Romanian Academy Prize "Gh. Cartianu" for
outstanding contributions in optical devices
together with a research team from 6 European countries, nominated in 2002 for Rene Descartes Prize of EU for important contribution in European research.
founder editor of the book series Frontier of Physics which is currently published by Springer.
Foreign languages:English,
French, German, Italian
Contact information (e-mail,
tel., fax. mailing address):, tel:+40-21-4908581, fax:+40-21-4908238