First name: Lucian
Surname: Galateanu
Date and place of
birth: 20.11.1947, Iasi, Romania
M.Sc., University Politehnica Bucharest, Faculty of Electronics & Tc., 1970;
Ph.D., University Politehnica Bucharest, Reliability Physics, 1993.
Design and technology improvements for semiconductor devices, in order to be used in special reliability applications;
Microphysical characterisation and defect diagnosis for semiconductor devices;
Reliability tests: new models, original in situ reliability tests and reliability monitors, new design methods of accelerated tests for reliability screening and rapid reliability evaluation.
Period: | 1978 - 1990 |
1990 - 1996 |
1996 - present |
Employers: | ICCE Bucharest |
ICCE Bucharest |
IMT Bucharest |
Job: | Senior Researcher, III degree; Head of Reliability Research Laboratory |
Senior Researcher, II degree; Senior Researcher, I degree, from 1990 July. Project Leader |
Description: | Establishment
of the first research laboratory in Romania, in the field of semiconductor device
reliability; co-ordination of a complex research program directed to: i) implementing the new methods for microphysical characterization and failure diagnosis of semiconductor devices;
iii) establishing the technological and design optimization for diminishing the failure mechanisms; iv) obtaining semiconductor devices for special reliability requirements. |
Achievement of some research projects, funded by National R&D
Programs, as ORIZONT 2000, CALIST, MATNANTECH or by International R&D Programs, as
PHARE - TTQM, having the following main results: i) new methods for designing the accelerated tests used for screening the reliable devices and for rapid reliability certification of the semiconductor fabrication batches used in the Nuclear Plant Equipment; iii) new in situ testing methods for "building-in reliability" approach; iv) new reliability monitors for optimisation the technological processes on reliability criteria; v) significant improvements of fabrication yields for higher device performances, in the field of power device manufacturing; vi) significant improvements of the device reliability, special for automotive diodes; vii) new, special test for reliability screening at chip fabrication processes level. |
Stages abroad: USA,
Boston, Technologies Associates, specialization on "Accelerated Life Testing",
Present position: Senior
Researcher in the Reliability Laboratory of National Institute for Research and
Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest).
Research interests: Testing
methods, reliability physics, in situ techniques for "building-in reliability"
approach, reliability evaluation and improvement for semiconductor devices and
Past and current
"Selective acceleration of semiconductor chips ageing by laser irradiation", National MATNANTECH R&D Programme, 2001-2004, reducing the fabrication costs by screening and packaging the reliable chips, project leader;
"New control and test methods for improving the process performances of power semiconductor manufacturing", National CALIST R&D Programme, 1999-2002, significant improvements of fabrication yields for higher device performances, project leader;
"New techniques for reliability evaluation of electronic components", IMT Bucharest and IMO, Limburgs Universitair Centrum, Belgium bilateral co-operation, 1998-2000, new in situ techniques for reliability monitoring, project leader;
"Building-in Reliability" for Diodes Manufacturing", Phare - TTQM Programme, 1997-1999, new reliability monitors and reliability improvements, member of the team.
Main scientific
17 papers, published in international journals (a selection):
L. Galateanu, C. Tibeica, F. Turtudau, "Statistical analyses for reliability monitors establishment", Optimum Q, nr. 3-4, pp. 15-19, 2000.
L. Galateanu, M. Stoica, E. Popa, "Strain depending reliability of automotive diodes", Microelectronics Reliability, vol 38, pp. 1331-1334, 1998.
L. Galateanu, "In Situ Ageing, a Development of "In Situ" Techniques for Building-in Reliability", Microelectronics and Reliability, vol.37, nr.10 – 11, pp.1639 – 1642, 1997.
58 scientific papers, published in Proceedings of international conferences (a selection):
L. Galateanu, C.Cobianu, D.Apostol, V.Damian, C. Tibeica, "Detection of deep level generation-recombination centers in silicon transistor by laser irradiation", International Semiconductor Conference (CAS'02), Sinaia, Oct. 2002, Proceedings pp.351-354.
L. Galateanu, M. Bazu, C. Tibeica, E. Popa, A. Nichita, F. Turtudau, "New control methods and process monitoring for improving performances of power diodes manufacturing", International Semiconductor Conference (CAS'02), Sinaia, Oct. 2002, Proceedings pp.347-350.
L. Galateanu, M. Bazu, C. Tibeica, E. Popa, A. Nichita, F. Turtudau, "Optimizing the double diffusion process for power diodes manufacturing", International Semiconductor Conference (CAS'01), Sinaia, Oct. 2001, Proceedings pp. 477-480.
L. Galateanu, C. Tibeica, F. Turtudau, "Building Reliability Monitors for Power Semiconductor Devices", International Semiconductor Conference (CAS'00), Sinaia, Oct. 2000, Proceedings pp. 263-266.
L. Galateanu, E. Stanila, E. Vasile, "Modeling the laser acceleration of hot spot formation", International Semiconductor Conference (CAS'99), Sinaia, Oct. 1999, Proceedings pp. 235-238.
L. Galateanu, M. Stoica, E. Popa, "Strain depending reliability of automotive diodes", ESREF'98, Copenhagen, 1998.
L. Galateanu, F. Baicu, "A Design Method of Accelerated Aging Tests for Screening Reliable Semiconductor Devices Used in Life Qualified Equipment", International Conference on Nuclear Engineering (ICONE – 5), Nice, June 1997, CD ROM Proceedings, 7.6 Section, 2247 doc.
L. Galateanu, "In Situ Ageing, a Development of "In Situ" Techniques for Building-in Reliability", ESREF'97, Bordeaux, 1997.
Member of professional
Founding member and Scientific Secretary of Romanian Reliability Society;
Founding member of Romanian Foundation for Quality Promotion;
Member of General Association of Engineers from Romania.
National award: "Excellency in research - 2000", in the field of diagnosis, design and technological optimisation for quality, reliability and yield improvements of Romanian power device manufacturing.
Foreign languages:
English, French
Contact information: