Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  First name: Virgil Emil

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Surname: Ilian

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Date and place of birth: 16/11/1947 Cluj Napoca

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Education (B.Sc. / M.Sc. / Ph.D.; institution, specialization, year of graduation):

M.Sc., University Politehnica Bucharest, Fac. Electronics & Tc., 1971

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Professional experience (competence and domain):

Reliability of microelectronic devices, design, characterization and testing of electronic components.

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Career (employers, jobs, time periods; selection - mainly related to the present job):

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Present position: He is a Senior Researcher in the Reliability and Quality Assurance Laboratory from National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest).

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Research interests: Testing methods, failure physics for microsystems & microelectronic devices, reliability assurance, reliability prediction, use of computational intelligence methods for reliability assessment of microsystems.

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Past and current projects:

Recent involvement in projects concerning on building-in reliability (Phare - TTQM project 1997-1999) - member of the team, studies of microsystems behavior in electric and mecano-climatic hostile environment for automotive application (1999-2000) - project leader, evaluation of semiconductor devices ageing from detector amplifier used in nuclear power plants equipment (1999-2002) - project leader.

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Main scientific publications:

Author or co-author of more than 40 scientific papers and contributions to conferences.

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Some examples:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Evaluation of Semiconductor Devices Ageing from In Core Flux Detector Amplifier Used in Nuclear Power Plants Equipment, Virgil E.Ilian*, Maria Dragan*, Marius Bazu*, Marcel Oprea**, Irina Oprea**, Mihai Stoica**, Ion Parvu**, Sinaia, Romania, CAS 2002 (*IMT, **Subsidiary for Nuclear Research Pitesti - SCN Pitesti)
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Design and manufacturing of a multichannel microprobe for electronical activity recording of neural cells, C. Moldovan, V. Ilian, R. Iosub, M. Modreanu, I. Dinoiu, B. Firtat, Sinaia, Romania, CAS 2001
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Building a test schedule for automotive microsystems using accelerated testing models, V. E. Ilian, Maria Dragan, M. Bazu, G. Socol, Sinaia, Romania, CAS 2001
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A method for evaluating occupational esposures during invasive angiography procedures by using solid state detectors, E.Halmagean, D.Loukas, M.Iacob, A.G.Karydas, V.E.Ilian, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, vol.85, Nos.1-4, pp. 413-415 (1999), Nuclear Technology Publishing
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Circuite integrate cu functia de autotestabilitate inclusa. V.E.Ilian, SACF, Bucuresti, nov.1996
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Module calificabile �n procesul de realizare a circuitelor integrate. V.E.Ilian, SACF, Bucuresti, nov.1994
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Circuit integrat tolerant la defectari. V.E.Ilian, SACF, Bucuresti, nov.1993
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Modelarea accelerarii mecanismelor de defectare ale dispozitivelor semiconductoare cu umiditatea, temperatura si c�mpul electric. V.E.Ilian, SACF, Bucuresti, nov.1992
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Accelerated testing of IC 's after a long term storage. M.Bazu, V.E.Ilian, SRE Symposium, Nykoping (Suedia), oct. 1990.

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Member of professional associations: SRF (Romanian Reliability Society), CER (Romanian Electrotechnical Committee)

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Additional information:

He is also an active part in the field of standardization, as the president of TC 47 "Semiconductor Devices" and TC 91 "Electronics Assembly Techniques" of CNR CEI. In 1995 he received the Award "Dragomir Hurmuzescu" for the excellence in the field of standardization.

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Foreign languages: english, french

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Contact information (e-mail, tel., fax. mailing address):  

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