First name: Gabriel
Surname (Family name) Moagar-Poladian
Date and place of birth: September 23, 1965, Bucharest,
Institution: | Faculty of Physics, Bucharest University (1985- 1990) |
Degree or Diploma: | ![]() Title of diploma: The study of the Pockels and optical rectification effects. Mark obtained: 10 (highest)
Title of PhD thesis: The MOS Transistor with Optically Controlled Gate. Distinction obtained: The highest + "Cum Laudae" |
Professional experience (competence and domain)
Solid state physics, optoelectronics (components for optical computing and for optical communications), microsensors and microsystems (for optical detection and light manipulation), nonlinear optics (electro-optic effects, optical rectification).
Date: from-to | Jan.1994 - till now |
Location: | Bucharest |
Institution: | National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnology |
Position: | Senior researcher |
Description of responsabilities: | The development of optical detectors, the development of microsystems for optical control. |
Date: from-to | Sept. 1992-Jan.1994 |
Location: | Bucharest |
Institution: | Centre of Biotechnology |
Position: | Research physicist engineer |
Description of responsabilities: | biophysics group, fundamental research department. Responsabilities: to develop experimental procedures for the characterization of the biological solutions. |
Date: from-to | Sept. 1990-sept.1992 |
Location: | Bucharest |
Institution: | Institute of Optoelectronics |
Position: | Research physicist engineer |
Description of responsabilities: | Head of the IR detector team, thermovision group, fundamental research department. Responsabilities: to develop IR detectors for thermovision systems. |
Stages abroad (country, institution, period):
Present position: Senior researcher
Research interests:
Optoelectronics: high speed electro-optic modulators in bulk silicon (and other semiconductors) for the radiation corresponding to intrinsic absorption band; arrays of MOS transistors with photoelectret controlled gate; optical neural nets; optical and optoelectronic memories; optical computers; optical chip interconnects.
Optical communications: a new method and infrastructure for ultra broadband optical communications.
Optical materials: a new method for obtaining thin films with very low reflectivities.
Microsystems: optical sensors for microsystem applications; adaptive optics for microscopy; novel photonic techniques for use in the field of microsystems.
Solid-state physics: electrical and optical properties of novel materials for electronics/optoelectronics and sensor applications.
Past and current projects (the most representative
examples, indicating title/subject, source of founding, time interval, main results
obtained/expected, role played in the project):
Programul/Proiectul |
Functia |
Perioada: |
Orizont 2000/ Studiul proprietatilor si aplicatiile strcturilor de tip metal-izolator-metal dopate prin metoda sol-gel | Coordonator proiect |
1997-1998 |
Orizont 2000/ Dispozitive de stocare de sarcina pentru aplicatii �n microelectronica si microsisteme | Coordonator proiect |
1999 - 2000 |
Orizont 2000/ Senzori mecanici si termici pentru aplicatii speciale bazati pe straturi subtiri magnetice | Coordonator proiect |
1999 - 2000 |
Metode si tehnici de control ale gradientilor de stres �n microstructuri pentru aplicatii �n microelectromecanica | Responsabil faza/participant |
1997 - 1998 |
Microsisteme pentru microanaliza si microinstrumentatie | Responsabil faza/participant |
1997 - 1998 |
Microsistem contin�nd senzori de debit integrati �n tehnologie CMOS pentru controlul respirator al pacientilor din clinici | Responsabil faza/participant |
1997 - 1998 |
Structuri micromecanice realizate prin microprelucrare (de volum side suprafata) utilizate �n microsisteme optice integrate �n siliciu | Participant |
1997 - 1998 |
Procese tehologice asistate de laser pentru fabricarea de microsisteme | Participant |
1997 |
MATNANTECH: Neuron optic reconfigurabil – cercetare, exp[erimentare demonstrator si evaluare parametri functionali |
Director de proiect |
2001 - … |
Main scientific publications:
G. Moagar-Poladian – Optical Random Access Memory Based on Tunnel Diodes, accepted at IQEC/LAT 2002 Conference, 22-28 June 2002, Moscow, Russia.
G. Moagar-Poladian, M. Bulinski – "Reconfigurable Optical Neuron Based on the Transverse Pockels Effect", Journal of Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials vol.4, no.4 p. 929 – 936 (2002).
G. Moagar-Poladian – The Theory of the Basic Optoelectronic Behaviour of the Tunnel Diode, Applied Optics volume 40 no. 33, p. 6086 – 6097 (2001).
V. Moagar-Poladian, G. Moagar-Poladian – Finite Element Simulation of a New Type of All-metal Infrared Detector, Proceedings of the SENSOR 2001 Conference (May 8 – 10 2001, Nuremberg, Germany), vol.1, p. 275 – 280 (2001).
G. Moagar-Poladian – Image Amplifier based on a photoelectret-electrooptic medium sandwich-type structure, Journal of Optics Part A: Pure and Applied vol. 2 no.6, p. 569 – 575 (2000).
G. Moagar-Poladian – A Novel Type of Thresholding Element for Optoelectronic Neurons, Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology vol.3, no.4, p. 353 – 364 (2000).
G. Moagar-Poladian - Reconfigurable Optical Neuron Based on Photoelectretic Materials, Applied Optics vol.39 no.5, p.782-787 (2000). (See note below)
G. Moagar-Poladian - All-optical Analog-to Digital and Digital-to-Analog Converters, accepted at IIIrd Euro-American Workshop on Optoelectronic Information Proccessing, Colmar, France, May 1999.
G. Moagar-Poladian - The Applications of Photoelectret-Electrooptic Crystal Structure to Optical Imaging, accepted at ISE 10: 10th International Symposium on Electrets, Delfi, Greece, September 1999.
G. Moagar-Poladian, V. Moagar-Poladian - Giant Piezorezistivity in GMR-like Structures, accepted at LDSD’99: Low Dimensional Systems and Devices ’99, Antalya, Turkeey, September 1999.
G. Moagar-Poladian - "MOS Transistor with Photoelectret Controlled Gate", International Journal of Optoelectronics, vol.12 no.1, p. 1-7 (1998).
G. Moagar-Poladian, V. Moagar-Poladian - Stress Determination in Dielectric Thin Films Using the Piezorezistive Effect, Proceedings of the MME’98 Conference (MicroMechanics Europe), Ulvik i Hardanger, Norway, p. 307 – 310, (1998).
G. Moagar-Poladian - " An MOS Transistor with Optical Rectification Controlled Gate", Semiconductor Science and Technology, vol. 12, p. 210-216 (1997).
G. Moagar-Poladian - "The Parallel Photoelectromagnetic Effect", Proceedings Supplement of Balkan Physics Letters, vol. 5, part 2, p.1079-1082, (1997).
G. Moagar-Poladian, C. Savaniu, T. Serban, N. Nastase - Cerium Doped Silica Glass Prepared by Sol-Gel Method, RoCAM’97 Conference (Romanian Conference on Advanced Materials), Romanian Academy, Bucuresti, November 1997
E. Gheorghiu, G. Moagar-Poladian, T.G. Paunescu. Determination of living cell concentration by on-line dielectroscopic measurements, Proceedings of the 1st International Symposium "Biotechnologies Now and Tomorrow", Bucharest, Romania (June 24-25, 1993), p. 219-226.
G. Moagar-Poladian - A Method of Emissivity Determination, The 27th European Seminar on Quantitative Infrared Thermography QIRT’92, Paris, France, July 1992.
G. Moagar-Poladian - The Determination of Optical Indicatrix Axes in Uniaxial Nonlinear Crystals, National Conference of Physics CNF’90, Cluj, Romania, October 1990.
G. Moagar-Poladian – Optical Logical Gates Based on Saturable Absorbers. Working Principles. National Conference on Electronics, Communications, Automation and Computers CNETAC’88, Bucuresti, Romania, December 1988.
Paper [7] was mentioned as being state-of-the-art, presenting interest for the field of optical computers based on neural networks, in the John Wiley & Sons INSIDE R&D publication (see ), as indicated below:
H.Goldstein – "New Structure Proposed For All-Optical Neurons" , Inside R&D vol.29 no.13 p. 2, March 29, 2000
The same paper [7] was also requested by the editors of New Scientist Magazine from England for presentation in their magazine.
Member of professional associations:
Romanian Physical Society
European Physical Society
European Optical Society
Romanian Society of Crystal Growth and Materials Science
American Optical Society
Additional information (expertise, prizes, etc.):
Programming skills:
Operating systems: MS-DOS, Windows 95-98, Windows NT
Programming languages: Qbasic, C
Editing software: MS Office
Mathematical software: Maple
The Silver Medal at the 51th World Exhibition of Innovation, Research and New Technology, Bruxelles, Belgium, November 2002. Title of the paper: Antireflective Structure for Electromagnetic Radiation. Author: Gabriel Moagar-Poladian.
Foreign languages:
Language |
Reading |
Speaking |
Writing |
English | Good |
Good |
Good |
Italian | Good |
Good |
Good |
Contact information (e-mail, tel., fax. mailing address):
National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnology, Str. Erou Iancu Nicolae 32B, 72996, Bucharest, Romania
Tel: +4021-490.84.12; E-mail: