First name:Victor
Surname: Moagar – Poladian
Date and place of birth: 19 October 1967
Faculty of Physics, University of Bucharest, 1994
MSc in nuclear physics – 1994.
Title of diploma: The study of the impurities of silicon wafers by thermal neutron activation method. Mark obtained: 10 (highest)
Professional experience:
CAD and CAE using finite element method
ANSYS (1994 – until now)
ABAQUS (2000-2002)
COVENTOR WARE 2001 (2002-until now).
Period: | September 1994 – July 2000 | July 2000 – November 2002 | December 2002 - … |
Place: | Bucuresti | Bucuresti | Bucuresti |
Institution: | National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies | S.C. Cerelast S.A. | National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies |
Function: | Scientific Researcher | Engineer Physicist | Scientific Researcher |
Short note: | Design, modelling and simulation of various type of MEMS using ANSYS |
Design, modelling and simulation of elastomer products and industrial tools |
Head of the Centre for Computer Aided Design and Simulation of IMT Bucharest |
Stages abroad: France, Evry-Paris, Course of Nonlinear
Analyse of Contact problems using MSC MARC-MENTAT software, 2001
Present position: Head of the Centre for Computer Aided
Design and Simulation of IMT Bucharest
Research interests:
Research interest in structural analysis, thermal
analysis, electric field analysis and coupled field analysis of various types of MEMS and
elastomers structures.
Scientific results in design, simulation and
optimisation of IR sensors, stress detectors, accelerometers, porous structures and
micro-optical waveguide.
Scientific results in design and modelling of
various type of rubber and elastomer products.
Scientific results in modelling human tissue
behaviour (human lower incisor under masticator load simulation)
Past and current projects:
Project |
Function |
Period |
Laser assisted technologically processes for microsystem fabrication | Team member |
1997 |
Methods and control techniques of stress gradient with applications in micro-electro-mechanics | Team member |
1997 – 1998 |
Microsystems for microanalyzing and microinstrumentation | Team member |
1997 – 1998 |
Microsystem with integrated debit senzor integrati fabricated in CMOS technology design for respiratory control | Team member |
1997 – 1998 |
Micromechanical structures produced by microprocessing (volume and surface) used in silicon integrated optical microsystems | Team member |
1997 – 1998 |
Orizont 2000/ Study of properties and applications of metal-insulator-metal structures doped by sol-gel method | Team member |
1997-1998 |
Orizont 2000/ Charge storing devices with applications in microelectronics and microsystems | Team member |
1999 – 2000 |
Orizont 2000/ Thermal and mechanical sensors for special applications with thin magnetic layers | Team member |
1999 – 2000 |
Analysis and optimisation of an assembly made by scaffold – elevator platform | Team member |
2000-2001 |
Design and simulation of an ecologically pavement made by recycled elastomer materials | Team member |
2000-2001 |
Study of deformable –deformable contact in the case of tire-soil contact | Coordinator |
2001-2002 |
Analysis and optimisation of an extruder head for rubber band production | Coordinator |
2001-2002 |
Design and modelling algorithm for profile of tire designed for special purposes | Coordinator |
2001-2002 |
Main scientific publications:
Merticaru A. , Victor Moagar-Poladian, THERMO-MECHANICAL PROPERTIES OF HOLLOW INSULATOR THIN FILM, CONFERENCE: The 4th Therminic, WorkshopConference, Cannes, France 1998, Proccedings Titlu: Proc of the 4th Therminic WorkshopVolumsingleInitial / Final PageProccedings EditorsIEEE Computer Society Test Technology Technical Comitee/TIMA laboratory/SPIEPaper
Merticaru A. , Victor Moagar-Poladian, HOLLOW INSULATOR THIN FILM, CONFERENCE: The 5th Nexuspan Workshop on Thermal Aspects in Microsystems Conference, Budapest, Hungary 1998, Proccedings Titlu: Proc .of the 5th Workshop on Thermal Aspects in MicrosystemsVolumsingleInitial / Final Page74-
Moagar-Poladian Gabriel , Victor Moagar-Poladian, STRESS DETERMINATION IN DIELECTRIC THIN FILMS USING THE PIEZOREZISTIVE EFFECT, Conference: MME '98Conference, Ulvik in Haardingen, Norway 1998, Proccedings Titlu****Volum****Initial / Final PageProccedings EditorsPaper
Moldovan Carmen , Victor Moagar-Poladian, Florea Craciunoiu, Romulus Moldovan, VAPOUR CONCENTRATION OR PRESSURE RESONANT MICROSENSOR IN CMOS TECHNOLOGY, Conference: MME'98 (Micromechanics Europe), Ullvick, Norway 1998, Proccedings Titlu: MME'98 Vol.1Initial / Final Page268-271Proccedings EditorsSINTEFPaper
Muller Raluca , I.Pavelescu, Victor Moagar-Poladian, Elena Manea, Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, V.Avramescu, 3D MICROSTRUCTURED CANTILEVERS FOR OPTICAL DETECTION APPLICATIONS, Conference: 20th International Semiconductor Conference - CAS'97Conference, Sinaia, Romania 1997, Proccedings Titlu: Proc. of the 20th Int. Conf. of Semiconductors, vol.2, Initial / Final Page537Proccedings EditorsPaper
Muller Raluca , I.Pavelescu, Victor Moagar-Poladian, MICROMECHANICAL STRUCTURES WITH OPTICAL DETECTION INTEGRATED ON SILICON, Conference: 19th International Semiconductor Conference - CAS'96, Sinaia, Romania 1996, Proccedings Titlu: Proc. of 19th Intern. Conf. of Semiconductors vol.1 Initial / Final Page89 Proccedings EditorsPaper
Muller Raluca , Ioana Pavelescu, Victor Moagar-Poladian, Elena Manea, Oana-Tatiana Nedelcu, and Viorel Avramescu, MODELLING OF 3D MICROMACHINED CANTILEVERS MANUFACTURED FOR OPTICAL DETECTION, Conference MME' 98 Conference, Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway 1998, Proccedings Titlu: Proc. of MME'98Volum1, Initial / Final Page: 282-285
Muller Raluca, Victor Moagar-Poladian,Pavelescu I, Manea E, Cristea D., Obreja P, TECHNOLOGICAL PROCESSES AND MODELLING OF OPTO-ELECTRO-MECHANICAL MICROSTRUCTURES, Conference: EMRS'99 - Spring Meeting, Strasbourg, France 1999, Proccedings Titlu: Volum Initial / Final Page
Pavelescu I. , Raluca Muller, Victor Moagar-Poladian, ANALYSIS AND MODELLING OF SILICON MICROMACHINED MACH-ZEHNDER INTERFEROMETER FOR PRESSURE SENSING, ConferenceWorkshop MME'96, Proccedings Titlu: Proc. of MME'96 Workshop Volum1 Initial / Final Page
Pavelescu Ioan and Victor Moagar-Poladian COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF INDICATOR MICROSTRUCTURES FOR RESIDUAL STRESS DETERMINATION, ConferenceE-MRS 1999 SPRING MEETING, Strasbourg, , France 1999, Proccedings Titlu-Volum-Initial / Final Page-Proccedings
Pavelescu Ioan , Victor Moagar-Poladian, Emil Sofron, SILICON ACCELEROMETER WITH FREESTANDING INERTIAL MASS, Conference: Scientific Conference of the University from Pitesti, Section "Electronics, Computers and Technical Informatics", Pitesti, Romania 1997, Proccedings Titlu.Volum.Initial / Final Page.
Popescu D. S., Camelia Dunare, Oana Nedelcu, Victor Moagar-Poladian, F. Babarada, D.C. Dascalu, MICROSTRUCTURES FOR ARRAYS OF CHEMICAL GAS SENSORS, 19th International Semiconductor Conference - CAS'96, Sinaia, Romania 1996, Proccedings Titlu: 1996 International Semiconductor Conference Proceedings, Volum1, Initial / Final Page113-116
Popescu Dan Silvestru , Camelia Dunare, Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, Victor Moagar-Poladian, F. Babarada, Dan C. Dascalu, MICROSTRUCTURES FOR ARRAY OF CHEMICAL GAS SENSORS, 19th International Semiconductor Conference - CAS'96, Sinaia, Romania 1996, Proccedings Titlu: Proceedings of Annual Conference of Semiconductors, Volum., Initial / Final Page113 – 116
Silvestru Popescu Dan , Camelia Dunare, Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, Victor Moagar-Poladian, Dan C. Dascalu, MICROSTRUCTURES FOR CHEMICAL GAS SENSORS AND FOR ARRAY OF GAS SENSORS, Eurosensors X Conference, Leuven, Belgium 1996, Proccedings Titlu: Proceedings of Eurosensors X ConferenceVolum., Initial / Final Page.
Moagar-Poladian Gabriel, Moagar-Poladian Victor, GIANT PIEZORESISTIVITY IN GMR-LIKE STRUCTURES, Low-Dimensional Systems and Devices LDSD’99, Antalya, Turcia.
Nedelcu Oana-Tatiana, Moagar-Poladian Victor, MODELING OF THE PIEZOELECTRIC MICROPUMP FOR IMPROVING THE WORKING PARAMETERS, 2nd Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems MSM’99, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, Proceedings Titlu: Technical Proceedings of MSM’99.
Victor Moagar-Poladian, MODELAREA SI SIMULAREA COMPORTARII TERMO-MECANICE A FILMELOR DE STICLA POROASA, Conferinta utilizatorilor Pro/ENGINEER si ANSYS din Rom�nia , 16 - 17 Septembrie 1999, Sinaia, Romania.
Preda Alexandru, Victor Moagar-Poladian, ANSYS MACROS TOOLBOX – MEDIU INTEGRAT DE DEZVOLTARE A CODULUI SURSA ANSYS, Conferinta utilizatorilor Pro/ENGINEER si ANSYS din Rom�nia , 16 - 17 Septembrie 1999, Sinaia, Romania.
Victor Moagar-Poladian, Tetelbaum Octavian, HUMAN TEETH SIMULATION UNDER MASTICATOR LOAD, Conferinta Balcanica de Stomatologie, Bucuresti, 2000
Victor Moagar-Poladian, Gabriel Moagar-Poladian, FINITE ELEMENT SIMULATION OF A NEW TYPE OF ALL-METAL INFRARED DETECTOR, Proceedings of the SENSOR 2001 Conference (May 8 – 10 2001, Nuremberg, Germany), vol.1, p. 275 – 280 (2001).
Member of professional associations:
Additional information::
Expertise in other CAD and CAE languages: ABAQUS, PATRAN, and SolidWorks.
Expertise in programming languages: Visual Basic, Delphi, and Fortran.
Expertise in image editing: Adobe PhotoShop, MS Photo Editor.
Foreign languages:
English (fluent)
Italian (fluent)
Contact information (e-mail, tel., fax. mailing address):