First name: Raluca
Surname M�ller
Date and place of birth:
11.01.1954, Bucharest
Education: M.Sc. (1978) and
Ph.D (2000), in Electronics and Telecommunications "Politechnica" University,
Bucharest, Romania
Professional experience
design, manufacturing and characterization of J-FET;
design and manufacturing of magnetic sensors and microwave diodes;
design and manufacturing of photodiodes and optical waveguides on silicon;
design, modeling and technological processes for micromachining 3D structures on silicon (thin membranes and cantilevers).
1978-1994: Research Scientist at the Research Institute for Electronic Components, ICCE Bucharest, Romania
1994 – present: Senior Researcher at National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT Bucharest) in the Microoptics Lab
1997-present: associated lecturer at State University "Valahia", Targoviste for "Electronic Devices and Circuits" and " Specific technologies for microsensors and microsystems" courses
Stages abroad
France, INPG- ENSERG Grenoble, research stage 1999 and 2000
Greece-, University of Athens, Communications Research Laboratory, research stage 2001 and 2002
Present position: Senior
researcher - Head of Development in Information Technologies Department;
Research interests:
micromachining, photonics, sensors.
Past and current projects:
Development of micro-electro-mechanical systems (MOEMS) based on integrated optics and silicon micromachining"- Bilateral Interguvernamental Cooperation with University of Athens-2001-2002
Silicon-based micromechanical tunable interferometers for optical communications and interconnections- Bilateral Interguvernamental Cooperation with University of Athens-2003-2004
Technologies for interferometric and microoptic microstructures (MOEMS) on silicon- National Project 2000-2002
Technologies for realization of Fabry-Perot micro-interferometers integrated on silicon - National Project 2001-2004
Analyzing and modeling of stress in 3D structures utilized for opto-mechanical microsystems with applications in optical communications and sensors- Grant-CNCSIS 2001-2003
Chartacterization of Mterials and Structures for Micro and Nanoengneering Research Laboratory Network (MINAMAT-NET)- National Project 2001-2003
Main scientific publications:
D. Cristea, R. Muller, F.Craciunoiu, M.Caldararu, M.Purica, E.Budianu, P.Obeja, I.Pavelescu, M.Modreanu, "Microphotonic Devices and Circuits for Opto-Electro-Mechanical Microsystems", in Micro and Nanostructures, Edited by Romanian Academy, Sept. 2001
Papers in periodicals:
"Analysis and modelling of silicon micromachined Mach-Zehnder interferometer for pressure sensing", I. Pavelescu, R. Muller, V. Moagar – Poladian, J. Micromechanic and Microengeneering, 7 (1997), pp. 214-217.
"Silicon Micromachining for Microsensors Applications", R. Muller, I.Pavelescu, E. Manea, A.Popescu, Balkan Phys. Letters, , August 1999, pp. 1999-2002.
"Integrated optics circuits for opto-electro-mechanical microsensors", R. Muller, D. Cristea, I. Pavelescu, F. Craciunoiu, D. Dascalu, Nexus Research News, August 1999, pp. 8-11.
"Silicon Elastomer as Protective Layer in 3D Microfabrication of MOEMS, P.Obreja, R. Muller, E.Manea, Sensors and Actuators A, vol. 74, 1999, pp.24-26.
"Some Particulary Aspects of define the Thickness of the Membranes by Boron Diffusion Processes", E.Manea, R. Muller, A.Popescu, Sensors and Actuators A, vol.74, 1999, pp.91-94.
"Technological processes and modelling of opto-electro-mechanical microstructures", R. Muller, V. Moagar Poladian, I. Pavelescu, E. Manea, D. Cristea, P.Obreja, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing-a section of Solid State Electronics, vol.3, nr.5/6, 2000, pp.427-431
"Hybridisation of LED’s with silicon microsensors", D. Cristea, I.Cernica, C. Dunare, R. Muller, Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing-a section of Solid State Electronics, vol. nr.5/6, 2000, pp. .563-568
"Silicon compatible waveguides used for an integrated opto-mechanical pressure sensors" R. Muller, P. Obreja , V.Banu, I.Pavelescu, D.Dascalu, Optical Materials, 17 (2001), p.255-258.
Comunications atInternational Conferences:
R.Muller, V.Moagar Poladian, I.Pavelescu, Nicoleta Mierlacioiu –" Stress analyse of a multilayer cantilever beam using finite element ANSYS"; MicroMechanics Europe'2000
R. Muller, P. Obreja , V.Banu, I.Pavelescu, D.Dascalu, "Investigation of Different Materials and Technological Processes for an Integrated Opto-Mechanical Pressure Sensor", E-MRS, Strasbourg, Franta, Iunie 2000
R. Muller, Elena Manea and Paula Obreja," Silicon membranes as sensing elements for MOEMS applications: fabrication/characterization", Proceeding of E-MRS Spring Meeting, Symposium Strasbourg, France, June 2001
Raluca Muller, Elena Manea and Mihai Kusko, "Thin membranes obtained by surface micromachining - preliminary study for a Fabry-Perot interferometer", acceptata la CAS’2001
R. M�ller , D. Syridis, E. Manea, M. Kusko, D. Apostol, and V. Damian, "Sacrificial and structural layers used in surface micromachined Fabry-Perot microcavities", E-MRS Spring Meeting 2002, Strasbourg, France, June 2002
Mihai Danila, Elena Manea, Raluca M�ller, Raluca Gavrila
"Structural investigation of LPCVD poly-silicon layers used in surface micromachining", Proceedings Proc. of 25th International Semiconductor Conference -CAS’2002, Sinaia, Romania, Oct. 2002, p.91
Raluca M�ller, D.Syvridis, M. Kusko, D. Cristea, D.Apostol, V.Damian, M Bercu, E. Manea, "Integrated Fabry-Perot Microcavity based on Surface Micromachining Processes", Advanced Topics in optoelectronics Micro&Nanotechnologies International Conference-ATOM 2002, November, 21-23, 2002, Bucharest, Romania, p.40
Member of professional
associations: IEEE ED and LEOS
Additional information:
2001-2004 Coordination of a National Network "CHARACTERIZATION OF MATERIALS AND STRUCTURES FOR MICRO AND NANOENGINEERING RESEARCH LABORATORIES NETWORK - MINAMAT-NET" which join 8 research institutes and academia from Romania with complementary facilities for materials and microstructure characterization. The main scope of the project is to develop a multidisciplinary research network focus on the characterization of materials, micro and nanostructures, based on the existing partners infrastructure. The network promote the cooperation between the participants, teaching activities, open the existing infrastructures to other industrial users and establish new scientific national and European cooperations.
Foreign languages: fluent
in english
Contact information:
E-mail:, Phone; +40 - 21-490.82.12, ext.27, 32;
Fax: +40 - 21-490.82.38; Normal mailing address: P.O.Box 38-160, Bucharest, Romania,
Fast mailing address : 32B Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, Bucharest, Romania