Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  First name: Oana Tatiana

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Surname: Nedelcu

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Date and place of birth: 10.12.1969, Focsani, Romania

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Education

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  B.Sc, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics,1994;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  M.Sc University of Bucharest, Faculty of Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics,1995;

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Professional experience: design, modelling and simulation with CAD and CFD techniques for MEMS and microfluidic systems

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Career: IMT-Bucharest,

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  1994-1995 – Assistant researcher
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  1995–1999 Mathematician
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  1999 – present - Scientific Researcher

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Stages abroad:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Italy, Specializing stage at MitechLab, Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna, Pisa (Coordinator – Prof. Dr. Paolo Dario): Modelling, simulation and characterization of a piezoelectric micropump with ball valves, February – August 1998;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Netherlands, Training course for COVENTORWARE (former MEMCAD software), Basic Module, at European Office of COVENTOR (former Microcosm Technologies), Amsterdam, 29 November-1 December 2000;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Netherlands, Training course for COVENTORWARE: "Microfluidics Design & Analysis", Amsterdam, 6-8 March 2002:

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Present position: Scientific Researcher

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Research interests: Design, modelling and simulation with CAD and CFD techniques for MEMS and microfluidic systems

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Past and current projects:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Microsystems for microanalysis and microinstrumentation, Ministry of Education and Research, 1997-1999
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Microsystems for dosing and clinical diagnosis, 2000-2001
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Silicon micropumps for biomedical applications, Ministry of Education and Research, 1999-2001
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Fluid thermodiffusion in microchannels. Deviation from the classic theory, Ministry of Education and Research, 2000-2001
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Service centre for training, consultancy and assistance in microegineering, Ministry of Education and Research, MATNANTECH Program

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Main scientific publications:

          Communications at the International Conferences

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Dan S. Popescu, Camelia Dunare, Oana Nedelcu, Victor Moagar, Dan C. Dascalu, "Microstructures for chemical gas sensors and for arrays of gas sensors", Proceedings of EUROSENSORS X Conference, Sept. 1996, Leuven, Belgium.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Dan S. Popescu, Camelia Dunare, Oana Nedelcu, V. Moagar, F. Babarada, D.C. Dascalu, "Microstructures for arrays of chemical gas sensors", Proceedings of International Semiconductor Conference, (CAS'96), Oct. 1996, Sinaia, Rom�nia, pp. 113-116.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Oana T. Nedelcu, Ioan Pavelescu: "Modelling of the mixed fluids diffusion in microchannels", Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop "MicroMechanics Europe", Sept. 1-2, 1997 (MME’97), Southampton, England.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Raluca M�ller, Ioan Pavelescu, Victor Moagar-Poladian, Elena Manea, Oana-Tatiana Nedelcu and Viorel Avramescu, "3D microstructured cantilevers for optical detection applications", Proceedings of International Semiconductor Conference, (CAS'97), Oct. 1997, Sinaia, Rom�nia, pp. 537-540.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Raluca M�ller, Ioan Pavelescu, Victor Moagar-Poladian, Elena Manea, Oana-Tatiana Nedelcu and Viorel Avramescu, "Modelling of 3D micromachined cantilevers manufacturing for optical detection" Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop "MicroMechanics Europe", June 3-5, 1998 (MME’98), Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, Victor Moagar-Poladian: "Modeling of the piezoelectric micropump for improving the working parameters", Proceedings of the 2th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Microsystems, April 19-21, 1999, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA, pp. 659-662.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Anca Angelescu, Irina Kleps, Ioan Pavelescu, Dan Nicolaescu, Oana Nedelcu, Marioara Avram, N. Zamfirescu, Mihaela Miu: "Technology for field-emission pressure sensors" Proceedings the International Semiconductor Conference, (CAS'2000), October 2000, Sinaia, Rom�nia.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Ioan Pavelescu, Oana Tatiana Nedelcu and Nicoleta Mierlaciou: "Optomechanical analysis of silicon integrated optical pressure sensors based on Mach-Zehnder interferometry", International Symposium on Microelectronics and Assembly ISMA 2000, Section 4228: Design, Modeling, and Simulation in Microelectronics, 27 November-1 December 2000, Singapore.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  B. F�rtat, O. Nedelcu, C. Moldovan, D. Dascalu, "Design and manufacturing of a pressure sensor with capacitive readout, cmos compatible", 24th International Semiconductor Conference 2001 (CAS’01), Sinaia, Romania, October 9-13, 2001
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  G. Vasile, C. Lepadatu, C. Moldovan, O. Nedelcu, "Simulation and design of a resonant polysilicon microbridge", 24th International Semiconductor Conference 2001 (CAS’01), Sinaia, Romania, October 9-13, 2001

    Communications at the National Conferences

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, Ioan Pavelescu: "An improved model for the diffusion of the mixed fluids in microchannels", Scientific Conference of the University from Pitesti, section "Electronics, Computers and Technical Infomatics (ECIT'97)", Pitesti, Romania, Nov. 20-22, 1997.

    Dissertations at Symposiums

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Oana Tatiana Nedelcu, "Modelling of the fluid flow in piezoelectric micropumps", Scoala Superioara Sant'Anna, MITECH-Lab., Pisa, Italy, July 1998.

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Member of professional associations: -

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Additional information (expertise, prizes, etc.): -

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Foreign languages: English, French, Italian

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Contact information:; Tel.: +4021-490.82.12, ext.31.

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