Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  First name: Ioana

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Surname: Petrini

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Date and place of birth: 10.11.1949

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Education: M.Sc. in Solid State Physics, University of Bucharest, 1972

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Professional experience :

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Manufacturing of silicon microwave diodes (pin, varactor and step recovery diodes) and microwave GaAs diodes (Gunn diode and Schottky diode).
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Manufacturing of silicon microwave power transistors
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Micromachining of silicon and GaAs for microwave and millimeter wave circuits supported on thin dielectric membranes
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Technological design and processes for pressure sensitive structures using polyimide membrane on micromachined GaAs

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Career:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Sept.1972-Nov.1996 researcher at ICCE Bucharest
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Nov. 1996- present senior resarcher at IMT Bucharest

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Stages abroad:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Italy: CNR-M2T Microwave Microsystem Technology, Rome, Dec.1996, June 1997, May 1998, , Nov 1999, ITC-IRST Trento, Sept 2001
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Greece: FORTH-IESL Heraklion, Oct. 1998
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Hungary: HAS-MFA Budapest, Dec 2001

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Present position: Senior researcher in the Laboratory of Micromachined Microwave Circuits at IMT Bucharest

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Research interests: Micromachining technologies, RF MEMS, Microphysical characterisation

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Past and current projects:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  EU Project: participant in the INCO-COPERNICUS Project 977131 MEMSWAVE (1998-2001) – "Micromachined Circuits for Microwave and Millimeter Wave Applications" (IMT as co-ordinator, participants: Uppsala Univ., CNR Rome, Tor Vergata Univ. Rome, IRST Trento, MFA Budapest, FORTH Heraklion, ISP & Mikrosensor Ltd. Kiev).
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  "Development of micromachining structures on silicon and GaAs for sensors and microwave applications" (1996-2000), project in the frame of bilateral cooperation with CNR-M2T Italy/participant
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  "Micromachined structures on AIIIBV semiconductor compounds for high temperature sensors applications" (1998-20000) and "Millimeter wave circuits supported on polyimide and semiconductor membranes on AIIIBV semiconductor compounds substrate for telecommunication applications" (2000-2002) projects in the frame of bilateral with FORTH-IESL Heraklion/participant
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  "New materials and technological processes for silicon based RF MEMS and high performance sensors" (2000-2004) project in the frame of bilateral cooperation with ITC-IRST Trento/responsible
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Microwave circuits and devices on AIIIBV semiconductor compounds project in the frame of interaccademic cooperation with HAS-MFA Budapest/participant

National current projects:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  "Technologies for manufacturing of microsystems based on III-V compound semiconductors and polymides used in communications"(2001-2004) MATNANTECH Project/participant
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  "Millimeter wave receiving microsystems manufactured by silicon micromachining" (2002-2004) ) MATNANTECH Project/participant
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  "Center of excellence in microstructures and microsystems for centimeter, millimeter and submillimeter applications"(2002-2005) MATNANTECH Project/participant

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Main scientific publications:


wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  "Micromachined Microwave Devices and Circuits" Editors: H.Hartnagel, D. Dascalu, R.Plana, A.Muller, Editura Academiei Romane, 2002, the chapter"Polyimide membranes on GaAs substrate as support of lumped elements, microphysical characterizationand stress analysis" authors I.Petrini, A.M�ller, S.Iordanescu, F.Giacomozzi, G.Constantinidis, D.Vasilache, V.Avramescu, pp 102-115

Papers in periodicals (usual reference data, a selection):

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A.Muller, R.Marcelli, Ioana Petrini, S.Iordanescu, V.Avramescu, D.Vasilache "Dielectric Membrane Support", European Semicoductors oct.1997, p.27wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  R. Marcelli, P. De Gasperis, C. Risi, A. M�ller, Ioana Petrini, V. Avramescu, S. Iordanescu, D. Dascalu, G. Bartolucci "Micromachined circuits for microwave and millimeter wave applications" MST News, no. 2, pp. 23-24, 1999.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Ioana Petrini, A. M�ller, V. Avramescu, G. Simion, N. Nitescu, D.Vasilache, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, "Resistive pressure sensing structures on polyimide membranes on GaAs substrate", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol.10, p. 218-222, 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Ioana Petrini, A. M�ller, V. Avramescu, S. Iordanescu, D. Dascalu, "Microwave micromachined structures on <100> silicon substrate using polyimide supported pads", Microelectronic Engeneering, vol 51&52, p.595-600, 2000.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A. M�ller, S. Iordanescu, Ioana Petrini, V. Avramescu, G. Simion, D.Vasilache, V. Badilita, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, "Polyimide based GaAs micromachined millimeter wave structures", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol.10, No 2, p. 130-135, 2000.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A. M�ller, G. Konstantinidis, F Giacomozzi, M Lagadas, G Deligeorgis, S. Iordanescu, Ioana Petrini, D.Vasilache, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, D Neculoiu, P Blomdy and D Dascalu "Micromachined filters for 38 and 77 GHz on thin membranes", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, vol.11, No 4, p. 301-306, 2001.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  D. Vasilache, A. Muller, V. Avramescu, I. Petrini, S. Iordanescu "Air bridges for MMICs" Romanian Journal of IST, vol. 3, No.1, p95-99, 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  R. Marcelli, F. Giacomozzi, B. Margesin, M. Zen, A. M�ller, S. Iordanescu, I. Petrini, V.Avramescu, G. Bartolucci, and S. Ciorciolini: "Design of Coplanar Micromachined Microwave Circuits", Romanian Journal of Information Science and Technology, Vol.3, No.1, pp.63-74, 2000.

Other contributions (usual reference data, a selection):

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A.Muller, Ioana Petrini, V.Avramescu - "Planarization Techniques used in GaAs Discrete Devices and MMICs Manufacturing ", Proc. of the 16th Turkish Physical Society Conference, Aivalyk, Turkey, 1996.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A.Muller, Ioana Petrini, V.Avramescu, S. Iordanescu, R.Marcelli, V.Follieti, M.Dragoman - "10 m m Thin GaAs Membrane Manufactured by Nonselective Etching", Micromachining and Microfabrication Process Technology Conference, SPIE'97, Austin,USA, paper 3223-3225, 1997.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A.Muller, Ioana Petrini, V.Avramescu, R. M�ller, D Vasilache, P. Cosmin, I. Cernica, R. Marcelli - "Dielectric and Semiconductor Membranes As Support for Microwave Circuits", Proc. of CAS’97, Sinaia, Romania, p. 549, 1997.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A.Muller, R. Marcelli, Ioana Petrini, V.Avramescu, S.Iordanescu, D. Vasilache - "Dielectric and Semiconductor Membranes As Support for Lumped Elements and Coplanar Waveguides", MME’97, Southampton, UK, p.59.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A.Muller, Ioana Petrini, R.Marcelli, S.Iordanescu, V.Avramescu, D.Vasilache - "Dielectric and Semiconductor membranes as Support for Microwave Circuits", Proc. of MELECON Conference’98, Tel Aviv, Israel, p.387.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A.Muller, D.Dascalu, D.Neculoiu, S.Iordanescu, Ioana Petrini, V.Avramescu, D.Vasilache, R.Marcelli - "Meader and S line Iductors o Thi Dielectric Membranes Manufactured by Anisotropic and Isotropic Ettching of Silicon", Proc. of MME’98 Workshop Ulvik in Hardanger, Norway, p. 151.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  D. Vasilache, S. Iordanescu, V. Avramescu, Ioana Petrini, R. Rizescu, A. M�ller – "Air bridge and planar inductors for MMICs", Proc. of CAS’98, Sinaia, Romania, p. 609.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  S.Iordanescu, A.Muller, R.Marcelli, G.Bartolucci, Ioana Petrini, D.Vasilache, V.Avramescu - "Microwave planar lumped circuit elements on micromachined thin dielectric membranes", Proc. SPIE - Design, Test, and Microfabrication of MEMS/MOEMS, Vol. 3680/Part two, 1999, Paris, France, p. 1180.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A.M�ller, S.Iordanescu, Ioana Petrini, V.Avramescu, G.Simion, D.Vasilache, V.Badilita, D.Dascalu, G.Konstantinidis, R.Marcelli, G.Bartolucci-"Polyimide based GaAs micromachined millimeter wave structures", Proc. of MME’99, 27-28 Sept’99, Gif sur Yvette, France, p. 116.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Ioana Petrini, A. M�ller, V. Avramescu, G. Simion, N. Nitescu, D. Vasilache, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis - "Resistive pressure sensing structures on polyimide membranes on GaAs substrate", Proc of MME’99, 27-28 Sept.1999, Gif sur Yvette, France, p. 85.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A. M�ller, S. Iordanescu, Ioana Petrini, V. Avramescu, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, R. Marcelli, K. Hjort, D. Pasquariello, G. Bartolucci, F. Giacomozzi, B. Szentpali – "Dielectric Membranes Supported Millimeter-Wave Passive Circuits", MEMSWAVE WORKSHOP, Sinaia, Romania, Oct.1999.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A.M�ller, S. Iordanescu, I. Petrini, V. Avramescu, G. Simion, D.Vasilache, V. Badilita, D. Dascalu, G. Konstantinidis, R. Marcelli, G. Bartolucci, "Polyimide based GaAs micromachined millimeter wave structures", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 10(2000), pp.130-135.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Petrini, A.M�ller, V.Avramescu, G.Simion, N.Nitescu, D.Vasilache, D.Dascalu, G.Konstantinidis, "Resistive pressure sensing structures on polyimide membranes on GaAs substrate", Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 10(2000), pp. 218-222..
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Ioana Petrini, A. M�ller, V. Avramescu, S. Iordanescu, D. Dascalu, "Microwave micromachined structures on <100> silicon substrate using polyimide supported pads", Microelectronic Engineering, Elsevier Science, 51-52(2000), pp. 595-600.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  D.Vasilache, A.M�ller, V.Avramescu, Ioana Petrini, S.Iordanescu– "Air Bridges for MMICs", J. of Romanian Academy, 2000, 95-99.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A. M�ller, I. Petrini, S. Iordanescu, V. Avramescu, D. Dascalu, Membrane supported circuits for microwave and millimeter wave applications manufactured by silicon and GaAs micromachining", "NEXUS News", 2000.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A, Muller, D. Neculoiu, F. Giaccomozzi, I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, D. Vasilache, V. Avramescu, D. Dascalu, M. Zen, "Silicon based micromachined receiving module for 38 GHz with bonded GaAs Schottky detector diode" Micromechanics Europe (MME), Cork, Ireland, Sept. 2001
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  G. Constantinidis, A. Muller, D. Neculoiu, I. Petrini, D. Vasilache, M. Lagadas, C. Buiculescu, V. Avramescu, P. Blondy :"GaAs membrane supported millimeter wave filters", Proc of SPIE Vol 4559, 2001, pp157-164
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Petrini, F.Giacomozzi, G.Constantinidis, D.Vasilache, V.Avramescu, A.Muller "Polyimide membranes on GaAs substrate as support for lumped elements, microphysical characterisation and stress analysis" MEMSWAVE Workshop 2001
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A.Muller, F.Giacomozzi, I.Petrini, C.Buiculescu, D.Vasilache, M.Dragoman, V.Avramescu, D.Dascalu, M.Zen "Silicon based micromachined millimeter wave receiving modules with bonded GaAs Schottky diodes" MEMSWAVE Workshop 2001;
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Ioana Petrini, F.Giacomozzi, D.Neculoiu, D.Vasilache, C.Buiculescu, A.M�ller: "Micromachined hybrid integrated receiver modules for 38 GHz and 77 GHz, on silicon substrate, technology and manufacturing" Proc of CAS 2002, Sinaia, Romania, pp 29-32
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  G. Konstantinidis, A. Muller, D. Vasilache, M. Lagadas, G. Deligeorgis, L. Bary, R. Plana,I. Petrini, C. Buiculescu, D. Neculoiu, "Recent Developments in mm-Wave Circuits Supported on Thin GaAs Membranes" accepted paper at 3rd ESA Workshop on Millimetre Wave Technology and Applications: circuits, systems, and measurement techniques, May 21-23, Espoo, Finland

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Additional information (expertise, prizes, etc.):

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  The MEMSWAVE project was selected among the first 10 European projects finalised in 2001, for the Descartes Prize 2002.

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Foreign languages: English, French

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Contact information (e-mail, tel., fax. mailing address),

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Phone: +40-21-490.85.81, +40-21-490.82.12; Fax: +40-21-490.82.38

homeCV.gif (2698 bytes)