Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  First name: Alina Mihaela

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Surname Popescu

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Date and place of birth: 21.11.1968, Craiova

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Education MSc Physical Chemistry, University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry, 1994

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Professional experience

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   First competence domain Microsystems

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)   Competence in the first domain Technological development.
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Competence description Technological development/optimising bulk micromachining processes for microelectronics & microsensors.
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Technological design, establish technological flow chart, technological compatibility for microelectronics�sensors.
Silicon direct wafer-bonding techniques for microsensors (chemical, optical, resonant).

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   Second competence domain Microelectronics

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)   Competence in the second domain technological development
Competence description Technology transfer (technology and/or product fabrication in technological facilities of our customers).

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   Third competence domain Microchemistry

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)   Competence in the third domain technological development; new materials and processes
Competence description Anisotroping and isotropic etching of silicon; optimisation of etching processes. Sol –gel technique for prepared SiO2. Voltametric techniques for electrodes evaluation.

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Career:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Since 1994: National Institute of Microtechnology, Bucharest, Romania:

wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Self organizing Systems, course organized by the Romanian Academy Research Institute for Automatic Learning, Natural Language Processing and Conceptual Methodology for researchers and engineering & biomedicine PhD students.
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Summer School "Bioactive and Biocompatibile Thin Layers", july 23th-25th, 2002, Magurele- Bucharest, Romania, organized by the BIONANONET- "Research Laboratories Network in micro and nanobioengineering"
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Preparing carbon nanostructures on a matrix from porous aluminium filled with metallic catalysts" (Oct. 1st -4th 2002), stage organized by the National Institute for Research and Development in Isotopic and Molecular Technology, Cluj
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Present and Future in Micro and Nanotechnology for the Neural System, course organized by the Medical Informatics Laboratory Ltd. Satu Mare for professionals in electronics, medicine, biology.
wpeB.jpg (687 bytes)  Modeling the hydrothermal synthesis of nanocomposite materials with applications in the medical field�;  "Nanostructures obtained by etching process" ; � Modern methods for analysing thin films and interfaces (XPS(ESCA)-AUGER) �, courses organized in November (4th – 6th), 2002 by the National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies, Bucharest:

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Present position: Scientific research

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Research interests:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  bioactive and biocompatible thin layers for biomedical applications
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  new materials and processes for biosensors developments
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  new membranes materials for environmental applications
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  development, characterisation and simulation of membranes and porous materials

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Past and current projects:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Biomimetics computational techniques. Applications for the nanostructured materials, the organic compounds and microbiological processes analysing (2000), funded by the Romanian National R&D Framework HORIZON 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Devices and materials for decreasing of pollutants emitted in the environment (2000), funded by the Romanian National R&D Framework HORIZON 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Ultramicroelectrodes for different pollutants detection of the water the lake, the river and the Danube Delta. (2000), funded by the Romanian National R&D Framework HORIZON 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Integrated microdevices for local simulation/recording of neural activity with applied to neurophysiology and neuropathology (1998-2000), funded by the Romanian National R&D Framework HORIZON 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Enzymatic biosensor for identification and monitorization of neurotransmitters (1999 – 2000), funded by the Romanian National R&D Framework HORIZON 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Investigations on cell and tissue processes with electrodes, arrays and applicators (2000-2001), funded by the Romanian National R&D Framework HORIZON 2000
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Photodiodes micromatrix for optical fibres communications (2000 – 2003), funded by the Romanian National R&D Program RELANSIN
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Technology by realisation for amperometric sensor for glucose detection (2003), funded by the Romanian National R&D Program RELANSIN
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  BIONANONET - "Research Laboratories Network in micro and nanobioengineering" – BIONANONET – (2001-2004 – Financial management), funded by the Romanian National R&D Program MATNANTECH.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Matricial networks of alveoles, supporting cells for investigation, testing and diagnosis (2002-2004), funded by the Romanian National R&D Program MATNANTECH

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Main scientific publications:

Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)   Papers in periodicals:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Roxana Vasilco, A. Popescu, "The architecture of living structures – a basis for molecular computing", Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Roxana Vasilco & A. Popescu, "The Architecture of Living  Systems – A Basis for Molecular Computing", Procs. Workshop on Multiset Computing, Curtea de Arges, Aug. 2002, 383-90
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Cernica, E.Manea, A.Popescu, "A method for electrical yield improvement for high speed polysilicon CMOS processed wafers", 25-th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference, (IEEE co-sponsored), CAS Proceedings, Sinaia, October 7-12, 2002
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  Claudia Enoiu, A. Popescu, "Ceramic used for biomedical application" – Summer School "Bioactive and Biocompatibile Thin Layers", july 23-25, 2002, Magurele- Bucharest, Romania, in press in the Romanian Academy series Micro and Nanoengineering
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  A. Popescu, C. Voinea, G. Lisca, C. Gurgui, Roxana Vasilco "Impedance Spectrometry in Electrodes Characterization", 12th Rom. Int. Conf. Chem. & Chemical Eng., Sep. 2001, Bucharest, Romania
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  M. Avram, A. Angelescu, I. Kleps, M. Miu, A.Popescu "FAST CYCLIC VOLTAMETRY SIMULATION FOR SILICON NANOELECTRODES" - CAS, Sinaia, october, 2001.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  C. Dunare, I. Cernica, D. S. Popescu, A. Popescu " SOI materials for MOEMS obtained by silicon direct bonding technique" CAS, Sinaia, october, 2000.wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   C.Dunare, D.S.Popescu, I.Cernica, A.Popescu, E.Manea, D.Cristea - "Silicon direct bonding optimized techinique for SOI application in microsistems devices", LDSD 1999, Antalya, Microelectronic Engeneering, vol. 41(1999.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Pavelescu, R.Muller, A.Popescu, E.Manea - "Silicon Micromachining for Microsensors Application", Balkan Phis. Lett., vol.5, august 1999, pp.1999-2002.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  E.Manea, R.Muller, A.Popescu - "Some particular aspects of the thin membrane by boron diffusion processes", Sensors and Actuators, 74(1999).
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  E. Manea, A.Popescu - Rezidual stress and mechanical propertis of boron doped p+
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  E.Manea, R.Muller, A.Popescu - "Some particulary aspects of define the thickness of the membrane by boron diffusion, processes", EMRS 1998, Strasbourg.
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  I.Pavelescu, R.Muller, A.Popescu, E.Manea - "Silicon Micromachining for Microsensors Application", Thitd General Conf. of the Balkan Physical Union, Cluj, 2th-5th september 1997, proceedings
wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)  D.S.Popescu, C.Dunare, A.Popescu - "Microstructures for chemical gas sensors and for array of chemical gas sensors", Eurosensors X, 1996, proceedings.

Blue_Arrow25D.gif (140 bytes)   Other contributions:

wpe5.jpg (680 bytes)   SCIENTIFIC COMMUNICATION - 4th-5th, november, 2002 course �Silicon membranes for biomedical devices, obtained by methods compatible with the microelectronic technology � - Biol. Roxana Vasilco, Phys.A. Popescu 

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Member of professional associations: Founding member of Romanian Society for Biomaterials

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Foreign languages: French, English

Buton.jpg (695 bytes)  Contact information: e-mail:; tel: 4908412/33; fax. 4908238

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