


Beam-steering antenna arrays based on nanostructured graphene/graphite for advanced microwave communications

Project duration: 02.06.2022- 31.12.2024
Project budget: 1.200.000 RON
Domain project: (Micro- and nano-) electronics, optoelectronics and photonic components, thin films

About project

The goal of STEERING-GRAPH is to integrate nanostructured graphene/graphite into CMOS-compatible beam-steering antenna arrays, in which the radiating elements will be made of a carbon-like material that ensures gain tunability (as well as frequency and matching reconfiguration), whereas the modulation of the phase needed to steer the beam of the array will be obtained using memristors/memtransistors integrating graphene/graphite layers and doped/undoped hafnium oxides. This way, the outcome of STEERING-GRAPH will be a carbon-based phased antenna array with non-volatile memristor-like switches, providing good RF performance and low-power consumption, since the non-volatility state entails that the controlling signals do not need to be applied continuously, thus minimizing power consumption (i.e., in the range 10–100 mW) and reducing antenna’s sensitivity to power outages.

The concrete objectives of STEERING-GRAPH are: (1) design, fabrication, and experimental characterisation of nanocrystalline graphite-based antennas and antenna arrays; (2) design, fabrication, and experimental characterisation of two- or three-terminal memristors based on dielectric/ferroelectric hafnium oxides and graphene/graphite; (3) hybrid and, then monolithic integration of antenna arrays and memristors/memtransistors for CMOS-compatible „non-volatile and low-power beamforming applications”.




Financing agency:
Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding – UEFISCDI (www.uefiscdi.gov.ro)
PNIII, P4, Project type: Exploratory Research Projects,
PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-0223, Contract no. PCE 68 since 02/06/2022


Contact information

National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies
IMT Bucharest
Project manager: Martino ALDRIGO
E-mail: martino.aldrigo@imt.ro