News - In perioada 03-04 septembrie 2015, Dr. Rodica Voicu si Drd. Angela Baracu au participat la intalnirea de proiect Eranet 3SMVIB organizata la sediul Universitatii Tehnice din Cluj-Napoca, Romania (Prof. Dr. C. Birleanu si Prof. Dr. M Pustan).
Vizita la Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca (Laboratorul Minas) si prezentari realizate la intalnirea de proiect 3SMVIB - June 20, 2014 Eranet 3SMVIB project meeting organized at Politechnika Warszawska, Poland
Presentations 3SMVIB project meeting
Visit at Politechnika Warszawska, Poland during 3SMVIB project meeting
- January 16-17, 2014 Eranet 3SMVIB project meeting organized at National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies - IMT Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Project meeting in IMT Bucharest (16 January 2014) Visit of the project partners in the technological department of IMT Bucharest (17 January 2014) Papers: Papers: R. Voicu, M. Michalowski, Z. Rymuza , R. Gavrila , C. Obreja, R. Müller, A. Baracu “Design and Analysis of Polysilicon Thin Layers and MEMS Vibrating Structures”, Proc. DTIP 2014 - SYMPOSIUM on Design, Test, Integration & Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, Cannes Côte d'Azur, France, 1-4 April 2014, p. 129-133, 2014 Vincent Lucas, Ling Wu, Maarten Arnst, Jean-Claude Golinval, Stéphane Paquay, Van-Dung Nguyen, Ludovic Noels, „Prediction of macroscopic mechanical properties of a polycrystalline microbeam subjected to material uncertainties”, Proc. EURODYN 2014
- July 5 2013 Eranet 3SMVIB project meeting organized at OPEN ENGINEERING (OENG), Liege, Belgia.
Project meeting Liege, Belgium (Visit V2I and ULG) - October 14-16, CAS 2013 Conference, Sinaia, Romania