


  • CO National Institute for Research and Development, IMT- Bucharest www.imt.ro
    126A, Erou Iancu Nicolae Street, R-077190, PO Box 38- 160, Bucharest, ROMANIA
    Tel: +40-21-269.07.70; +40-21-269.07.74; +40-21-269.07.78; +40-21-269.07.79
    Fax: +40-21-269.07.72; +40-21-269.07.76
    Project director: Dr. Munizer Purica ([email protected])

  • P1 The University of  Al. I. Cuza Iasi, Physics Facultaty (UAIC) www.uaic.ro
    Bd. Carol I street, no. 11, Iasi, postal code 700506, OP-CP 6, IASI,
    Tel: 0232201010, Fax 0232201121
    Project manager: Prof. dr. Felicia Iacomi ([email protected])

  • P2 National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR)  www.inflpr.ro        
    Atomistilor street,  no. 409,  postal code 077125, OP-CP MG-36, Magurele, Ilfov
    Tel: 0214574470, fax 0214574243
    Project manager: dr. Gheorghe Dinescu ([email protected])

  • P3 Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry "Petru Poni" Iasi (ICMPP) www.cmpp.ro
    Aleea Grigore Ghica Voda street, no. 41A,  postal code 700487, OP-CP 6-1315, Iasi 
    Tel: 0232217454, fax 0232211299
    Project manager: Dr.Maria Cazacu ([email protected])

  • P4 Politehnica University of Bucharest (UPB), Facultaty of Electronics, Telecommunications  
    and the Technology of Information
    Spl. Independentei street, nr. 313,  postal code 060042, OP-CP 16-04, Bucharest 
    Tel: 0214029549, fax 0213181012
    Project manager: Conf. dr. Florin Babarada ([email protected])

  • P5 S.C. SELETRON Software and Automatization (SEL)  www.seletron.ro
    Grigore Ionescu street,  no. 98,  postal code 023678, OP-CP 38, Bucharest
    Tel: 0213118838, fax 0213228833
    Project manager:  Dr. Janel Arhip ([email protected])