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Ingineria heterostructurilor cu dimensionalitate redusa pentru imbunatatirea performantelor dispozitivelor de stocare a energiei/puterii pe un chip
Durata proiectului: 4 ianuarie 2021 - 31 decembrie 2023
Bugetul proiectului: RON
Domeniul proiectului: Științe inginerești
1. "In-depth analysis of porous Si electrodes for supercapacitors”, Irina Bratosin*, Pericle Varasteanu, Cosmin Romanitan, Alexandru Bujor, Oana Tutunaru, Antonio Radoi, Mihaela Kusko*, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C(2021) 125, 11, 6043–6054. – IF 4.126, AIS 0.971
2. “X-ray scattering profiles: revealing the porosity gradient in porous silicon”, Cosmin Romanitan*, Pericle Varasteanu, Dana C. Culita, Alexandru Bujor, Oana Tutunaru, Journal of Applied Crystallography (2021) 54, 847-855. – IF 3.304, AIS 1.323
3. “Exploring the MoS2 impact on the performances of the planar solid micro-supercapacitor”, Pericle Varasteanu, Cosmin Romanitan, Irina Bratosin, Nikolay Djourelov, Raluca Gavrila, Antonio Radoi*, Mihaela Kusko*, Materials Chemistry and Physics 265 (2021) 124490. – IF 4.094, AIS 0.515
4. “Structural Investigations in Electrochromic Vanadium Pentoxide Thin Films”, Cosmin Romanitan, Ioan Valetin Tudose, Kiriakos Mouratis, Marian Popescu, Cristina Pachiu, Stelios Couris, Emmanuel Koudoumas, Mirela Suchea, Physica Status Solidi A-Applications And Materials Science, Article Number 2100431, 2021 IF 1.981, AIS 0.381
1. “Strain investigation in V2O5 nanostructures for electrochromic/charge storage devices” C. Romanitan, EMRS 2021, Symposium Nanomaterials and advanced characterization N Current trends in optical and X-ray metrology of advanced materials for nanoscale devices VI - Prezentare Orala
2. "Strain analysis of SiNWs-GQDs core-shell heterostructures”, C. Romanitan, 25th Congress of the International Union of Crystallography, 2021- Poster