¤ Objectives:
The present Postdoc project aims at achieving the following objectives.
- Choice of the best 2D material(s) for antennas and switches: the initial choice will be monolayer MoS2, thanks to its MIT behaviour at low voltages (around 2.2 V) and to its sensitivity to temperature. This peculiar behaviour of MoS2 will allow creating a TMA whose radiation characteristics can be tuned by an applied voltage/a temperature gradient.
- Electrical characterisation of MoS2 and other 2D materials: the material(s) will be transferred on a bulk substrate (namely, high resistivity silicon - HRSi - and silicon dioxide - SiO2).
- Design of a TMA based-component, i.e. 2D material-based antenna and switch, which create at the same time a „rectenna” (since the switch is essentially a diode).
- Fabrication of the TMA based-component and its experimental characterisation in DC and at microwaves.
- Fabrication and experimental characterisation of a 2D material-based TMA with up to 8 elements.
- Integration of the fabricated tag with an ad-hoc or off-the-shelf sensor (e.g. temperature or pressure). This will represent the final demonstrator of the project.

Fig. 1. Schematic of the „smart” 2D material-based RFID system.

Fig. 2. Fabrication and electrical characterisation of MoS2 thin-films
(a) Optical image of the IDC without (left) and with (right) deposited 10 μm thick MoS2 thin-film;
(b) measured I-V characteristics of the MoS2 thin-film.
From: M. Aldrigo, D. Masotti, M. Dragoman, “Smart Two-Dimensional Material-based Time Modulated Array for RFID Applications,” IET Microwaves, Antennas & Propagation, vol. 11, pp 2267-2272, 2017
¤ Project coordinated by:
National Institute for Reseatch and Development in Microtechnologies- IMT Bucharest
http://www.imt.ro/ |
¤ Project financed by: