

NANO components for electronic SMART wireless systems

Type of the project: Prizes for participation in Horizon 2020
Project duration: 01.01.2021 - 30.11.2021
Project budget: 124.238,55 RON

NANOSMART project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under Grant Agreement No. 825430
H2020-EU.2.1.1. - INDUSTRIAL LEADERSHIP - Leadership in enabling and industrial technologies - ICT, RIA - Research and Innovation action
(01/01/2019 - 31/08/2022). Website: https://project-nanosmart.com/



In the modern world everything goes wireless and everyone goes mobile. To sustain this trend, higher frequency, smaller, more complex analogue electronics with beam steering capabilities are needed. The objective of NANOSMART is to develop technology for future generation, smart monolithic Transmit / Receive front-end ICs capable of RF switching, power management, high efficiency, at a fraction of the footprint and cost of current solutions. NANOSMART addresses this need by developing a new technological platform based on CNT and 2D material electronics (the two most promising technologies to replace Silicon electronics in the future). NANOSMART develops unique concepts already proven by the consortium such as deep sub-wavelength antennae, CNT NEMS for RF switching, CNT-based nano-electromechanical reconfigurable filters and multiple FET technologies. Monolithic integration of all technologies mentioned above will provide a compact platform including new amplifier architecture, power management, RF switching and antennae on one monolithically integrated chip. Within the front-end IC, three sensor types (temperature, humidity and RF radiation built from novel technology) will also be integrated to provide smart, autonomous system reaction and thus improve accuracy, power efficiency and real-time system health monitoring and on-the-fly response to ambient conditions.

Financing agency:
Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding – UEFISCDI (www.uefiscdi.gov.ro)
PNIII, P3. European and international cooperation, 3.6. Support, Prizes for participation in Horizon 2020
PN-III-P3-3.6-H2020-2020-0073, Contract no.25/2021.


Contact information

National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies
Project manager: Prof. Mircea Dragoman
E-mail: mircea.dragoman@imt.ro

Tel: +40-21-269.07.70; +40-21-269.07.74;
Fax: +40-21-269.07.72; +40-21-269.07.76;
Website: www.imt.ro