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ScAlN/Si based SAW type devices for acoustic/spin wave coupling and magnetic sensing, targeting future quantum computing applications

Project duration:
02/06/2022 - 31/12/2024 (31 months)
Project budget: 1.199.625, RON
Domain project: Materials Science


Most directions in quantum computing are devoted to devices complementary to CMOS transistors. The coupling of acoustic waves with spin waves (SAW/SW) is a possible way to fabricate hybrid SW–CMOS circuits. The main goal of the project is to demonstrate the SAW/SW coupling using ScAlN/Si based SAW devices. Coupling can be achieved in thin magnetic layers (Ni, CoFeB) placed between the SAW IDTs. Published results on the topic use LiNbO3 as piezoelectric material with the drawback that high order/low amplitude harmonics have to be considered, reducing the coupling efficiency. The project will develop SAW devices on the novel ScAlN/Si material, used for the first time for SAW/SW coupling applications. ScAlN/Si is CMOS compatible, still in research stage, and has a very high Q and electromechanical coupling factor compared to other III-Nitride semiconductors. In contrast with LiNbO3 it has a surface quality compatible with nanolithography, so we can obtain high amplitude fundamental Rayleigh and also Sezawa resonances, at frequencies in the 5-10 GHz range, using pitches >200 nm (preliminary results). The SAW/SW coupling will be analyzed in terms of energy transfer from the phonons (SAW) to the magnons (SW) (evidenced by decrease of the SAW amplitude at resonance, in magnetic field) and also using nonreciprocity evaluation, at room and cryo-temperatures. A SAW sensor with magnetostrictive metallization of the IDT and/or with magnetic strips around the IDT will be also developed


Results: 2024

Dissemination: 2024


Results: 2024; 2023



Project financed by UEFISCDI
PNIII, P4 Program 4 – Basic Research and Frontier, Project type: Exploratory Research Projects
ID proiect: PN-III-P4-PCE- 2021-1410, Contract no. PCE 107 ⁄ 2022


National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies
IMT Bucharest
Project manager: Dr. Alexandru Muller
E-mail: alexandru.muller@imt.ro