
The present organization originates in the Centre of Microtechnology (founded by University “Politehnica” of Bucharest, September 1991), then becoming the Institute for Microtechnologies (IMT) by a decision of the Romanian Government, in July 1993. To our knowledge it was the first institute with this profile from Central and Eastern Europe. In 2008, IMT celebrated 15 years of existence. The present National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies -IMT Bucharest was set up at the end of 1996 from IMT merging with the former ICCE (Research Institute for Electronic Components, working in semiconductor electronics).

IMT became visible at the national level, especially by coordinating various projects financed from the National Programme MATNANTECH (New Materials, Micro and Nanotechnologies) (2001-2006). Between 2003 and 2009 IMT was involved in approximately European 25 projects (FP6, FP7 and related). IMT houses a European Centre of Excellence financed by the EC (2008-2011) the first one after Romania became a EU member.
The field of activity of the National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies (or simply IMT) corresponds today to micro-nano-bio-technologies. IMT is coordinated by the Ministry of Education, Research, Youth and Sport, through the National Authority for Scientific Research. However, IMT acts basically as an autonomous, non-profit research company. As far as the participation to national and European projects is concerned, IMT is assimilated to a public research institution.  

Organizational structure (organizational chart)

Other information about IMT

Apart from scientific research and technological development, IMT is active in technology transfer and innovation, as well as in education and training.

Since 2005, IMT includes an autonomous Centre for Technology Transfer in Microengineering (CTT-Baneasa), and in June 2006, a Science and Technology Park for Micro- and Nanotechnologies (MINATECH-RO) was set-up by a consortium with just two partners: IMT (housing most of the park area), and University “Politehnica” of Bucharest. The facilities provided to companies in the park include rooms for working points, priority of access to scientific and technological services provided by IMT, as well as the possibility to install their own equipments in the technological area of IMT. The last possibility is jut to be implemented now and opens the way for an exchange of services with IMT, including cooperation in a small-scale production.

CTT-Baneasa is pursuing the technology transfer and innovation, by promoting the development of a “cluster” of organizations either providing or using the knowledge and the technologies in the domain. The same centre is providing services to the Science and Technology Park.

IMT is open for educational activities in cooperation with universities: undergraduate, M.Sc. and Ph.D. studies, and also for “hands-on training”. IMT was active in a Marie Curie training by research network and also in Leonardo programme. Occasional training courses have been provided in IMT by companies and by research partners in European projects.

IMT is organizing the Annual Conference for Semiconductors (CAS), an IEEE event (CAS 2011 was the 34st edition), now largely devoted to micro- and nanotechnologies. IMT is also organizing within the Romanian Academy the “National Seminar for Nano-science and Nanotechnologies” (the 10th edition - in 2011).

The institute is editing or co-editing the following publications (all in English): “Micro- and Nanotechnology Bulletin” (quarterly magazine, since 2000); “Romanian Journal for Information Science and Technology”- ROMJIST(since 2008, in the ISI Thomson database), a publication of the Romanian Academy; the series of volumes “Micro- and Nanoengineering”, in the Publishing House of the Romanian Academy (12 volumes until 2008).



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