Konrad Szaciłowski graduated from the Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University (Kraków, Poland) in 1995 (MSc) and 2000 (Ph.D.). After habilitation (2008) he has moved from Jagiellonian University to AGH University of Science and Technology. Now he is a group leader at the Academic Centre of Materials and Nanotechnology. His initial interest in photochemistry and spectroscopy of coordination compounds has gradually evolved towards molecular and nanoscale logic devices and finally towards unconventional computing. At the moment his main research interests encompass the design of inorganic materials for memristive applications, mimicking of neutral and synaptic processes in inanimate systems, reservoir computing and relations of musical harmony with other fields of science. He is an author of the book "Infochemistry: Information processing at nanoscale" (Wiley 2012) and numerous papers in fields of coordination chemistry, material science, spectroscopy, catalysis, and electrochemistry. In his free time he enjoys classical music, philately and single malts from Islay and Speyside.