COntinuously Tunable band-pass Filter in Substrate Integrated Waveguide technique


Objective 1: Investigation of the actual features of the novel tuning elements described at the concept level in a pending patent [1]. This step is essential to conduct successfully the research activities towards the achievement of the second, main objective, since the tuning elements’ novelty asks for a specific theoretical support. Therefore, consistent models of the tuning element’s basic parts (air-filled hole within SIW dielectric, and tuning rod surrounded by an air ring) have to be build up for accurate prediction of their properties. Advanced electromagnetic simulations and experimental verifications will permit the models’ validation and enhancement. [more details]


The project COT-F-SIW aims to develop a novel device and circuit technique dedicated to RF and microwave applications belonging to the tunable substrate integrated waveguide (SIW) filters and impedance matching networks. [more details]