Oportunitati europene pentru cercetarea nationala activa in domeniul  nanotehnologiilor: Conferinta si workshop pentru promovarea transferului tehnologic
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The EON-CW Project will assure the support for the following events: "Microsystems as a platform for integrating micro/nano/biotechnologies
" and“Nano and Giga in Europe: Communicating at the global level” more>>
The scientific event "Microsystems as a platform for integrating micro/nano/biotechnologies" will take place at the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Bucharest, on 24th of May 2007. The Head of Unit “Micro- and nanosystems” from the European Commission will participate.
- The symposium “Nano and Giga in Europe: Communicating at the global level” will take place on 25th of May 2007,  at the Romanian Academy (Main Aula of the Library), Bucharest

Project description
The goal of this project is to increase the visibility of the national research community active in the nanotechnology field. The project is creating opportunity for the national research community to present its achievements and also to create new contacts , in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology, as a basis for developing  an European research network, focused on nanotechnology,  that  will be active in developing common specific projects for FP7 calls. The project is proposing, as a first step for reaching this objective, the organisation of an European scientific workshop, with the purpose of development of future scientific and technic partnerships between the national research teams and similar European research teams, enforcing a long term partnership. It is intended also the realisation of a workshop that will be focused on the information exchange from its partners; experts from Germany, France, Swizerland, Austria, Italy, Romania, Slovenia and Turkey with the purpose of setting up a network of Romanian and European research centres in the nanotechnology field, the realisation of a  priority list regarding the areas of developing projects, designating the roles within the network of the participants, defining a time schedule for the developing of concrete common projects, drafting a common strategy regarding the development of this innovative network and also identification of the ´´core´´ of the network , that will be responsible for the coordination of the network. The project is also creates the premises for setting up and extension of a solid partnership between the Romanian and international  research centres and the representatives of the private sector , taking into account the near open calls (scheduled for November 2006) re

The present proposal has the following objectives:
- development of partnership between  national and European research centres in the field of nanoscience and nanotechnology ;
- setting up a  network of Romanian and European research centres in the field that will act as a ´´poll of excellence´´ for  developing common projects in the thematic field (future participation in a FP7 project as members of the consortium or coordinators/partners)

The project  activities will promote and support:
- intensifying the activities of research and development in the field of advanced technologies, with interdisciplinary teams;
- setting up and extension of a solid partnership between the Romanian and international research centres (local ) and the important economic agents located at a regional and national level (as known, clustering at the local/national level favours participation to European projects).

The above objectives are tightly correlated with the objectives of the call (for this type of projects), namely strengthening the long term S/T European cooperation of Romanian partners, in order to:

    - develop European networks in specific fields related to FP7 (also the areas of CEEX);
    - extension of common activities of Romanian organisations with European partners by preparing common proposals for FP7 callsgarding the Nanoscience and Nanotechnology theme (part of the FP7 programme).

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