Proiecte europene
FP6 Projects:
1. Waferbonding and Active Passive Integration Technology and Implementation (WAPITI)- STREP/IST
2. Advanced Handling and Assembly in Microtechnology (ASSEMIC) Marie Curie Research Training Network
3. Multi-Material Micro Manufacture: Technologies and Applications (4M)- NoE/NMP
4. PATENT: Network of Excellence "Design for Micro and Nano Manufacture" WP2- Modelling&Simulation. Project D: Review of Optical simulation and Modelling for MOEMS/MEMS
Bilateral Projects:
1. Development of MOEMS based on Integrated Optics and Silicon Micromachining- Bilateral co-operation Romania-Greece (Sept. 2000-2002)
2. Micromechanical tunable interferometer for communications- IMPACT project with LAAS
3. Silicon-based micromechanical tunable interferometers for optical communications and interconnections - Bilateral Cooperation Romania-Greece (2003-2005)