Secured high volume free space optical communications based on computer
generated holograms.



Main result:

The realization of a free space optical communication system in which the information is encoded by the means of orbital angular momentum of the optical vortex configurations

Specific results:

Realization of high quality diffractive optical elements (spiral phases and computer generated holograms) for generating and sorting optical vortex configurations with well defined orbital angular momentum. These components will be realized by electron beam lithography.

Realization and testing of the functional model and investigation of the scalability of this system in terms of number of phase plates and the orbital angular momentum, as well as the robustness of the communications to the atmospheric turbulence.

Scientific report (in Romanian)

In aceasta etapa s-au realizat prin tehnici de micro si nanofabricatie elemente optice difractive care permit detectia eficienta vortexurilor optice. Aceste elemente au fost caracterizate atat morfologic cat si functional, rezultatele indicand calitatea si functionalitatea acestora. Modelul functional al comunicatorului optic prin spatiu liber a fost demonstrat prin realizarea suprapunerii a doua vortexuri optice modulate independent in fasciculul de iesire. S-a investigat, deasemenea, posibilitatea obtinerii de superpozitie de vortexuri in acelasi fascicul cu ajutorul unei singure holograme in vederea obtinerii unui communicator optic cu modulatie static. In final, s-a demonstrat functionalitatea modulelor electronice care permit comunicarea optica in spatiu liber cu un transfer de informative de 1Gb/s. S-a realizat interfata acestor module cu computerul. [...mai multe detalii]