¤ About project
The driving motivation of this project proposal dwells in the development and investigation of graphene based materials (Gbm) suitable to be integrated in novel types of photovoltaic devices (PV) based on Gbm/Silicon heterostructures.
Distinct from the already existing technologies based on graphene films and flakes that are very popular nowadays, the main focus will be on graphene based nanoparticles, known also as graphene quantum dots (GQD).
Innovative solutions will be proposed to surpass the reported issues, giving the original and novel nature of the project:
- 0D graphene will be used instead of previously used graphene of 2D dimensionality, having the advantage over the previous ways as it allows more affordable functional groups
- functionalization of graphene nanodots that is expected to enhance charge carrier exchange with other solar cell layers, thus forming nanoheterojunction made of graphene dots and nanoSi
- PV devices made of GQDs and nanoSi can be miniaturized and integrated in buildings (BIPV) or textiles
- Si NW/NPL arrays is entangled with a flexible nanoSi substrate.