- „Correlation between threading dislocations in highly mismatched GaN heteroepitaxial layers”, Cosmin Romanitan, SOLID STATE COMMUNICATIONS, 268 (2017) 51-55; DOI: 10.1016/j.ssc.2017.09.018 (IF 1.554, AIS 0.4);
- „Monitoring the stability of the fabricated high k Si MOS capacitors and investigation of the insulator/semiconductor interface”, Razvan Pascu, Pericle Varasteanu, Mihaela Kusko, Cosmin Romanitan, Florin Nastase, 40th Edition of International Semiconductor Conference (CAS), IEEE event, 2017 (Prezentare Orala)
- “Efficient photodetector based on Graphene quantum dots and Silicon nanowires junction”, Iuliana Mihalache, Antonio Radoi, Mihaela Kusko, 8th International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications (ICNFA'17), Roma Italia, 2017 (Prezentare Orala)
¤ Proiect coordonat de:
Institutul National de Cercetare-Dezvoltare pentru Microtehnologie- IMT Bucuresti |
¤ Proiect in parteneriat cu: [mai multe detalii]
- Universitatea Politehnica din Bucuresti, Centrul de Optoelectronică de Cercetare
- SC DDS Diagnostic SRL
- S.C. Romelgen SRL
- S.C. Telemedica SRL