Bulletin pages ordered by subject
VOL 9/2008
MNT Bulletin No.1:
- FP6 Network of Excellence Patent-DfMM......page 2
- MEMS manufacturing in company of Nano ToolShop Ltd., Bulgaria......page 3
- Slovak Diamond Group - Department of Microelectronics, FEI, STU......page 4
- Nanoscience and Nanotechnologies National Seminar, Bucharest, Romania......page 5
- Laser-Surface-Plasma Interactions (LSPI) Laboratory, INFLPR, Bucharest, Romania......pages 5, 6
- Educational initiative in Romania - “Shadowing Days in ICT”, IMT-Bucharest......page 7
- Educational initiative in Romania - “Master in Nanoscience”, University of Bucharest......page 7
- Research results of DELILA, STREP project, FP 6/IST-NMP.....page 8
- Research Achievements of ASSEMIC, Marie Curie FP6 project......page 9, 10, 11
- News.........page 12
VOL 8/2007
MNT Bulletin No.4:
PATENT DfMM - Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture (DfMM) News..page 2
Cooperation between ON Semiconductor and the Slovak University of Technology..page 3
Design, modelling and simulations of the micro and nanostructures MEMS/MOEMS...page 4
“Bio-medical applications of micro- and nanotechnologies” - Event in Romania...page 5
An excellence centre within IMT-Bucharest, Romania..pages 6-7
Cooperation in the frame of FP 6 Projects INTEGRAM Plus and MI-Lab-on-a-Chip..pages 8-9
4M, FP 6 Project - Training and conference events in MNT fields...page 10
New activity in MINOS-EURONET FP6 project: “The MINOS Roadshow”...page 11
News and Events...page 12
MNT Bulletin No.3:
- FP6 Network of Excellence Patent-DfMM....................page 2
- Research Centre in Slovenia......................................page 3
- Open laboratory, Romania.........................................page 4
- MNT Activties in Slovakia..........................................page 5
- MNT Activities in Western Europe..............................page 6
- Micro- and nanotechnologies event in Romania............page 7
- Research Centre in Poland........................................page 8
- European Projecs, Romania......................................page 9
- MINOS-EURONET event in Poland.....................pages 10-11
- News.....................................................................page 12
MNT Bulletin No.2:
- FP6 Network of Excellence “Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture” (Patent-DfMM)...............page 2
- Research facilities in YITAL, Marmara Research Center, TÜBYTAK, Turkey.................page 3
- Center of Excellence in Solar Cell Materials, Estonia............page 3
- Center of Excellence for Advanced Material Research and Technologies, Latvia.....................page 4
- Center of Excellence in Nanotechnology. Laboratory of Nanotechnology, IMT-Bucharest, Romania.............page 5
- RF-MEMS Center of Excellence, Laboratory of RF-MEMS, IMT-Bucharest, Romania.............page 5
- Center of Excellence in Micro and Nano Photonics, Laboratory of Micro Nano Photonics, IMT-Bucharest, Romania........page 6
- Valencia Nanophotonic Technology Center, Spain.........page 7
- The National Plan for R&D and Innovation for 2007-2013, National Programmes and Initiatives, Romania..........page 8
- Micro- and nano “triptych”, 23-25 May, Bucharest, Romania............pages 9-10
- Info Day, Annual Meeting and Open Academic Seminar, ASSEMIC,FP6 Marie Curie Reseach Network...........page 11
- News..................page 12
MNT Bulletin No.1:
- FP6 Network of Excellence “Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture” (Patent-DfMM) - page 2
- Nanotechnology in Turkey - page 3
- Nanotechnology in Poland - page 4
- Minos Euronet Brokerage Event, Poland - page 5
- Minos Euronet Brokerage Event, Romania - page 6
- Offer for cooperation in FP7 from Bulgaria and Slovakia - page 7
- Offer for cooperation in FP7 from Poland- page 8
- Offer for cooperation in FP7 from Romania- page 9, page 10, page 11
- News and Events - page 12
VOL 7/2006
MNT Bulletin No.2:
Front page
FP6 Network of Excellence “Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture” (Patent-DfMM)..............page 2
Events organised by MINOS-EURONET project:
Info day and brokerage event “Micro – and Nano – System networking activities towards 7FP” Warsaw, Poland ................pages 3-4
MINOS brokerage event, Barcelona, Spain........page 5
MINOS-EURONET Networking Event: TU Vienna visit to FEI STU Bratislava, Slovakia ......page 6
“Cooperation in the Field of Micro and Nano Structures and Preparation for FP7”, Ljubljana, Slovenia.........page 6
“High technologies, innovation policy and regional development” First MINOS-EURONET Strategy Forum on the impact of converging technologies, Bucharest, Romania ................page 7
Micro Electro-Discharge Machining (Micro EDM), Manufacturing Engineering Centre, Cardiff University, UK....page 8
Centre of Microsystems Design and Technology - “COMBAT”, Warsaw University of Technology, Poland...page 9
MINATECH-RO: the first non-software science and technology park in Romania...........pages 10-11
News and Events..................page 12
MNT Bulletin No.1:
Front page
FP6 Network of Excellence “Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture” (Patent-DfMM).........page 2
MARIE CURIE network: Advanced Assembly and Training in Microtechnology (ASSEMIC)........ page 3
EMPS 2006 and MIDEM'06, Sloveniai......page 4
Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania.........page 5
International Laser Centre and Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology, Slovakia......page 6
Koç University-Optical Microsystems Laboratory, Turkey.......page 7
Micro- and Nano-Technology Applied Research Center, Poland.......page 8
MINAEAST-NET workshop.......page 9
Activities in Romania.......page 10
MINOS-EURONET meeting.......page 11
News from MINOS-EURONET partners......page 12
VOL 6/2005
MNT Bulletin No.1: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8
MNT Bulletin No.2: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12
Front page
FP6 Network of Excellence " Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture" (Patent-DfMM) ...page 2
FP6 Network of Excellence"Multi- Material Micro Manufacture" (4M)...page 3
East/Weast Partnering Workshop organized by the MINAEAST-NET project...page 4
The optimised capacitive inertial sensor ...page 5
Ultrasound Institute, Kaunas University of Technology...page 6
MNT ERA-Net: From micro and Nanoscale Science to New Technologies for Europe...page 7
ROMNET-ERA, SSA in FP6- News ... page 8
MINOS-EURONET, SSA in FP6- News ... page 9
Institute of Microelectronics- NCSR "Demokritos", Athens ... page 10; page 11
News ... page 12
MNT Bulletin No.3:
Front page;
FP6 Network of Excellence “Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture” page 2;
New projects in FP6 - CHARPAN page 3;
New projects in FP6 - RAINS page 3;
Slovenia - Organizations active in nanotechnology page 4- page 5;
Support Action projects coordinated by IMT-Bucharest page 6;
HEALTHY AIMS, IP, FP 6, IST page 7; News page 8
MNT Bulletin No.4:
Front page
FP6 Network of Excellence “Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture” (Patent-DfMM).........page 2
Romania Organisations active in micro and nanotechnology:
Marketing I.T. Bucharest - SME........ page 3
National Institute of R&D for Technical Physics – IFT Iasi......page 4-5
National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics.........page 6
National R&D Institute for Non-ferrous and Rare Metals.........page 7
Faculty of Metallurgy and Materials Science and Faculty of Sciences, “Dunarea de Jos” University of Galati......page 8-9
Institute of Physical Chemistry “I.G.Murgulescu” of the Romanian Academy.......page 10
“Petru Poni” Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry Institute of Excellence of the Romanian Academy.......page 11
National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies, NANOSCALE-CONV Network.......page 12
National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies, RO-NANOMED Network.......page 13
Romanian RDI Strategy 2007-2013 within the Framework of the National Foresight Exercise.......page 14-15
Support actions organised by IMT-Bucharest during December 2005......page 16
VOL 5/2004
MNT Bulletin No.1: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12
MNT Bulletin No.2:
Activities of networks of excellence financed by the European Commission: page 2, 3;
Romanian virtual centre for research in nanobiotechnology: page 6, 7;
Exemples of resources and results in micro and nanotechnologies in Slovenia (page 1), Poland (page 4), Romania (pages 5-7), Lithuania and Turkey (page 8);
Recruiting new participants from Eastern Europe for projects financed from the 6th Framework Programme: page 12;
Strategy of the European Commission for nanotechnology: page 12;
Romanian initiative in nanoscience and nanotechnologies launched with the participation of Director Ezio Andreta from the European Commission: 10, 11;
MNT Bulletin No.3:
The publication of pages 3, 4, 5 is supported by the SSA project - MINAEAST-NET
Front Page.... 1
PATENT DfMM - NoE (PRIORITY 2,IST) Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture (DfMM) News....2
Poland: Center of Excellence on Physics and technology of Photonic Nanostructures
Institute of Electron Technology - CEPHONA Center....3
Nanotechnology in Lithuania Research Center for Microsystems and Nanotechnology at Kaunas University of Technology....4
Hungary: Budapest University of Technology & Economics Department of Electron Devices....5
October 2004 - Events CAS 2004- INTERNATIONAL SEMICONDUCTOR CONFERENCE 27th Edition, October 4-6, 2004, Sinaia, Romania....6
Romania : Research in Biology International Centre of Biodynamics, ICB....7
Scientific Park: MINATECH - RO The Scientific and Technological Park for Micro and nanotechnologies MINATECH-RO....8
IMT-Bucharest: as a "technological pole" IMT-Bucharest as a "technological pole" of regional interest....9
National Institute for Research and Developement in Microtechnologies (IMT - Bucharest)
Research laboratories....pages 10, 11
MNT Bulletin No.4: The publication of MNT Bulletin is supported by the SSA project - MINAEAST-NET
Front Page....1
PATENT DfMM - NoE (PRIORITY 2,IST) Design for Micro & Nano Manufacture (DfMM) News.... 2
Turkey: METU-BIOMAT - Biomaterials and Tissue Engineering Studies The Middle East Technical University.... 3
Bulgaria: Institute of Physical Chemistry.... 4
Lithuania: Kaunas University of Technology Regional Business Incubator (KTC);
Kaunas High-Tech and Information Technology Park (KHT&lTP);
Science and Technology Park (STP) ... 5
Romania: Support activities from FP6 Projects.... 6
Romania : NANOMATFAB - NANOtechnology research center for new MATerials and FABrication processes .... 7
Romania: MINOS-EURONET - Micro-NanOSystems EUROpean NETwork pursuing the integration of NMS and ACC in ERA, (IST3 call, FP6).... 8
VOL 4/2003
MNT Bulletin No.1: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12
MNT Bulletin No.2-3: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
MNT Bulletin No.4:
General Presentation 2, 3
Centres of Excellence in IMT-Bucharest 4, 5
IMT-Bucharest in FP 6 Projects 7
Romnet-Era 7
Minaeast-Net 7
Assemic 8
4M 8
Nanofun-Poly 9
Patent 9
Amicom 10
Nano2Life 10
National Infrastructure Projects Coordinated by IMT-Bucharest 11, 12
Important results, awards, recent and past events 13, 14, 15
Technological Transfer 16
Supplement of the Bulletin of Micro and Nanotechnologies, edited by IMT-Bucharest, December 2003, March 2004 (Page 1; Page 2)
VOL 3/2002 (Sponsored by National Programme MATNANTECH (New Materials, Micro and Nanotechnologies)
MNT Bulletin No.1: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
MNT Bulletin No.2: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12
MNT Bulletin No.3: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
MNT Bulletin No.4: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12
VOL 2/2001 (Sponsored by National Programme MATNANTECH - New Materials, Micro and Nanotechnologies)
MNT Bulletin No.1
MNT Bulletin No.2-3: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13/14/15/16
MNT Bulletin No.4: 1/2/3/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12
MNT Bulletin No.1 |