
Laboratory of Micro/Nanophotonics

Head of the Laboratory: Dr. Dana Cristea

Objective ICT-2009.3.9: Microsystems and Smart Miniaturised Systems

Target outcomes:
a) Heterogeneous Integration
c) Application-specific microsystems and smart miniaturised systems(Lab-on-Chip (LoC) platforms)

- optical waveguides;
- integration WG-PD on Si substrate microfluidics-design and technology;
- process integration

Integrated Polymer Chip for biophotonics - Joint research project in the frame of the FP6 Network of Excellece MULTI-MATERIAL MICRO MANUFACTURE: Technologies and Applications  (4M) Co-operation with Institute for Microstructure Technology (IMT), Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe (FZK), Germany
PMMA waveguide coupled with Si photodiode
Optical signal detected by the second PD depends on the optical properties of the surrounding medium
  • SU-8 waveguide coupled with a silicon photodiode by leacky waves
Coupling region
  • SU-8 waveguide coupled with a silicon photodiode woth a diffractive grating

Optical image of the waveguide
coupled with the photodiode

Optical image:
grating etched in SiO2
AFM image of the coupling region
(waveguide placed on the grating)
Image of the chip with bondig
wires for the photodiode

The optical coupling waveguide- photodiode is obtained with a grating realized in the bottom clading of the waveguide (pitch 4 µm). The coupling eficiency depends on the refractive index of the surrounding media.

Applications: chemo and biosensors.

Replication techniques for micro and nano-optical components.

Development of replica molding techniques for replication of optical elements and microfluidic structures with feature size in the micron and submicron range.

Lenses  in epoxy resin obtained by replica molding with a master obtained by EBL in a) a thin layer of PMMA -950K layer; b) double PMMA layer (φ~150 nm, h ~200-300 nm)



Microfluidic channels in PDMS    width ~ 250 nm






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Last update: August, 2009