Laboratory of Micro/Nanophotonics
Head of the Laboratory: Dr. Dana Cristea
Mission: Research and development activities in the field of micro/nano-photonics and optical MEMS focused on the development ofmicro/ nano structures based on new materials and processes and photonic integrated circuits based on heterogeneous integration technology; development of materials, technologies and components for optical MEMS.
Main areas of expertise:
- modelling and simulation of micro and nano photonic structures; development af simulation tools;
- new materials for micro/nano opto-electro-mechanical systems integration (e.g. compound semiconductors, functional polymer, hybrid organic-inorganic nano-compozites and glasses), and related fabrication processes (including mixed technologies);
- passive and active micro-nano-photonic structures on slicon an polymers
- hybrid or monolithic integrated photonic circuits and MOEMS (including heterogeneous platforms) for optical communications, interconnects and optical signal processing;
- micro-optics - design and fabrication based on replication techniques
- metamaterials and plasmonics
- optical and electrical characterization of materials and devices
European Projects:
- Waferbonding and Active Passive Integration Technology (WAPITI), STREP- Priority 2 (IST), Thematic area:- Optical, opto-electronic, photonic functional components.
Advanced Handling and Assembly in Microtechnology - ASSEMIC - (2004-2008), - Marie Curie Research Training Network;
- Multi-Material Micro Manufacture: Technologies and Applications (4M) , NoE – priority 3, NMP;
- Flexible Patterning of Complex Micro Structures using Adaptive Embossing Technology (FlexPAET) – IP priority NMP;
- European Centre of Excellence in Microwave, Millimetre Wave and Optical Devices (MIMOMEMS)– CSA- programme capacities;
Specific facilities:
Modeling and simulation tools:
- Opti FDTD 8.1 - design and simulation of advanced passive and nonlinear photonic devices;
- Opti-HS - components and of active devices based on semiconductor heterostructures;
- OptiBPM 9.0- design of complex optical waveguides, which perform guiding, coupling, switching, splitting, multiplexing and demultiplexing of optical signals in photonic devices;
- OptiGrating- design software for modelling integrated and fiber optical devices that incorporate optical gratings;
- LaserMod - analysis of optoelectronic devices by performing electrical and optical analysis of III-V and other semiconductor materials.
- Home made software based on C++ language for analysis of the reflection/transmission of the multiple layer systems. The software allows the analysis of 20 layers;
- 3Lit – 3D micro-optical elements
Technology (access):
- masks design and manufacturing
(pattern generator Heidelberg DWL 66fs);
- Clean room;
- Optical lithography, EBL, RIE, LPCVD, polymer technology, metal deposition;
- spectrophotometers for UV-VIS-NIR and IR spectral range;
- spectroscopic ellipsometer;
- High Resolution Raman Spectrometers LabRAM HR;
- SNOM- Alpha300 S System;
- experimental set-up for optoelectric characterization in UV-VIS-IR spectral;
- range of optoelectronic and photonic components, circuits;
Last update: August, 2009 |