L6: Microphysical Characterisation Laboratory
Head of the Laboratory: Phys. Adrian Dinescu
Interest in specific objectives and FP7 Calls:
- Objective ICT-2009.3.1: Nanoelectronics Technology (Deadline: October 26, 2009);
- Objective ICT-2009.3.7: Photonics (Deadline: October 26, 2009);
- Objective ICT-2009.3.9: Microsystems and Smart Miniaturised Systems (Deadline: October 26, 2009);
- Objective ICT-2009.8.6: FET Proactive 6: Towards Zero-Power ICT (Deadline: October 26, 2009);
- Objective ICT-2009.8.7: FET proactive 7: Molecular Scale Devices and Systems (Deadline: 13 April 2010);
- NMP.2010.4.0-1 Development of nanotechnology-based systems for detection, diagnosis and therapy for cancer (Deadline: December 8, 2009);
- NMP.2010.4.0-2 Capacity building for the development of nanotech-based multiparameter sensors (Deadline: December 8, 2009);
- NMP.2010.1.2-3 Thermoelectric energy (TE) converters based on nanotechnology (Deadline: December 8, 2009);
- NMP.2010-2.2-1 Organic-inorganic hybrids for electronics and photonics (Deadline: December 8, 2009);
- NMP.2010.2.5-1 Modelling of degradation and reliability of crystalline materials (Deadline: December 8, 2009);
- NMP.2010.1.2-1 Novel tools integrating individual techniques for real time nanomaterials characterisation - SME (Deadline: December 8, 2009);
- NMP.2010.1.2-4 Adding Value to mining at the Nanostructure level (Deadline: December 15, 2009);
Main areas of expertise:
- Microphysical characterization: surface morphology inspection, quantitative measurement of surface features at nanometric level Nano-surface texture/ roughness measurement;
- Electron Beam Lithography for nanoscale devices;
- Electrical characterization of materials and micro and nano-structures;
- Simulation and modeling of materials and micro and nano-structures.
Research and development in the field of characterization methods for materials and processes at micro and nanometric scale, modeling and simulation of micro and nano structures, development of simulation tools. Application of high resolution surface investigation techniques to solve engineering problems at these scales, especially investigation of correlations between technological process parameters-structure and structure-properties order to obtain materials for specific applications etc. The lab is the first one in Romania developing research and providing services for nanolithography, using EBL technique.
Specific facilities
Scanning Probe Microscope NTEGRA (NT-MDT) - AFM, STM, EFM, KPM, etc.
It enables several related techniques for high resolution imaging and measuring of surfaces, the properties which could be characterized depending on the chosen technique.
- Scan range: 100x100x10 μm.
- Non-linearity in X, Y with closed-loop sensors < 0.15 %.
- Positioning sensitivity: 2 μm
The SPM microscope could in principle image and perform three dimensional measurements of any surface features from surface roughness to nanometer-sized features. The key advantages of the technique as compared with other microscopies as optical and SEM are the ability of measuring the vertical dimensions of the samples together with lateral ones with little or no sample preparation required, and the possibility to measure samples in various environments (normal ambient, controlled gaseous, liquid, low vacuum).
Main applications in the field of surface metrology, for quantitative measurements of the 3D surface topography for a large variety of samples:
- High-resolution surface profilometry
- Evaluation and optimization of thin film coatings for various applications (optical, packaging, paintings, wear-resistant etc)
- Grain and particle size analysis
- Surface cleaning and polishing studies (Characterization of optical surfaces roughness, electro-polished metal surface evaluation etc)
- Microstructural studies (Pharmaceutical, Polymers)
- Morphological studies of biological and biocompatible materials
- Virtually any other field where nanometer-sized surfaces are concrened
The range of samples that could be imaged: very large, no matter of the sample conductivity, covering metallic, ceramic, polymeric and semiconducting materials.
AFM image of step patterned Si.
Individual step height: 15 nm.
Individual atomic planes could be
noticed in the 3D rendered image. |
AFM image of a ZnO thin film on Si.
Scan range: 40x40 microns.
The AFM image was used for evaluating
growth pattern of ZnO, for applications
in optolectronic devices and gas sensors. |
Ultra high resolution electron beam lithography and nano engineering workstation Raith e_Line from RAITH GmbH
It is a versatile electron beam lithography system having complied with the specific requirements of interdisciplinary research. Selected options for nanomanipu-lation, EBID and EBIE expand this system to a nano-engineering workstation.
Basic hardware features:
- Thermal assisted field emission gun;
- Cross-over free column with highest beam current density at 2 nm spot size;
- Laser interferometer stage with 100 mm by 100 mm travel range and 2 nm resolution achieved by closed-loop piezo-positioning;
- 10 MHZ DSP-controlled digital pattern generator;
- Optional gas injection system, nanomanipulators, EDX, optical microscope, loadlock, rotation and tilt module, FBMS mode exposure;
- Minimum line width < 20 nm; Stitching accuracy 40 nm; Overlay accuracy 40 nm
Nano engineering options:
- Gas injector unit with up to five capillaries;
- Nano prober arrangement with up to four needles;
- Retractable x-ray analysis unit;
- Optical microscope;
- Height sensor;
- Load lock;
- Rotation tilt module for SEM inspection;
Main applications:
- Nano lithography with sub 20 nm resolution;
- Fabrication of photonic crystals;
- Gratings, DFB lasers, SAW devices;
- Optical devices, holograms, micro lenses;
- Three-dimensional structures;
- High speed devices e.g. HEMT;
- CMOS process and device developments;
- Resist less lithography;
- E-beam induced deposition and etching;
- Imprint template fabrication;
- Nano probing and electrical measurements;
- Nano and pattern placement metrology;
- High resolution SEM inspection;
High resolution CNTs
imaging (left) |
electric contacts at
nanoscale - 65nm
width lines |
Ni nanodots obtained
using electron beam
lithography and lift-off
process |
High aspect ratio (12:1) structures in PMMA applications in nanotechnology. Left: crosslines; Rigth nanopilars |
SEM photos of the experimental PC structures: a) the two line defect in the PC, and b) the whole structure, including the taper sections) detail of the taperd region |
Diffractive Optical Element (DOE)
for photonics applications
SAW device for microwave
applications obtained using mix and
match lithography (EBL and
optical lithography) |
Mix-and-match lithography for biomedical applications: optical lithography (left), combined with EBL (right)
Last update: August, 2009 |