obtain theoretical results experimentally tested and validated, high-held scientific impact both nationally and internationally, to bring significant contributions to development: bio-nano-engineering;
enhance the impact of scientific publication by a number of 5-8 articles in ISI journals with high impact factor;
obtain national / international patents for the microfluidic platforms/mini-equipments;
create a young interdisciplinary team, that can address in the field of bio-nano-engineering;
train and develop human resource involved in the project, including by financing doctoral/postdoctoral positions for young researchers involved in the project;
create of a technological base through the development of the technological platforms and of the mini-equipments, as well as through the purchase of new equipments necessary for achieving the project objectives;
foster collaboration and participation in research networks, national and international (European nanomedicine platform);
expand international cooperation programs and research projects;
promote research and development projects by the participation of the Romanian scientific Diaspora;
develop dialogue interfaces between science and society.