Creation of some technological platforms for microfluidic systems with an extensive applicative potential which can be developed during following national and European projects or during collaborations and partnerships with national or international companies, research institutes or universities.
Realization and patenting of prototype laboratory mini-equipments: dry etching systems with XeF2, HF vapors, equipments which will be used for the fabrication of the microfluidic platforms.
Creation of a multidisciplinary collective, competitive on an European level, able to tackle interface problems in the field of bio-nano-engineering.
Generation of a positive impact in the international scientific community by publishing results in reputable international journals, with good marks in the ISI Thomson system (4-5 publications in journals with impact factor between 1 and 3, 2-3 publications in journals with impact factor between 3-5 and one publications in journals with impact factor greater than 5.