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Enhanced SOLar-blind photodetectors ARrays based on SiC for harsh environment applications




Results ()in Romanian

Prezentare succintă a rezultatelor obținute în cadrul proiectului.
Obiectivul central al proiectului SOLARSiC a fost proiectarea, fabricarea si testarea unor fotodetectori pe SiC pentru domeniul UV. In urma optimizarii tehnologiei de fabricare a structurilor de test s-a ajuns la concluzia ca fotodetectorul UV trebuie sa aiba la baza o dioda Schottky (structura verticala) cu un electrod de poarta (anod) transparent (ITO) tratat la o temperatura moderata (400°C) si un contact ohmic (catod) format dintr-un sandwich metalic Ti/Ni tratat la o temperatura ridicata (1050°C, 3 min, atmosfera de Ar). Astfel, raspunsul fotodetectorului UV, respectiv performantele sale electrice sunt semnificativ mai bune dupa aplicarea tratamentelor termice, asigurand pe de o parte o mai buna omogenitate a contactului, iar pe de alta parte un fotoraspuns la lumina UV de 3 ordine de marime si timpi de reactie foarte mici ( <1s). Pentru testarea si validarea in conditii de laborator ale structurilor de test, acestea au fost incapsulate utilizand tehnologia firului de aur, un exemplu fiind prezentat in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1 Incapsulare fotodetector UV pe SiC

Fotodetectorii au fost testati electric la mai multe lungimi de unda din domeniul UV + vizibil, cu accent pe domeniul UV (368, 396 nm), atat in regim static (caracteristici I-V), cat si in regim dinamic (caracteristici I-t, la V = const.). De asemenea, au fost aplicate doua densitati de putere a intensitatii luminoase (10 mW∕cm2, respectiv 50 mW∕cm2). Performantele fotodetectorilor fabricati pe SiC au fost validate in conditii de laborator prezentand o crestere cu 3 ordine de marime a curentului si un timp de raspuns in regim dinamic mai mic de 1s (Fig. 2).

Fig. 2. Caracteristici I-V in conditii de iluminare (domeniul UV + vizibil) la o densitate de putere fixa; b) Fotocurentul tranzitoriu si determinarea constantelor de timp la o lungime de unda fix din domeniul UV: 368nm.


Estimated results

- O1. To bring new knowledge related to electrical properties of the novel SiC based PDs.

 Evaluation of SD SiC-SBUV PD obtained using transparent (ITO ~ 100 nm) and semitransparent (Ni, Au, Pt < 20 nm) metallic films on SiC.
 Evaluation of IDEs/MSM SiC-SBUV PD obtained using a single step photolithography process.
 Enhancing the PDs performances using nanoscale metallic plasmonic antennas.
 In-depth understanding of the transport mechanisms in novel metallic decorated structures.
 Developing a quick characterization technique to classify PD structures as a function of temperature and wavelength ranges.

- O2. To efficiently engineer the SiC based PDs, formed with either metallic ultra-thin films or nanoparticles.

 High performance Schottky contacts on SiC using transparent and semitransparent metals.
 Design and fabrication of IDEs type structures decorated with metallic NPs or NWs.
 Developing a reliable packaging technique for the new SiC PDs.

- O3. To obtain the optimum design and easily reproducible technology for SB PDs based on SiC.

 Fabrication of both vertical (SD) and lateral (IDEs/MSM) photodetectors.
 Selection and establishment of the optimum architecture and technology for high performance SiC-SBUV PD.
 Evaluation of the stability and reliability of the SiC-SBUV PD under realistic operating and processing conditions, and consequently the feasibility of their usage in large-scale technology.







Project financed by UEFISCDI
PNIII, P2, Programme Increasing the competitiveness of the Romanian economy through RDI, Demonstration experimental project,
ID proiect: PN-III-P2-2.1-PED-2021-2688, Contract no. PED 669 ⁄ 2022


National Institute for Research and Development in Microtechnologies
IMT Bucharest
Project manager: Dr. Razvan PASCU
E-mail: [email protected]