Technical characteristics:
Source for MIR: Laser de HeNe, Beamsplitter: KBr, Interferometer: RockSolidTM, Permanent aligned, high stability,Sample Holder: Transmission Units, Reflection Units (ATR Monoreflection: ZnSe –crystal, ATR Multiple reflection (25) at 3 angle reflection (30°, 40° and 60°)-KRS 5-crystal), Liquide cell with ZnSe, quartz and KBr windows, Detector: DigiTectTM detector system, Software OPUS: automatic system for processing of dates and manual hydraulic press for KBr technology. Spectral Range: 4000-400 cm-1, Resolution: 0,5 cm-1; Wavenumber Accuracy: 0.01 cm-1, Scan Speed: 3 velocities, 2.2 - 20 kHz (1.4 - 12.7 mm/sec opd).
Fields of utilization:
The FTIR spectrometry can be used to study the chemical process and the chemical structure of the compounds for: liquid, solid – film, powder, waxes, gels, pastes, etc. |