MINAFAB Characterization equipments

UV-Vis Spectrometer AvaSpec-2048 TEC (Thermo-electric Cooled Fiber Optic Spectrometer)


Optical spectroscopy is a technique for measuring light intensity in the UV-, Vis-, NIR-region. A spectroscopic instrument generally consists of entrance slit, collimator, a dispersive element, such as a grating or prism, focusing optics and detector. In a monochromator system there is normally also an exit slit, and only a narrow portion of the spectrum is projected on a one-element detector. In monochromators the entrance and exit slits are in a fixed position and can be changed in width. Rotating the grating scans the spectrum.

Spectral Range:  200-1100 nm; Resolution: 0,5 nm; Light source : Deuterium-Halogen light source, 215-1700 nm, incl. TTL shutter; Detector:  2048 pixel TE cooled CCD detector, DCL-UV/VIS-Detector collection lens for AvaSpec-2048 to enhance sensitivity, Quartz; Accessories: CUV-UV/VIS.



  • Spectroscopic measurements are being used in many different applications, ideal for absorbance, transmittance, reflection, fluorescence and irradiance.


Application scientist: chem. Vasilica Schiopu, vasilica.schiopu@imt.ro



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Last update: March 06, 2012