Seminar: "New materials, micro- and nanotechnologies - Discover a reliable partner in Romania". Venue: Permanent Representation of Romania to the European Union Rue Montoyer 12, Brussels 1000 Brussels, 8th of May 2009.
Presentations an participants list [...]
IMT Bucharest in the frame of Leonardo da Vinci Project- Contract nr. 146157 New teaching and learning methods and basic qualifications in job education (Microteaching), coordinated by Zentrum für Lern- und Wissensmanagement und Lehrstuhl Inform, Aachen, Germany, developed short courses module: Optical Sensors and MOEMS based on Microtechnologies devoted to SMEs -contact IMT: dr. Raluca Müller (
IMT participation to "IT Girls – Great careers for great women"- European Commission initiative in Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) domain [...]
The 31th edition of the International Semiconductor Conference (CAS 2008), 13-15 October, Sinaia, Romania
The conference is organized by the National Institute for Research and Development in Mictrotechnologies, Bucharest (IMT-Bucharest), under the aegis of the IEEE-Electron Devices Society, Ministry for Education and Research, Romanian Academy, IEEE-Romania Section and Electron Devices Chapter. The Conference is underlying the development in micro-and nanotechnologies, still maintaining the “traditional” connection with semiconductor electronics.