Financed (2001- 2004) by the national RTDI programme MATNANTECH (New materials, micro- and nanotechnologies)
Contact person: Roxana Vasilco (; Prof. Dan Dascalu (
BIONANONET is a national network bringing together R&D, clinics, SMEs groups involved in biomedicine. This approach evolves as a result of the decision to take into consideration the main EU RTD (research and technological development) trends and to concentrate on specified areas in the national science policy. The network focuses on synergistically catalyzing different competences (microengineering, physics, biology, chemistry) in Romania, with a view to integrate the ‘science without borders’ initiative, according to European science policy. Starting as an institutional nucleus (R&D institutes, Academy centres, universities, administrative and commercial groups), it will constantly develop to create a wide specialised database containing scientific research and technological development projects and trends, information on new approaching and activities, existing facilities and infrastructure. The mean way to reach the strategic goal of integrating the national research groups into the ‘European Research Area’ is represented by the ability:
- to join and stir up human resources (mainly youngsters)
- to develop intensive and comprehensive electronic communication among professional groups
- National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies IMT Bucharest
- University of Bucharest
- Academy Institute of Mathematics ‘Simion Stoilow’
- Academy Institute for Macromolecular Chemistry ‘Petru Poni’ Iassy
- Academy Research Centre for Automatic Learning, Natural Language Processing and Conceptual Methodology
- Romania Medical College
- National Institute for R&D for Laser, Plasma and Radiation
- Academy Institute for Biological Research
- National Institute for Chemical-Pharmaceutical R&D
Oncological Institute ‘Prof. Dr. Alexandru Trestioreanu’ Bucharest
- Laboratory for Medical Informatics SRL Satu Mare
- ‘Politehnica’University Bucharest, G-ral Chemistry Dpt.
- National R&D Institute of Materials Physics & Technology, Surface Interactions Group, Magurele
- SUPERDATA Ltd., Bucharest
- Ergamed Ltd., Bucharest
Research topics related to the network activity are:
Micro and nanomaterials for biomedical applications:
- composites;
- modified polymers;
- newly synthesised organic and inorganic materials;
- new biomaterials with aimed applications
Micro and nano(bio)technology for biomedical applications: