CEntre of research in naNOBIoTEchnology


Contact person: Dan Dascalu (dascalu@imt.ro); Roxana Vasilco (roxanav@imt.ro)

Members of CENOBITE

    • Centre of Nanotechnologies (under the aegis of the Romanian Academy) from the National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest)
    • Centre of Laser-Surface-Plasma Interactions from the National Institute for R&D for Laser, Plasma and Radiation
    • Department of Neuro-Psycho-Pharmacology from the Centre of Medical-Military Research
    • Centre of Microstructures and Microsystems for Environmental Monitoring and Biomedical Applications from the National Institute for R&D in Microtechnologies (IMT-Bucharest)
    • Group of Ceramic Nanocristalline Materials from the Research Institute for Nonferrous and Rare Metals
    • Centre for Molecular Biology from the Faculty of Biology, University of Bucharest
    • Centre for Cellular and Molecular Pharmacology from the National Institute for Chemical-Pharmaceutical R&D
    • Centre for Microbiology from the Institute of Biology of the Romanian Academy
    • Centre of Glicobiology from the Institute of Biochemistry of the Romanian

The CEntre of research in na NOBIo TEchnology ( CENOBITE) is a "virtual" centre of research based upon the strong cooperation and integration of activities of 10 Romanian research centres (research institutes, research groups from universities, small companies). These centres are active in biology, medicine, pharmacology, chemistry, biochemistry, physics, micro and nanotechnologies.
The research topic is selected from the 6th Framework Programme of European Union, with nanobiomaterials included. CENOBITE is financing equipments, visits of foreign scientists in Romania and organization of scientific events.
This project is complementary to the financing from the infrastructure projects (networks), which are focused mainly on multidisciplinary training (courses, short stages), exchange of information etc. The basic model used for conceiving CENOBITE are the Excellence Networks from the 6th Framework Programme.

Strategic objectives

    • Rapid forming in Romania of a critical mass of specialists in a key-field for advanced research and for the future and emerging technologies – to be obtained by the synergy between the existing activities and future trends of the participant centres
    • Supplying elements for correlating the national research programmes MATNANTECH, VIASAN, BIOTEH, CERES and MENER
    • Ensuring a "launching ramp" for international cooperation in the field by increasing the visibility of the research activities at the national level.
    • Ensuring a "revolving plate" for the rapid application of the research results into a network of adjacent small and medium enterprises, by maintaining a close contact with them through information exchange,

Center focussing directions:

    • Lab-on-chips
    • Nanoparticles with modified surface
    • Advanced drug delivery and other areas of nanosystem and nanoelectronics integration to biological entities
    • Electronic detection of biological entities
    • Processing, manipulation and detection of biological molecules/entities
    • Interfaces to biological entities

Research directions in nanobiotechnologies :

    • Nanofabricated silicon for biological applications
    • New micro processing and micro fabrication techniques for devices used for life quality improvement and environmental monitoring:
    • Electrodes, sensors, applicators
    • Electrodic devices for ex vivo biosensors
    • Enzymic biosensor for neurotransmitters detection and monitoring
    • Enzymic biosensor for penicillin detection in fermentative environment
    • Sensor for hemoglobin detection.
    • Micro sensors based on electro chromic and acido chromic effects into conductive polymers
    • Cancer detection and therapy methods relying on unconventional microsystems, micro sensors and micro applicators.
    • Integrated micro device for stimulation/recording of neural activity used in neural physiology and pathology.
    • Microstructures for pH and ionic K, Na, Ca, NO detection and monitoring in the biological media.
    • Microsystems for neural activity stimulation/recording
    • Thin films and multistructures micro fabricated by laser ablation. Bioactive and biocompatible films for prostheses and human transplants
    • Molecular investigation. Pharmacological and pharmacodynamic testing methods.
    • Biochemical investigation on therapeutic usable urokinase.
    • Biochemical investigation on peptidic and proteic conjugates used for directed tissular transport.
    • Coherent disperse compounds (hydro gels) obtained through radio induced polymerization, used as supports for biologically active substances in novel drugs.
    • Dermato-pharmacological and bacteriological research directed toward the synthesis of a carotenoidic lipoprotein-based drugs.
    • Alkaloid compounds and derivatives for pharmaceutical use, obtained by submerse harvesting of Claviceps fungi.
    • Modeling, testing and optimization of cytoprotective drugs based on natural compounds with antioxydative, free radicals scavenging and cell regenerative properties.
    • New materials synthesis
    • Clinical and pre-clinical experimental research on obtaining and certifying biocompatible autopassivating dental alloys for prosthetics.
    • New biomaterials obtained by water structuring into collagen matrices special procedure.
    • New bioactive and bioresorbable composites based on collagen membranes with textile insertion for tissue prosthetics (skin and bone).
    • Research on medical (nuclear, biological and chemical) protection (NBC)
    • Biosynthesis, characterization and experimental production of microbial compounds for biotechnology applications: antibiotics, enzymes, biopolymers, biosurfactants
    • Theoretical and experimental techniques in biochemistry and molecular biology:
    • Nano and pico level analytical techniques for protein and glycans identification.
    • Molecular simulation and modeling methods (databases on structural properties of the glycoproteins, together with USA and UK professional groups)
    • Cell and tissue engineering
    • Implementation of molecular biology techniques (recombinant DNA, controlled mutagenesis).
    • Optimization of the human pancreatic bank for transplants.


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Last update: March 30, 2006